more info
How to install
run npm install --save-dev fluxible-react-select
How to use
The react component requires a handful of props:
required props:
- options: React.PropTypes.object
- values: React.PropTypes.array
- loadOptions: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
- addSelect: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
- popSelect: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
- removeSelect: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
- removeAllSelected: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
optional props for customization
- placeholder: React.PropTypes.string
- labelKey: React.PropTypes.string
- valueKey: React.PropTypes.string
- valueRenderer: React.PropTypes.func
- optionRenderer: React.PropTypes.func
- onOptionLabelClick: React.PropTypes.func
Credits, etc.
Fluxible React Select uses Jed Watson's react-select components like Option, Value, and re-uses parts of his Select component as well.
The main difference there is that this "fluxible" version removes handling it's own state. This is instead managed via props, which the user passes in. This allows a more flexible interface if you want to use a flux-like library along with a React multi-select component.