Advanced tools
0.42.0 (2023-08-07)
change the Tabs component props
Revert "feat: change tabs variant to styles"
This reverts commit c949b82f02f8adad2a2d172e602ce5774ae3bca6.
#274 change the links to singular for blocks components (7378935)
{'...'} to '...' (3f262a8)
$$restProps before $$props.class (9378cf5)
28115props.class returns undefined if class is not given (c1d4ab8)
683restProps for toolbarbutton (6ce830c)
A11y fix for all alt taking out picture for img tag (a247c32)
add {39090props.class || ''} {...39090restProps} to Sidebar components (7ea5815)
add {68013props.class} to footer components (2701bf2)
add '' to string types (387363a)
add "tailwind-merge": "^1.13.1" to dependencies (9b5757e)
add {4126props.class || ''} to Navbar nav (39a50fe)
add {41578props.class ? 41578props.class : ''} to AccordionItem component (b90ee19)
add 100% to pre tag (3c8eaf2)
add 32997restProps to Iconinput (34c8ad5)
add a space in front of from /index (32beb0e)
add all props to pages (7716db1)
add anchors to h2 tags (7673c72)
add auto-install-peers=true to .npmrc (fd439d0)
add bind directives to form components (c8284b2)
add bind:checked to Checkbox (7cfcf67)
add bind:checked to Toggle (18a34ea)
add Breadcrumb to md files (6ea1d24)
add btnLabel=Read more (0730167)
add button role if it is a link (e481587)
add button role if pag item is link (0192784)
add button role to multiselect svg (13cf560)
add buttonClass to AccordionItem (8387244)
add childClass and ulClass to SidebarDropdown (8754489)
add classes to card components (183889d)
add classOptions type to classes object (2d7131b)
add cli to sidebar menu (9259073)
add CloseButton to index and change import from $lib (cc8fe25)
add createprops, scripts gen:props and package (0fa07af)
add custom to Footer (22f8f43)
add default as to dropdown and modal Stores (4fc6ee0)
add default empty string to helper (b1c2467)
add default style to TabHeadItem and TabHead and removed {tabStyle} from default example in tab page (a9025c4)
add default value to opacity and space of paragraph element (16f0729)
add divClass to Card components and set empty string to string type (a2cd8c4)
add docLayout (e86309b)
add engines node version >=16.0.0 to package.json (5f859be)
add esbuild@0.16.8 and update other dependencies (f32d1be)
add event forwarding to Frame component in Card component. (6ce4b6b)
add eventhandler to label (mouse, drag, etc.) (#433) (6e4d9d1)
add events to IconInput and on:input to Input components (6668918)
add export to modal closeModal function (d69ec07)
add footer/footerLayout.svelte (954f434)
add GetStarted (d1c0424)
add handleAlert to Alert component (bd82de3)
add headerClass to Card components (7bc41be)
add height to Input-field dropdown demo (b43f8fc)
add how to change dark mode color (20e2fdc)
add href prop to jjagielka avatars and fix doc (ea97577)
add html block to text page (37e910a)
add icon page (0f5c966)
add id for anchor to small modal page (5a6d1e1)
add ignore to modal (cedf9f1)
add Input to form index (00ec469)
add justify-center (f16e410)
add layout to all modules (81bb8f3)
add listbox role to multiselect (66ed95e)
add main: index.js to package.json (ce82350)
add modalId prop for Modal (b2f8187)
add modals/modalLayout.svelte (3cd9321)
add npm and node to packages.josn engines for vercel test (52e61fa)
add on:change to Input component requested by https://github.com/themesberg/flowbite-svelte/pull/127 (af5e64d)
add on:change to Radio (074bd16)
add option role with aria-selected (d4d5561)
add other dir (dc5e73f)
add padding to w-full (e1008c9)
add pagination link and img (eedf394)
add primary to button and starUpClass and starDownClass to rating (#745) (da09182)
add props to accordions/icon-accordion (ad8b3d4)
add props to Darkmode page (be1081b)
add props to Darkmode page (6038868)
add props using script (64a303b)
add props.class to Spinner (3fe4f8b)
add redirect to all other directories (6ca9ce0)
add References (75fb9fc)
add rel external to sidebar menu datepicker (d9693e8)
add rel=external and / to links to form page (a237d18)
add relative class to Hr component (d8c6fbf)
add right round corner to FullWidthTabs (adaf72f)
add role prop to frame (53c816f)
add role to drawer (d40f812)
add role to sidebar menu svg (1c3fd48)
add script to pull props (c40cc64)
add shrink-0 to prevent toggle UI from shrinking on small screen sizes (#885) (81c65bd)
add SidebarItem to Sidebar component (a3a9654)
add SimpleSearch to index.ts (64a8f49)
add sitemap footer darkmode (72fe322)
add slots.paragraph directive to Card component (a839754)
add svelte inspector and update dependencies (aa530f4)
add svelte-ignore a11y-click-events (b021c83)
add svelte-ignore a11y-click-events to Button compo (1c960ee)
add Table color hover and example (b49c139)
add Tooltips and Forms to index (1bdf941)
add track to video component for A11y (ef69a83)
add types ./dist/index.d.ts to package.json (7a88a7c)
add Typescript to List component (208c539)
add ulClass and childClass in SidebarItem's SidebarDropdown (2e0f46b)
add user slot to navbar default and dropdown (1c81c10)
Added z-50 to dropdown container so it always stays on top (#942) (e3de343)
Alert component (2d828a2)
alert more tweaks (444b340)
alert tweaks (0c93b3c)
Alert, GradientButton and Footer (ccd2954)
alerts dismissable button color (779e863)
alerts with list color removal (f940441)
app.css restored (e40bc80)
auth components (3a846cd)
avatar dot alignment (2273c0c)
Avatar tooltip example (ff7c1af)
background context added (52c8dd5)
blockquote page formating (1641d45)
breadcrumb and add rel=external to pages in the forms dir. (509d72a)
BREAKING CHANGE for timeline components (8b30105)
buttongroup divider (f5bedaf)
buttongroup, ctacard types update. (4a2d3aa)
buttons - transparency for outline (6ae3d0f)
buttons - update sizes and force round (22284ad)
buttons fine tuning (353f631)
buttons fine tuning (9f4c927)
buttons redesign (c0316ff)
call updatePosition and floatingMiddleware functions in onMount (b905101)
card breadcrumb_title (1ac4820)
cards layout on index.md pages (2080f8e)
cards/index.md, buttons (9b2ca39)
change a to A component (dc92c3f)
change a to A component (33a8015)
change BreadcrumbItem home for all pages (f5f895f)
change btnType to type in Button components (310d2d8)
change from ./package/index.js to index.js for main in package.json (785fe2c)
change from # to / for href (b79fd81)
change from const to let navDivClass (ffdcd9f)
change from fly to fade and a longer duration for Accordion custom transitions (3d105f4)
change from import { CloseButton } from $lib to import CloseButton from "../utils/CloseButton.svelte" in lib dir (4eb4346)
change from link to href in ButtonGroup components. (b84e765)
change from sitename to name in Navbar (bee6d24)
change function clickOutside to arrow function (71e71e0)
change href=# to href=/ in popover page (f885a92)
change js to ts and add ts in index.js (7b3bb20)
change ml-2 after get access to ml-1 (b8ffc2c)
change mr-4 to mr-2 in SidebarDropdown component (2961555)
change option role for multiselect (601945f)
change p tag from text-base to text-lg (2372629)
change p tag with text-lg. remove my-4 from div tag (3c26640)
change package.json>engines>node to 16.0.0 since Verce does not accept. But use local node v16.16.0 for playwright test (08130e9)
change prop btnType and btnColor (2580c50)
change prop type to btnType in all button components (c86c097)
change svelte to html in md file (97adbbf)
change svelte-kit sync && svelte-package to vite build (cd7cd5e)
change ts to js (8e284dc)
change ts to js and removed types from modalStores and dropdownStores (89e88e2)
change ts to js for svelte/store files (625b285)
change ts to js for tabStore and changed file name to tabStores (f46efd4)
change type string to typeof SvelteComponent (277c3e2)
change type to buttonType in button components. Added auth components. (1078e44)
change width limit to >=1024 in Responsive component (e95c10f)
change z-50 to z-10 for DropdownDefault (71d4640)
Checkbox on:click position (cfb1c65)
Checkbox spacing (9f989d7)
chevronup thickness (dc9016b)
chnage footer pages from link to href (6762872)
clean up & remove ExampleDiv, GitHubSource, and CompoDescription (#639) (113df27)
clean up import from utils for docs (b50126d)
clean up ref (9e8427b)
color flicker when changing theme using DarkMode (#353) (7e1daf1)
commit after reset (c3ee849)
copy from flowbite-svelte-new (5a400fc)
correction in using style and color (7ebbc5f)
create Coinbase, Fortmatic, Metamask, OperaWallet, and WalletConnect component (f8eabc5)
create icon slot for Alert so that users can add svg or svelte component (45244ec)
create new props files (0a6fd33)
darkmode page typo (367311d)
demo page bugs (542b88a)
demo page issues (268db3c)
demo page text dark mode, dropdown error (fa46244)
DeviceMockup class (94064d0)
doc footer update (4507cb6)
docs corrections (f208323)
docs corrections 2 (5adb4d8)
docs fixes due to dropdown api change (869f8d7)
docs for radio (add38b2)
documentation typos (942c3b2)
done type check for all pages (d91b018)
Drawer placement right (4fe9283)
Dropdown has a new structure (2c5d7b0)
dropdown open/close api (d2aa6f7)
dropdown open/close api - docs (f299c28)
dropdown page (d3d4827)
Dropdown page (30bb2cf)
dropdown page add dark:text-white to MenuButton and change to color:green for Avatar (900feca)
dropdown search (4416a31)
DropdownItem as li only when childe of ul (add2f16)
DropdownItem: remove redundant part after else (4182d5c)
dropdowns events docs (a6d86b6)
dropdowns tweaks (ad797ca)
dropzone: fixes dragging file over the input (#919) (5f02261)
duplicated lines in app.postcss (1eb255a)
error fix for deployment (be684a8)
export dropdownIdStore in index.js (4c897d9)
export dropdownStores in index.js (f4b7f6c)
field name change for ListGroupItemType (da93d46)
fix template literal in DropdownNavbar component (f4946df)
fixing the tab page layout problem (bc3b7bf)
folder names without s and update tests (4e9c9ce)
Footer components update. (6434844)
for #165 and #170 and changed $$restProps.class to $$props.class (99399b8)
forms components moved all export variables before function (13d518b)
generate a unique id for each star so fill can be different (#793) (cf59ed2)
getting started page update (fe95d00)
git reset --hard 344845b4 and update getting-started (a941ed8)
github issue template (b6b8fd4)
github issue template 2 (343c102)
github issue template 3 (e8c6a1b)
github issue template 4 (5565625)
github workflow comment out pnpm cache (5284b8c)
GitHubSource change tree to blob (69f0e15)
GitHubSource links (8d4e976)
h-10 w-10 to h-8 w-8. (071e018)
h1 and h2 (2c5be7c)
h3 change, modal page update (945762f)
header blocking anchor links (af6d2d6)
Heading and P update (2313e3e)
Heading to the original code (5604da5)
heros update (89b8755)
homepage (dedf355)
Htwo for typography pages (0921539)
Iconinput click handler example (2f5afc7)
Iconinput has unused export property value when I install it (b19afc9)
image path. (003e80f)
index blocks names, e.g. Tooltips to Tooltip (5f902b2)
index button colors (3a65ce3)
index page add padding px-8 (01d29a1)
index page space (6ab9a19)
index page. (bb71658)
index page. (54928dd)
index page. (0f0f2c3)
Input and Radio components (fd49114)
Input component move let padding before using it (4fac17c)
input label margin on empty labels (e08bb0d)
Input padding uses p-4, p-2.5 and p-2 depends on the size (632bd5d)
input type (7bcd4dd)
Input: Use a reactive spread instead of custom action to set Input type
attribute (#921) (165e273)
interactive card dropdown position (33a2b7d)
layout and index page (7db0e00)
layout and Toc padding (6a67345)
layout logo (1a78683)
layout width (e17969e)
link color (6bca5d4)
link removed from card img if there is no link (f1d1c33)
links in DesignFigma (22a40ea)
links in form index (1149aa2)
List in cards page to Listgroup (b8e05f4)
lock file (b24ac8d)
lock file (6144fd3)
logo (c28e9f3)
make disabled button unclickable (df1c66d)
markdown code block in all-modals (dc35107)
megamenu centered in small screen (713aa9a)
megamenu fullscreen position (eaf0729)
menu for small screen (4fd100a)
merge confilicts (f25ffca)
merge confilicts (1ec380a)
merge confilicts (c1890ca)
merge confilicts (be6253e)
merge confilicts (67d4a7c)
merge confilicts (a583351)
merge confilicts (2e0fc09)
merge confilicts (0cd644a)
merge confilicts (ad380a6)
merge confilicts (aa32cae)
merge confilicts (2365a23)
merge confilicts (375294a)
merge conflict (fa3c5d8)
merge conflict fix with Hetarth02-main (914c1f9)
merge conflicts (0514548)
merging conflict update mega-menu, package.json, paragraph.md (7de7bc0)
migrate to sveltekit 1.0.0 (434ec99)
minor fixes / fine tuning (57c1cf7)
missing 683restProps (0d52fd1)
missing Popper (ff4b0e7)
Modal and Button compo (5f3128a)
mousenter (c3ee1cc)
move @docsearch/js to devDependencies (168a79f)
move @floating-ui/dom from dependencies to devDependencies (6668ec8)
move @floating-ui/dom, classnames, svelte-heros, @popperjs/core from devDpendencies to dependencies (ee5d31a)
move all index.svelte to index.md and add breadcrumb (c691d92)
move from @codewithshin/svelte-sidebar to svelte-sidebar-menu (4584351)
move props to the end of page (b4bc1c2)
move Responsive component from layout to all pages (381ee20)
move step indicator to extend (000dec3)
move transitions to local (f060cba)
moved @codewithshin/svelte-heroicons to dependencies (5639d70)
moved p-tag and h3 tag css to app.css (cb3d08e)
moved src/routes to main. (b851974)
multi-dropdown detach (3ad1abb)
navbar in mobile view width (7f283f3)
navbar page (d0a704e)
navbar updates (468839b)
no dropdown docs (4f92d9b)
no href on <a> buttons (ab13df8)
no triggers error (83075e1)
og:image and twitter:image to replace spaces with - (#441) (25ad6d0)
on:click for Toggle, Checkbox and Radio (48710b5)
package.json format (f836a5c)
package.json format (675928b)
package.json scripts update (7d1d8b9)
package.json scripts update (b32d810)
package.json scripts update (b3467ba)
padding (5e4eb4e)
padding issues with dropdown (6a48d4d)
padding issues with dropdown (8e8c2d4)
paragraph page (98b2dab)
pink color (e4551b5)
placement and padding (169c749)
playwright and lint yaml 1.36.0 (b0fbeb0)
playwright and lint yaml 1.36.0 (4c96d64)
playwright v1.34.0 in workflow (e12c5ff)
popover html (d49f808)
position and classes (caa1f13)
position update for dropdown and imgdropdown components (1aef255)
programatic popper open merged (86f9874)
props update (4c109c8)
props update (2feb352)
props, types, and default are added to component pages (50912cd)
props, types, and default are added to component pages (58f0e7d)
RatingComment component (032aa24)
rebase merge conflict Alert.svelte (38df84a)
refresh dev environment (3a1b452)
reinstall after removing lock file (45ef63c)
reinstall dependencies (0876852)
reinstall dependencies (8ee47f8)
remove __layout from pages dir (7224e31)
remove // @ts-ignore (ea82a2b)
remove |local from Frame componentso that toast transitions work (6da412c)
remove a pipe from MetaTags titleTemplate (6ad56c0)
remove activeTabvalue from TabWrapper and let:tabId vrom tab page examples (ee1b444)
remove bind: from TabWrapper bind:activeTabValue (0269b3a)
remove button margin (9cc1795)
remove custom from Button component (6114f4c)
remove Datepicker from index (f08230c)
remove debris from the last PR (902a172)
remove duplicate theme from tailwind.config (5d0ebe5)
remove EcommerceCard and SignInCard (7e6b2b6)
remove Figma from image page (0276b51)
remove flowbite-svelte (23af736)
remove flowbite-svelte-blocks page, add a link (2b9e3d3)
remove h-4 w-4 from Iconinput example in the input-field page (4d5f396)
remove heros from cards page (c46f0b3)
remove heros from megamenu and list-group page (9980b7d)
remove heros from popover page (eeff79f)
remove heros from sidebars page (a3981a0)
remove heros from: (57f6928)
remove heros from: (7055f4c)
remove heros icon from Carousel (2c7d4c9)
remove heros icons from (203f14c)
remove heros icons from buttons page (ec81a39)
remove heros icons from checkbox page (1ed983c)
remove heros icons from select and toggle pages (fba7660)
remove hidescript for more lines than set up (0e98e3c)
remove Home icons from all pages (7ac0e7a)
remove layout and page content (92609e5)
remove main: index.js (879d810)
remove NavDropdown (5c77f68)
remove new buttons (7066f08)
remove old tab components (a61dd72)
remove package-lock, pnpm-lock and node_modules and reinstall (a8985ea)
remove package-lock.json and add package-lock.json to .gitignore (b1f0fc4)
remove radio, search etc from InputType (ed95418)
remove rel=external from __layout since it doesn't show the sidemenu (a0cee08)
remove svelte-collapse from Accordion component (7b8a642)
remove svelte-flag-icons from devDependencies (8f48867)
remove svelte-sidebar-menu (2820488)
remove svelte:component from FooterIcon (0406128)
remove SvelteKit app session and page (7eaa3db)
remove SvelteKit app/stores page and session from Navbar (09428df)
remove TabHead and TabHeadItem (c255797)
remove tabId from TabWrapper component (5f46d23)
remove TextGradient and Underline (cb7b2d7)
remove Toc from layout since it needs to be updated (2ea41a0)
remove transition for navbar (4f078d0)
remove transition for NavUl (6a29a1d)
remove type CrumbType (4269359)
remove unused icon prop (10e8c81)
remove unused imports (acb58b9)
remove utils/OptsButton (04ebd83)
remove workflows/release-please.yml (30a3682)
removed $app/env browser from Tooltip component (604a1e0)
removed bg and text from CloseButton to keep transparency (b5d36ee)
removed console.log (f0f7ee9)
removed drawer component and page from the main (5cf77f0)
removed gradient outline examples since Flowbite site does not have them (56ac6b4)
removed Home icon from BreadcrumbItem (66f00dd)
removed Ol component (569f2e3)
removed prismjs from package.json and layouts (dd9ad11)
rename index.js to index.ts (216db5a)
rename List to Listgroup and ListItem to ListgroupItem (1b70110)
reset to 4e86918 (c04f892)
restucturing Navbar components (3f4fa07)
revert package:publish (515e9f4)
revert Tooltip component (9cedc68)
reverting Alert (ccda53a)
Review component and review in the ratings page (afe6972)
scripts build update (ed3d086)
select.md (e6c3cf3)
set the default values of space and color of paragraph element to undefined (0d54908)
show the top of page after navigation (b3be37b)
sidebar activeUrl example (4387644)
sidebar menu (0853344)
sidebar menu covers screen and it doesn't allow to click any links (879c886)
sidebar z-10 to z-30 for front page (79b5adc)
sidebar z-50 to z-10 for modals (4b76f75)
sidebars and forms {...$$restProps} position updates (d983225)
SignInCard type update (55c824a)
spacing (6f6e99c)
spinner fill and colour were back to front. (83e6ec7)
style for links (040ff2e)
sveltekit, vite, and other dependencies update (#482) (231e4da)
tab page timeline (ab598a5)
Table component (88eb6f2)
test script branch (e3d5264)
textarea docs (133b933)
TextPlaceHolder remove w-full (e3ec175)
to original Carousel (5e979ae)
to original Carousel (198270f)
toast transitions (6659682)
toc issues (13a459e)
toc more selective (fb457a2)
Toggle props and typo update (9a40224)
tooltips/popovers (d18721c)
top navbar margin top (d9c83b4)
transition func must return TransitionConfig (18bffdb)
ts item type in megamenu (c0ee437)
type and layout footer padding fix (999d291)
typescript declarations for import.meta.glob (#736) (ef10a06)
typescript name for label, href for link. (9d0f147)
typo (c9f71f2)
typo (ec6f019)
typo (4479464)
typo CardPlaceholder (71bea4d)
typo cli page (1a46882)
typo form and from (f17012d)
update @codewithshin/svelte-sidebar (91cff9a)
update about and getting-started page (6eabc6b)
update about page and add type-list page (d560b4b)
update AccordionItem class (3713cc0)
update accordions/default page (175a753)
update Alert and workflows playwright version (670516d)
update Alert color type (fd819fb)
update Alert component (92ade7a)
update all dependencies (d7ae979)
update all modal pages (de11239)
update auth login component (02bd514)
update bug_report.yml (221f224)
update bug_report.yml (c527971)
update bug_report.yml by adding REPL template link (3c8140d)
update Button color types (974df12)
update button colors (542ad32)
update Button component (330aae9)
update Button component (6f89d90)
update Button outline (6f419c3)
update ButtonGroup components (72fa977)
update ButtonGroupItem border (365b6d2)
update Card component (732ba60)
update card page (0fd6e0e)
update carousel page (27c621b)
update checkbox page (aa45560)
update checkbox, add Label and Helper components, update checkbox page (07de620)
update createprops and update props (0739b92)
update darkmode link (e91ddd4)
update deps (d204667)
update Dropdown components (4dd3254)
update dropdown creating Dropdown, DropdownDivider, DropdownHeader, DropdownItem (58db150)
update DropdownNavbar using NavDropdown (8061789)
update for flowbite-svelte-icon v0.2.1 (fbbe4b1)
update for lighthouse (e81850d)
update forms page (1718c57)
update forms page (c29c921)
update forms/index page (bda7cc2)
update from index.ts to index.js in vite.config.ts (a7978dd)
update h1 for breadcrumb (8bfef6a)
update h1 in index pages (e4d1a52)
update home page (1698549)
update Htwo using scroll-mt-20 (2006490)
update icon class in TabHeadItem for Tabs with icons (e94b344)
update Iconinput (2b4a7b5)
update index.js by adding .js to all store files (1b1adcd)
update Input component (94df473)
update InputType in Input components (e9df0cc)
update internal links (3e13890)
update layouts for breadcrumb (1c07955)
update links (980ff51)
update links, flowbite svelte link, sitemap links, white for dark mode (024b079)
update main nav. add transition to carousel (3a9f572)
update menu and tabs/index (d48d335)
update navbar (7cdfa05)
update Navbar (57d50fc)
update Navbar components (57a7205)
update navbar index page by adding flex items-center md:order-2 (efc0209)
update package:publish script (8ec3669)
update package.json (a77e3e5)
update package.json and clean up lib/index (e37a45e)
update package.json in order to move src/routes to main. (eaf78dc)
update pnpm-lock (4926a47)
update progressbars/index (c36dbcd)
update prop names for Alert (3775700)
update props (cb92b47)
update props dir files (e52cfcb)
update props table and github links (0a184d1)
update RadioItem props (fd2f9a0)
update range page (edbf37f)
update rating page for AdvancedRating (f1dc978)
update README (adfdea2)
update README (e186aa4)
update sidebar dropdown, all modal components (11c0e1d)
update sidebar menu to close after clicking a link (ae9a36c)
update sidebar menu to close it when you click outside of the sidebar (30c6026)
update skeleton components (b1ffbc7)
update skeleton components (6c49370)
update styling (8a6c49b)
update Svelte-Heros icon for Rating component (d1c03fa)
update svelte-sidebar-menu (59b37b5)
update svelte-sidebar-menu (f6fb17f)
update svelte-sidebar-menu and __layout (9314f7a)
update svelte-sidebar-menu to 0.8.4 (3b07355)
update svelte-sidebar-menu version (1106d16)
update svelte-simples (f958721)
update Tabel component, add TableHead, TableBody, TableHeadCell, TabelRow (09b7ad9)
update tabStores import link (b856b9f)
update test for /buttons/setup page (90daabb)
update timeline and home page (112b08e)
update Timeline components (4b47d6b)
update Tooltip component (df80539)
update Tooltip component (d0cc06e)
update tooltips/light (94ad280)
update tsconfig.json (ff4b3da)
update workflows playwright version (faafd96)
use encodeURIComponent for MetaTag component to encode spaces (671a865)
use json file to pull props for tooltip/default (076be6c)
use relative paths instead of $lib alias inside of lib (96e9d6b)
use svelte-sidebar Responsive for all layouts (dc9ed0d)
using classnames dynamic class name for Footer (52e17c7)
Utterances link update to themesberg (584da7e)
various minor fixes (9ac3296)
video component and page (cc8dcb5)
vite.config.ts update (72f8a25)
window is undefined (b752882)
window is undefined/2 (4c0ca77)
wrong label class name (39735b3)
Merge branch 'jjagielka-tooltip' (1c37601)
0.39.3 (2023-07-14)
attribute (#921) (165e273)Changelog
0.39.1 (2023-06-28)