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Comparing version 3.1.0 to 4.0.0




@@ -1,253 +0,1 @@

/* fluxury - Copyright 2015 JC Fisher */
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.dispatch = undefined;
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
exports.subscribe = subscribe;
exports.promiseAction = promiseAction;
exports.replaceState = replaceState;
exports.getState = getState;
exports.getStores = getStores;
exports.createStore = createStore;
var _Dispatcher = require('./Dispatcher');
var _Dispatcher2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Dispatcher);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var rootState = Object.freeze({}),
stores = {},
dispatcher = new _Dispatcher2.default(),
waitFor = dispatcher.waitFor.bind(dispatcher),
rootListeners = [],
rootNextListeners = [];
function copyIfSame(current, next) {
if (current === next) return current.slice();
return next;
function updateRootState(name, newState) {
var changes = {};
changes[name] = (typeof newState === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(newState)) === 'object' ? Object.freeze(newState) : newState;
rootState = Object.assign({}, rootState, changes);
function rootNotify(action) {
// notify root listeners
var listeners = rootListeners = rootNextListeners;
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
var listener = listeners[i];
listener(rootState, action);
function subscribe(cb) {
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
throw "Listener must be a function";
// avoid mutating list that could be iterating during dispatch
var subscribed = true;
rootNextListeners = copyIfSame(rootListeners, rootNextListeners);
return function () {
if (!subscribed) return;
subscribed = false;
rootNextListeners = copyIfSame(rootListeners, rootNextListeners);
var index = rootNextListeners.indexOf(cb);
rootNextListeners.splice(index, 1);
function promiseAction(type, data) {
return Promise.resolve({ type: type, data: data });
function replaceState(newState) {
rootState = newState;
function _dispatch(action, data) {
try {
if ((typeof action === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(action)) === 'object' && typeof action.then === 'function') {
return action.then(function (result) {
return Promise.resolve(result);
} else if ((typeof action === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(action)) === 'object') {} else if (typeof action === 'string') {
action = { type: action, data: data };
} else {
return Promise.reject('Invalid action!');
// keep a reference to current rootState
var currentState = rootState;
// dispatch the action to the stores
// notify if root state changes!
if (currentState !== rootState) {
// Return a promise that resolves to the action.
return Promise.resolve(action);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
// construct a reducer method with a spec
exports.dispatch = _dispatch;
function makeReducer(spec) {
return function (state, action) {
// Check if action has definition and run it if available.
if (action && typeof action.type === 'string' && spec.hasOwnProperty(action.type)) {
return spec[action.type](state,, waitFor);
// Return current state when action has no handler.
return state;
function bindSelectors(name, selectors) {
return Object.keys(selectors).reduce(function (a, b, i) {
var newFunc = {};
newFunc[b] = function () {
for (var _len = arguments.length, params = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
params[_key] = arguments[_key];
return selectors[b].apply(selectors, [rootState[name]].concat(params));
return Object.assign(a, newFunc);
}, {});
function getState() {
return rootState;
function getStores() {
return stores;
function createStore(name, reducerOrSpec) {
var selectors = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
if (typeof name !== 'string') throw 'Expect name to be string.';
if (typeof reducerOrSpec !== 'function' && (typeof reducerOrSpec === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(reducerOrSpec)) !== 'object') throw 'Expect reducer to be function or object spec.';
if ((typeof selectors === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(selectors)) !== 'object') throw 'Expect selectors to be object.';
var isSpec = (typeof reducerOrSpec === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(reducerOrSpec)) === 'object',
reducer = isSpec ? makeReducer(reducerOrSpec) : reducerOrSpec,
actions = {},
currentListeners = [],
nextListeners = [];
updateRootState(name, isSpec ? reducerOrSpec.getInitialState ? reducerOrSpec.getInitialState() : undefined : reducer(undefined, {}, function () {}));
var dispatchToken = dispatcher.register(function (action) {
var newState = reducer(rootState[name], action, waitFor);
if (rootState[name] !== newState) {
updateRootState(name, newState);
// avoid looping over potentially mutating list
var listeners = currentListeners = nextListeners;
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
var listener = listeners[i];
listener(newState, action);
function subscribe(cb) {
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
throw "Listener must be a function";
// avoid mutating list that could be iterating during dispatch
var subscribed = true;
nextListeners = copyIfSame(currentListeners, nextListeners);
return function () {
if (!subscribed) return;
subscribed = false;
nextListeners = copyIfSame(currentListeners, nextListeners);
var index = nextListeners.indexOf(cb);
nextListeners.splice(index, 1);
if (isSpec) {
// create helpful action methods
actions = Object.keys(reducerOrSpec).reduce(function (a, b) {
if (b === 'getInitialState') return a;
a[b] = function (data) {
return _dispatch({
type: b,
data: data
return a;
}, {});
var store = Object.assign({}, actions, bindSelectors(name, selectors), {
name: name,
dispatch: function dispatch() {
return _dispatch.apply(undefined, arguments);
dispatchToken: dispatchToken,
subscribe: subscribe,
replaceReducer: function replaceReducer(newReducer) {
return reducer = newReducer;
setState: function setState(state) {
updateRootState(name, state);
getReducer: function getReducer() {
return reducer;
getState: function getState() {
return rootState[name];
if (name[0] !== '_') stores[name] = store;
return store;
var rootStore = {
dispatch: _dispatch,
replaceState: replaceState,
subscribe: subscribe,
getState: getState
exports.default = rootStore;
(function(global,factory){typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"?factory(exports):typeof define==="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports"],factory):factory(global.fluxury={})})(this,function(exports){"use strict";function Dispatcher(){var lastId=1;var prefix="ID_";var callbacks={};var isPending={};var isDispatching=false;var pendingPayload=null;function invokeCallback(id){isPending[id]=true;callbacks[id](pendingPayload)}this.register=function(callback){var id=prefix+lastId++;callbacks[id]=callback;return id};this.unregister=function(id){if(!callbacks.hasOwnProperty(id)){return new Error("Cannot unregister unknown ID!")}delete callbacks[id];return id};this.waitFor=function(ids){for(var i=0;i<ids.length;i++){var id=ids[id];if(isPending[id]){return new Error("Circular dependency waiting for "+id)}if(!callbacks[id]){return new Error("waitFor: "+id+" is not a registered callback.")}invokeCallback(id)}return undefined};this.dispatch=function(payload){if(isDispatching){return new Error("Cannot dispatch while dispatching.")}for(var id in callbacks){isPending[id]=false}pendingPayload=payload;isDispatching=true;try{for(var id in callbacks){if(isPending[id]){continue}invokeCallback(id)}}finally{pendingPayload=null;isDispatching=false}return payload}}var rootState=Object.freeze({}),stores={},dispatcher=new Dispatcher,waitFor=dispatcher.waitFor.bind(dispatcher),rootListeners=[],rootNextListeners=[];function copyIfSame(current,next){if(current===next){return current.slice()}return next}function updateRootState(name,newState){var changes={};changes[name]=typeof newState==="object"?Object.freeze(newState):newState;rootState=Object.assign({},rootState,changes)}function rootNotify(action){var listeners=rootListeners=rootNextListeners;for(var i=0;i<listeners.length;i++){var listener=listeners[i];listener(rootState,action)}}function subscribe(cb){if(typeof cb!=="function"){throw"Listener must be a function"}var subscribed=true;rootNextListeners=copyIfSame(rootListeners,rootNextListeners);rootNextListeners.push(cb);return function(){if(!subscribed){return}subscribed=false;rootNextListeners=copyIfSame(rootListeners,rootNextListeners);var index=rootNextListeners.indexOf(cb);rootNextListeners.splice(index,1)}}function promiseAction(type,data){return Promise.resolve({type:type,data:data})}function replaceState(newState){rootState=newState}function dispatch(action,data){try{if(typeof action==="object"&&typeof action.then==="function"){return action.then(function(result){dispatch(result);return Promise.resolve(result)})}else if(typeof action==="object"){}else if(typeof action==="string"){action={type:action,data:data}}else{return Promise.reject("Invalid action!")}var currentState=rootState;dispatcher.dispatch(action);if(currentState!==rootState){rootNotify(action)}return Promise.resolve(action)}catch(e){return Promise.reject(e)}}function makeReducer(spec){return function(state,action){if(action&&typeof action.type==="string"&&spec.hasOwnProperty(action.type)){return spec[action.type](state,,waitFor)}return state}}function bindSelectors(name,selectors){return Object.keys(selectors).reduce(function(a,b,i){var newFunc={};newFunc[b]=function(){var params=[],len=arguments.length;while(len--)params[len]=arguments[len];return selectors[b].apply(selectors,[rootState[name]].concat(params))};return Object.assign(a,newFunc)},{})}function getState(){return rootState}function getStores(){return stores}function createStore(name,reducerOrSpec,selectors){if(selectors===void 0)selectors={};if(typeof name!=="string"){throw"Expect name to be string."}if(typeof reducerOrSpec!=="function"&&typeof reducerOrSpec!=="object"){throw"Expect reducer to be function or object spec."}if(typeof selectors!=="object"){throw"Expect selectors to be object."}var isSpec=typeof reducerOrSpec==="object",reducer=isSpec?makeReducer(reducerOrSpec):reducerOrSpec,actions={},currentListeners=[],nextListeners=[];updateRootState(name,isSpec?reducerOrSpec.getInitialState?reducerOrSpec.getInitialState():undefined:reducer(undefined,{},function(){}));rootNotify(undefined);var dispatchToken=dispatcher.register(function(action){var newState=reducer(rootState[name],action,waitFor);if(rootState[name]!==newState){updateRootState(name,newState);var listeners=currentListeners=nextListeners;for(var i=0;i<listeners.length;i++){var listener=listeners[i];listener(newState,action)}}});function subscribe(cb){if(typeof cb!=="function"){throw"Listener must be a function"}var subscribed=true;nextListeners=copyIfSame(currentListeners,nextListeners);nextListeners.push(cb);return function(){if(!subscribed){return}subscribed=false;nextListeners=copyIfSame(currentListeners,nextListeners);var index=nextListeners.indexOf(cb);nextListeners.splice(index,1)}}if(isSpec){actions=Object.keys(reducerOrSpec).reduce(function(a,b){if(b==="getInitialState"){return a}a[b]=function(data){return dispatch({type:b,data:data})};return a},{})}var store=Object.assign({},actions,bindSelectors(name,selectors),{name:name,dispatch:function(){var action=[],len=arguments.length;while(len--)action[len]=arguments[len];return dispatch.apply(void 0,action)},dispatchToken:dispatchToken,subscribe:subscribe,replaceReducer:function(newReducer){return reducer=newReducer},setState:function(state){updateRootState(name,state)},getReducer:function(){return reducer},getState:function(){return rootState[name]}});if(name[0]!=="_"){stores[name]=store}return store}exports.subscribe=subscribe;exports.promiseAction=promiseAction;exports.replaceState=replaceState;exports.dispatch=dispatch;exports.getState=getState;exports.getStores=getStores;exports.createStore=createStore;Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:true})});
"name": "fluxury",
"version": "3.1.0",
"description": "Redux with waitFor.",
"version": "4.0.0",
"description": "state management in js",
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"scripts": {
"build": "gulp",
"test": "babel-node test"
"build": "npx rollup --format=umd --name=fluxury src/index.js | npx buble | npx uglifyjs > lib/index.js",
"test": "npx nodent test.js"
"engines": {
"node": ">=6.0"
"node": ">=8.0"

@@ -16,15 +16,13 @@ "author": "JC Fisher",

"devDependencies": {
"babel-cli": "^6.1.2",
"babel-core": "^6.1.2",
"babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs": "^6.1.3",
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.1.2",
"gulp": "^3.9.1",
"gulp-babel": "^6.1.2",
"buble": "^0.19.3",
"immutable": "^3.7.5",
"nodent": "^3.2.6",
"rollup": "^0.59.1",
"tape": "^4.2.2",
"tape-async": "^2.1.1"
"tape-async": "^2.1.1",
"uglify-js": "^3.3.25"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"url": "git+"

@@ -37,5 +35,5 @@ "keywords": [

"bugs": {
"url": ""
"url": ""
"homepage": ""
"homepage": ""
# fluxury
[![Circle CI](](
[![Circle CI](](
## Overview
State management library, works like redux but with side effects (e.g. waitFor).
State management library; works like redux but with option for many stores, side effects, Promises and other practical things.
Library includes:
- createStore(name, reducerOrSpec, actionsOrSelectors)
- dispatch(action)
- getStores()
- getReducer()
- getState()
- promiseAction(type, data)
- replaceState(state)
- subscribe(cb)
- createStore(key, reducerOrSpec, actionsOrSelectors)
- dispatch(action)
- getStores()
- getReducer()
- getState()
- promiseAction(type, data)
- replaceState(state)
- subscribe(cb)

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ ## Quick start

import rootStore, {
import {

@@ -36,27 +36,28 @@ dispatch,

from 'fluxury'
} from "fluxury";
// creates a key="A" in the root store, connected to a reducer function.
let storeA = createStore('a', (state=0, action) =>
action.type === 'setA' ? : state )
let storeA = createStore(
(state = 0, action) => (action.type === "setA" ? : state)
let storeB = createStore('b', (state=0, action) =>
action.type === 'setB' ? : state )
let storeB = createStore(
(state = 0, action) => (action.type === "setB" ? : state)
// Store with dependencies on state in storeA and storeB.
let storeC = createStore('c', (state=0, action, waitFor) => {
let storeC = createStore("c1", (state = 0, action, waitFor) => {
// Ensure storeA and storeB reducers run prior to continuing.
waitFor([storeA.dispatchToken, storeB.dispatchToken]);
// Side effect! Get state from other stores.
return storeA.getState() + storeB.getState();
rootStore.subscribe((...args) => console.log('action', ...args))
rootStore.dispatch('setA', 2)
rootStore.dispatch('setB', 2)
rootStore.getState() // -> { a: 2, b: 2, c: 4 }
subscribe((...args) => console.log("action", ...args));
dispatch("setA", 2);
dispatch("setB", 2);
getState(); // -> { a1: 2, b1: 2, c1: 4 }

@@ -68,9 +69,9 @@

Install required polyfills with [core-js](
Manually install required polyfills with [core-js](

@@ -80,3 +81,3 @@

### createStore( name, reducerOrSpec, actionsOrSelectors )
### createStore( key, reducerOrSpec, actionsOrSelectors )

@@ -90,3 +91,3 @@ A store responds to actions by returning the next state.

// a simple counting store
var store = createStore( "CountStoreWithReducer", (state=0, action) => {
var store = createStore( "count", (state=0, action) => {
switch (action.type)

@@ -114,18 +115,18 @@ case inc:

const inc = 'inc'
import { createStore } from 'fluxury';
const inc = "inc";
import { createStore } from "fluxury";
// a simple counting store
var countStore = createStore( "CountStoreWithSpec", {
var countStore = createStore("count", {
// life-cycle method for initialization.
getInitialState: () => 0,
// handles { type: 'inc' }
inc: (state) => state+1,
inc: state => state + 1,
// handles { type: 'incN' }
incN: (state, n) => state+n,
incN: (state, n) => state + n
// object spec makes action creators automatically...

@@ -135,3 +136,3 @@

The entry point to effecting state changes in the app is when an action is dispatch.
The entry point to effecting state changes in the app is when an action is dispatch.

@@ -153,3 +154,2 @@ Dispatch accepts action as object, promise, or type/data; returns promise.

dispatch( 'loadSettings', { a: 1, b: 2 } )

@@ -161,11 +161,11 @@

| name | comment |
| name | The name of the store |
| dispatch | Access to dispatch function |
| dispatchToken | A number used to identity the store |
| subscribe | A function to tegister a listener |
| getState | A function to access state |
| setState | Replace the store's state |
| replaceReducer | Replace the store's reducer |
| name | comment |
| -------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| name | The name of the store |
| dispatch | Access to dispatch function |
| dispatchToken | A number used to identity the store |
| subscribe | A function to tegister a listener |
| getState | A function to access state |
| setState | Replace the store's state |
| replaceReducer | Replace the store's reducer |

@@ -182,4 +182,4 @@ ### getStores( )

'MyCountStore': 1
MyCountStore: 1

@@ -201,4 +201,5 @@

### getReducer( )
Return app's reducer function, use with Redux.

@@ -1,297 +0,333 @@

var test = require('tape-async');
var pf = require('./src/index')
var getState = pf.getState
var getStores = pf.getStores
var createStore = pf.createStore
var dispatch = pf.dispatch
var replaceState = pf.replaceState
var subscribe = pf.subscribe
var test = require("tape-async");
var pf = require("./lib/index");
var getState = pf.getState;
var getStores = pf.getStores;
var createStore = pf.createStore;
var dispatch = pf.dispatch;
var replaceState = pf.replaceState;
var subscribe = pf.subscribe;
test("Basic Tests", function*(t) {
import rootStore from './src/index'
t.equal(typeof pf, "object");
t.equal(typeof pf.createStore, "function");
t.equal(typeof pf.dispatch, "function");
test( 'Basic Tests', function* (t) {
var inc = "inc";
var dec = "dec";
var set = "set";
t.equal(typeof pf, 'object')
t.equal(typeof rootStore, 'object')
t.equal(typeof pf.createStore, 'function')
t.equal(typeof pf.dispatch, 'function')
process.env.NODE_ENV = "development";
var inc = 'inc'
var dec = 'dec'
var set = 'set'
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development'
var store = pf.createStore("test1SetStore", (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case set:
// combine both objects into a single new object
return Object.assign({}, state,
return state;
var store = pf.createStore(
(state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case set:
// combine both objects into a single new object
return Object.assign({}, state,;
return state;
getFoo: state =>,
getBar: state =>,
filterHey: (state, param) => state.hey.filter(d => d === param),
filterNotHey: (state, param) => state.hey.filter(d => d !== param)
}, {
getFoo: (state) =>,
getBar: (state) =>,
filterHey: (state, param) => state.hey.filter((d) => d === param),
filterNotHey: (state, param) => state.hey.filter((d) => d !== param)
var listenerCount = 0;
store.subscribe( () => listenerCount++ )
var result = yield pf.dispatch(set, { foo: 1, bar: 2 })
t.equal( result.type, set, 'promise should resolve to action with type' )
t.deepEqual(, { foo: 1, bar: 2 }, 'promise should resolve to action with data' )
store.subscribe(() => listenerCount++);
var result = yield pf.dispatch(set, { foo: 1, bar: 2 });
t.equal(result.type, set, "promise should resolve to action with type");
{ foo: 1, bar: 2 },
"promise should resolve to action with data"
t.deepEqual(store.getState(), { foo: 1, bar: 2 })
t.equal(store.getFoo(), 1)
t.equal(store.getBar(), 2)
rootStore.dispatch(set, { foo: 2 })
t.deepEqual(store.getState(), { foo: 2, bar: 2 })
pf.dispatch(set, { hey: ['ho', 'let\'s', 'go'] })
t.deepEqual(store.getState(), { foo: 2, bar: 2, hey: ['ho', 'let\'s', 'go'] })
store.dispatch(set, { foo: 3 })
t.deepEqual(store.getState(), { foo: 3, bar: 2, hey: ['ho', 'let\'s', 'go'] })
t.deepEqual(store.filterHey('go'), ['go']);
t.deepEqual(store.filterNotHey('go'), ['ho', 'let\'s']);
t.deepEqual(store.getState(), { foo: 1, bar: 2 });
t.equal(store.getFoo(), 1);
t.equal(store.getBar(), 2);
dispatch(set, { foo: 2 });
t.deepEqual(store.getState(), { foo: 2, bar: 2 });
pf.dispatch(set, { hey: ["ho", "let's", "go"] });
t.deepEqual(store.getState(), { foo: 2, bar: 2, hey: ["ho", "let's", "go"] });
store.dispatch(set, { foo: 3 });
t.deepEqual(store.getState(), { foo: 3, bar: 2, hey: ["ho", "let's", "go"] });
t.deepEqual(store.filterHey("go"), ["go"]);
t.deepEqual(store.filterNotHey("go"), ["ho", "let's"]);
// ensure that callback is invoked correct number of times
t.equal(listenerCount, 4);
var store = pf.createStore("test1CountStore", (state=0, action) => {
var store = pf.createStore("test1CountStore", (state = 0, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case inc:
return state+1;
return state + 1;
case dec:
return state-1;
return state - 1;
return state;
return state;
t.equal(store.getState(), 1)
t.equal(store.getState(), 1);
t.equal(store.getState(), 2)
t.equal(store.getState(), 2);
t.equal(store.getState(), 1)
t.equal(store.getState(), 1);
t.equal(store.getState(), 0)
t.equal(store.getState(), 0);
t.deepEqual( Object.keys(store).sort(), [ 'dispatch', 'dispatchToken', 'getReducer', 'getState', 'name', 'replaceReducer', 'setState', 'subscribe' ].sort() );
test('CountStore', function(t) {
test("CountStore", function(t) {
// ensure store with non-object initialState handled correctly
var MessageCountStore = createStore("test2MessageCountStore", (count=0, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
case 'receiveMessage': return count + 1;
default: return count
var MessageCountStore = createStore(
(count = 0, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "receiveMessage":
return count + 1;
return count;
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 0)
MessageCountStore.dispatch('receiveMessage', 'Hello')
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 1)
MessageCountStore.dispatch('receiveMessage', 'Hello')
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 2)
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 0);
MessageCountStore.dispatch("receiveMessage", "Hello");
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 1);
MessageCountStore.dispatch("receiveMessage", "Hello");
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 2);
// Test the reducer independently
let reducer = MessageCountStore.getReducer();
t.equals( reducer( 1, { type: 'receiveMessage' } ), 2 )
t.equals(reducer(1, { type: "receiveMessage" }), 2);
test("ImmutableMapStoreWithObjectSpec", function(t) {
test('ImmutableMapStoreWithObjectSpec', function(t) {
var dispatch = pf.dispatch,
Immutable = require('immutable');
Immutable = require("immutable");
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'prod'
process.env.NODE_ENV = "prod";
// For when switch cases seem like overkill.
var store = pf.createStore("test3ImmutableMapStore", {
getInitialState: () => Immutable.Map(),
set: (state, data) => state.merge(data)
}, {
get: (state, param) => state.get(param),
has: (state, param) => state.has(param),
includes: (state, param) => state.includes(param),
first: (state) => state.first(),
last: (state) => state.last(),
all: (state) => state.toJS(),
var store = pf.createStore(
getInitialState: () => Immutable.Map(),
set: (state, data) => state.merge(data)
get: (state, param) => state.get(param),
has: (state, param) => state.has(param),
includes: (state, param) => state.includes(param),
first: state => state.first(),
last: state => state.last(),
all: state => state.toJS()
// should only be when
t.equal(typeof store.replaceState, 'undefined')
t.equal(typeof store.replaceState, "undefined");
t.deepEqual( Object.keys(store).sort(), [
store.set({ states: ['CA', 'OR', 'WA'] })
dispatch('set', { programs: [{ name: 'A', states: ['CA']}] })
dispatch('set', { selectedState: 'CA' })
store.set({ states: ["CA", "OR", "WA"] });
dispatch("set", { programs: [{ name: "A", states: ["CA"] }] });
dispatch("set", { selectedState: "CA" });
t.deepEqual( store.get('states').toJS(), ['CA', 'OR', 'WA'] );
t.deepEqual( store.get('programs').toJS(), [{ name: 'A', states: ['CA']}] );
t.deepEqual( store.get('selectedState'), 'CA' );
t.deepEqual( store.all(), { states: ['CA', 'OR', 'WA'], programs: [{ name: 'A', states: ['CA']}] , selectedState: 'CA' } );
t.deepEqual(store.get("states").toJS(), ["CA", "OR", "WA"]);
t.deepEqual(store.get("programs").toJS(), [{ name: "A", states: ["CA"] }]);
t.deepEqual(store.get("selectedState"), "CA");
t.deepEqual(store.all(), {
states: ["CA", "OR", "WA"],
programs: [{ name: "A", states: ["CA"] }],
selectedState: "CA"
t.deepEqual( store.has('states'), true );
t.deepEqual( store.first().toJS(), ['CA', 'OR', 'WA'] );
t.deepEqual( store.last(), 'CA' );
t.deepEqual( store.includes('CA'), true );
t.deepEqual(store.has("states"), true);
t.deepEqual(store.first().toJS(), ["CA", "OR", "WA"]);
t.deepEqual(store.last(), "CA");
t.deepEqual(store.includes("CA"), true);
test("waitFor and events works correctly", function*(t) {
var dispatchCount = 0,
dispatchCount2 = 0;
test('waitFor and events works correctly', function* (t) {
var dispatchCount = 0, dispatchCount2 = 0;
var MessageStore = createStore("test4MessageStore", function(state=[], action) {
switch(action.type) {
case 'loadMessage':
return state.concat(
var MessageStore = createStore("test4MessageStore", function(
state = [],
) {
switch (action.type) {
case "loadMessage":
return state.concat(;
return state
return state;
var MessageCountStore = createStore(
function(state=0, action, waitFor) {
// ensure that MessageStore reducer is executed before continuing
switch(action.type) {
case 'loadMessage':
return state+1
return state
var MessageCountStore = createStore("test4MessageCountStore", function(
state = 0,
) {
// ensure that MessageStore reducer is executed before continuing
switch (action.type) {
case "loadMessage":
return state + 1;
return state;
var unsubscribe = MessageStore.subscribe(function() {
dispatchCount += 1
dispatchCount += 1;
var unsubscribe2 = MessageCountStore.subscribe(function() {
dispatchCount2 += 1
dispatchCount2 += 1;
t.equals( typeof unsubscribe, 'function')
t.equals(typeof unsubscribe, "function");
dispatch("loadMessage", "Test");
t.equals(MessageStore.getState().length, 1);
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 1);
t.deepEqual(MessageStore.getState(), ["Test"]);
t.equal(dispatchCount, 1);
t.equal(dispatchCount2, 1);
dispatch('loadMessage', 'Test')
t.equals(MessageStore.getState().length, 1)
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 1)
t.deepEqual(MessageStore.getState(), ['Test'])
t.equal(dispatchCount, 1)
t.equal(dispatchCount2, 1)
dispatch("foo", "Test");
dispatch('foo', 'Test')
t.equal(dispatchCount, 1);
t.equal(dispatchCount2, 1);
t.equal(dispatchCount, 1)
t.equal(dispatchCount2, 1)
dispatch("loadMessage", "Test2");
t.equals(MessageStore.getState().length, 2);
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 2);
t.deepEqual(MessageStore.getState(), ["Test", "Test2"]);
t.equal(dispatchCount, 2);
t.equal(dispatchCount2, 1);
dispatch('loadMessage', 'Test2')
t.equals(MessageStore.getState().length, 2)
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 2)
t.deepEqual(MessageStore.getState(), ['Test', 'Test2'])
t.equal(dispatchCount, 2)
t.equal(dispatchCount2, 1)
var result = yield dispatch(
Promise.resolve({ type: "loadMessage", data: "Test3" })
t.equals(MessageStore.getState().length, 3);
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 3);
t.deepEqual(MessageStore.getState(), ["Test", "Test2", "Test3"]);
var result = yield dispatch( Promise.resolve({ type: 'loadMessage', data: 'Test3'}) )
t.equal(dispatchCount, 2);
t.equal(dispatchCount2, 1);
t.equals(MessageStore.getState().length, 3)
t.equals(MessageCountStore.getState(), 3)
t.deepEqual(MessageStore.getState(), ['Test', 'Test2', 'Test3'])
test("check root store", function*(t) {
t.equal(dispatchCount, 2)
t.equal(dispatchCount2, 1)
var count = 0;
var rootListener = subscribe(() => count++);
dispatch("no-action-here", "Test3");
test('check root store', function *(t) {
t.equal(count, 0);
yield dispatch("no-handler-action-here", "Test3");
yield dispatch("loadMessage", "Test3");
var count = 0;
t.equal(count, 1);
var rootListener = rootStore.subscribe(() => count++)
dispatch('no-action-here', 'Test3')
let rootState;
t.equal(count, 0)
yield dispatch('no-handler-action-here', 'Test3')
yield dispatch('loadMessage', 'Test3')
t.equal(count, 1)
// try to modify/replace state
var modifiedState = Object.assign({}, rootState)
delete modifiedState.master
var modifiedState = Object.assign({}, rootState);
delete modifiedState.master;
let rootState = getState()
t.equal(Object.keys(rootState).length, Object.keys(modifiedState).length)
rootState = getState();
t.equal(Object.keys(rootState).length, Object.keys(modifiedState).length);
yield dispatch('no-handler-action-here', 'Test3')
yield dispatch('no-handler-action-here', 'Test3')
yield dispatch('loadMessage', 'Test3')
t.equal( count, 3)
yield dispatch('loadMessage', 'Test3')
t.equal( count, 4)
yield dispatch('loadMessage', 'Test3')
t.equal( count, 5)
yield dispatch("no-handler-action-here", "Test3");
yield dispatch("no-handler-action-here", "Test3");
yield dispatch("loadMessage", "Test3");
t.equal(count, 3);
yield dispatch("loadMessage", "Test3");
t.equal(count, 4);
yield dispatch("loadMessage", "Test3");
t.equal(count, 5);
var last;
var subscribe3 = subscribe( (state, action) => { last = { state, action }} )
var subscribe3 = subscribe((state, action) => {
last = { state, action };
yield dispatch('loadMessage', 'Test3')
yield dispatch("loadMessage", "Test3");
t.equal( count, 6)
t.equal(count, 6);
t.deepEqual( last, {
state: { test1CountStore: 0, test2MessageCountStore: 0, test4MessageStore: [ 'Test3', 'Test3', 'Test3', 'Test3' ], test4MessageCountStore: 4 },
action: { type: 'loadMessage', data: 'Test3'}
t.deepEqual(last, {
state: {
test1CountStore: 0,
test2MessageCountStore: 0,
test4MessageStore: ["Test3", "Test3", "Test3", "Test3"],
test4MessageCountStore: 4
action: { type: "loadMessage", data: "Test3" }
// verify that state and action are passed to listener
t.equal(Object.keys(last.state).length, 4)
t.equal(last.action.type, 'loadMessage')
t.equal(Object.keys(last.state).length, 4);
t.equal(last.action.type, "loadMessage");

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