Functional Pasta
A collection of functional functions that I have found myself copy pastaing around.
I am trying to separate the pasta into useful strands.
Turn array (or arguments) of functions into a single function
that feeds the return value of one into the next.
partial(fn[, args, ...])
Return fn with arguments applied. Passing undefined will leave a hole
that will be filled with arguments from the second fn call before
the rest are appended to the arguments list.
curry(fn[, times])
Return a function that takes a single argument times number of times,
and then calls fn in the context it was called in. times defaults/min is 2.
Return a function that takes a fn and limits it to the number of args provided.
casify(obj[, default])
Return a function that takes a case and checks to see if it is in obj.
If not use the default, if not use the _default property of the object,
if not use the default property of the object.
Returns a function that applies the operator to the arguments.
return arg. An identity function. Also op('').
Returns a function that gets key from the object it is called on.
Return a function that reduces all of it's arguments over fn. fn gets passed
two arguments at a time.