fold-collection ![Build Status](
A collection of useful functions using exclusively the 'fold'/'reduce' pattern
$ npm install --save fold-collection
⬆ foldL(arr, f, init)
Higher-order function applied to arrays, based on the concept of accumulators
(i.e. return a value from the accumulation). Left associative, tail recursive.
arr: Array
, Array to work on
f: function
, Function to apply ('a -> 'b -> 'a)
init: *
, Initial value
Returns: *
⬆ foldR(arr, f, init)
Higher-order function applied to arrays, based on the concept of accumulators
(i.e. return a value from the accumulation). Right associative, not tail recursive.
arr: Array
, Array to work on
f: function
, Function to apply ('a -> 'b -> 'a)
init: *
, Initial value
Returns: *
, The accumulated value
⬆ and(arr)
Applies the and operator to all the boolean expressions
arr: Array
, Array of boolean expressions
Returns: Boolean
⬆ any(arr, f)
Checks if a predicate is satisfied by any item
arr: Array
, Checks if a predicate is satisfied by any item
f: function
, The predicate
Returns: Boolean
⬆ average(arr)
Gets the average of a list of numbers
arr: Array
, Gets the average of a list of numbers
Returns: number
⬆ composition(arr)
Merge a list of functions into one function
arr: Array
, Array of functions
Returns: function
⬆ count(arr, e)
Counts the number of occurrences of an element
arr: Array
, Counts the number of occurrences of an element
e: *
, The element to check
Returns: Number
⬆ drop(arr, n)
Drops every 'n' times from 'arr'
arr: Array
, Drops every 'n' times from 'arr'
n: Number
, Drops every 'n' times from 'arr'
Returns: Array
, New array with the items deleted
⬆ filter(arr, f)
Filter the array based on a given property
arr: Array
, Filter the array based on a given property
f: function
, The property/predicate to filter on
Returns: Array
, The filtered array
⬆ flatten(arr, deep)
Flatten an array of arrays
arr: Array
, Array of arrays
deep: Boolean
, Whether to perform a 'deep flattening'
Returns: Array
, The flattened array
⬆ forEach(arr, f)
Performs a for loop
arr: Array
, Performs a for loop
f: function
, The action to apply
⬆ insertionSort(arr)
Performs an insertion sort
arr: Array
, The array to sort
Returns: Array
, The sorted array
⬆ join(arr, optional)
Join the items of an array into a string
arr: Array
, Join the items of an array into a string
optional: String
, sep The separator. Default: ','
Returns: String
, The resulting string
⬆ map(arr, f)
Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element
arr: Array
, Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element
f: function
, Creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element
Returns: Array
, The new array
⬆ mapFusion(arr, fs)
Performs multiple maps
arr: Array
, Performs multiple maps
fs: Array
, Array of functions to map
Returns: Array
, The new array
⬆ max(arr)
Get the maximum item
arr: Array
, Get the maximum item
Returns: *
⬆ member(arr, e)
Checks whether 'e' is in 'arr'
arr: Array
, Checks whether 'e' is in 'arr'
e: *
, The element to test
Returns: Boolean
⬆ min(arr)
Get the minimum item
arr: Array
, Get the minimum item
Returns: *
⬆ negateAll(arr)
Negate all numbers in the array
arr: Array
, Negate all numbers in the array
Returns: Array
⬆ or(arr)
Applies the or operator to all the boolean expressions
arr: Array
, Array of boolean expressions
Returns: Boolean
⬆ partition(arr, f)
Partitions the array the array over a property
arr: Array
, Partitions the array the array over a property
f: function
, Partitions the array the array over a property
Returns: Object
, Object with key 'T' corresponding to all elements satisfying the property. 'F' otherwise.
⬆ removeConsecutive(arr)
Remove consecutive items from an array
arr: Array
, Remove consecutive items from an array
Returns: Array
, The array without consecutive values
⬆ replicate(arr, n)
Replicate the items 'n' times
arr: Array
, Replicate the items 'n' times
n: Number
, The replication amount
Returns: Array
⬆ reverse(arr)
Reverse an array
arr: Array
, Reverse an array
Returns: Array
, The reversed array
⬆ size(arr)
Get the length of an array
arr: Array
, Get the length of an array
Returns: Number
, Length
⬆ sum(arr)
Get the sum of an array of numbers
arr: Array
, Get the sum of an array of numbers
Returns: Number
⬆ take(arr, n)
Take just the elements at the nth position
arr: Array
, Take just the elements at the nth position
n: Number
, nth position
Returns: Array
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MIT © Ossama Edbali