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fontoxpath - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.12.0 to 3.12.1



@@ -149,17 +149,2 @@

* Can be used to signal an XPath program should executed
* Can be used to signal an XQuery program should be executed instead
* of an XPath
* Can be used to signal Update facility can be used.
* To catch pending updates, use {@link evaluateUpdatingExpression}
* Returns the result of the query, can be anything depending on the

@@ -171,12 +156,5 @@ * query. Note that the return type is determined dynamically, not

ANY_TYPE: ReturnType_2.ANY;
* Resolve to a number, like count((1,2,3)) resolves to 3.
* Resolve to a string, like //someElement[1] resolves to the text
* content of the first someElement
* Resolves to true or false, uses the effective boolean value to

@@ -188,2 +166,10 @@ * determine the result. count(1) resolves to true, count(())

* Resolves to the first node.NODES_TYPE would have resolved to.
* Resolve to an object, as a map
MAP_TYPE: ReturnType_2.MAP;
* Resolve to all nodes the XPath resolves to. Returns nodes in the

@@ -196,6 +182,16 @@ * order the XPath would. Meaning (//a, //b) resolves to all A nodes,

* Resolves to the first node.NODES_TYPE would have resolved to.
* Resolve to a number, like count((1,2,3)) resolves to 3.
* Resolve to an array of numbers
* Resolve to a string, like //someElement[1] resolves to the text
* content of the first someElement
* Resolve to an array of strings

@@ -205,12 +201,16 @@ */

* Resolve to an object, as a map
* Can be used to signal an XPath program should executed
MAP_TYPE: ReturnType_2.MAP;
* Resolve to an array of numbers
* Can be used to signal an XQuery program should be executed instead
* of an XPath
* Can be used to signal Update facility can be used.
* To catch pending updates, use {@link evaluateUpdatingExpression}

@@ -217,0 +217,0 @@

"name": "fontoxpath",
"version": "3.12.0",
"version": "3.12.1",
"description": "A minimalistic XPath 3.1 engine in JavaScript",

@@ -21,4 +21,2 @@ "main": "dist/fontoxpath.js",

"prepare": "npm run build",
"performance": "ts-node -P ./performance/tsconfig.json ./performance/runBenchmarks.ts",
"performance-server": "rimraf ./performance/lib && tsc -p ./performance/web.tsconfig.json && concurrently -k -p \"[{name}]\" -n \"tsc,rollup,server\" \"tsc -p ./performance/web.tsconfig.json -w\" \"rollup -c ./performance/rollup.config.js -w \" \"ts-node -P ./performance/tsconfig.json ./performance/server.ts\"",
"qt3performance": "ts-node -P test/tsconfig.json -r tsconfig-paths/register test/qt3testsBenchmark.ts",

@@ -30,2 +28,3 @@ "qt3tests": "ts-mocha --paths -p test/tsconfig.json test/qt3tests.ts",

"xqutstestsxqueryx": "ts-mocha --paths -p test/tsconfig.json test/xqutsTestsXQueryX.ts",
"browsertests": "karma start",
"lint": "tslint \"./src/**/*.ts\" --project . && prettier \"./src/**/*.ts\" --list-different"

@@ -66,9 +65,6 @@ },

"devDependencies": {
"@fontoxml/fonto-benchmark-runner": "0.0.4",
"@microsoft/api-extractor": "^7.8.0",
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^11.1.0",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^7.1.3",
"@tscc/tscc": "^0.4.8",
"@types/benchmark": "^1.0.31",
"@types/chai": "^4.2.11",
"@types/glob": "^7.1.1",
"@types/mocha": "^7.0.2",

@@ -78,3 +74,2 @@ "@types/node": "^14.0.1",

"@types/sinon": "^9.0.0",
"benchmark": "^2.1.4",
"chai": "^4.2.0",

@@ -85,3 +80,8 @@ "concurrently": "^5.1.0",

"fs-extra": "^9.0.0",
"glob": "^7.1.6",
"karma": "^5.0.9",
"karma-chai": "^0.1.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^3.1.0",
"karma-firefox-launcher": "^1.3.0",
"karma-mocha": "^2.0.1",
"karma-typescript": "^5.0.3",
"mocha": "^7.1.1",

@@ -92,3 +92,2 @@ "node-static": "^0.7.11",

"prettier": "^2.0.5",
"rollup": "^2.6.1",
"sinon": "^9.0.2",

@@ -95,0 +94,0 @@ "sinon-chai": "^3.5.0",

# fontoxpath [![Build Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![NPM version](]( [![install size](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](](
A minimalistic [XPath 3.1]( and [XQuery 3.1]( engine for (XML) nodes with [XQuery Update Facility 3.0]( support.
A minimalistic [XPath 3.1]( and [XQuery
3.1]( engine for (XML) nodes with [XQuery Update Facility
3.0]( support.

@@ -31,12 +33,24 @@ [Demo page](

* `xpathExpression` `<String>` The query to evaluate.
* `contextNode` `<Node>` The node in which context the `xpathExpression` will be evaluated. Defaults to `null`.
* `domFacade` `<IDomFacade>` An [IDomFacade](src/domFacade/IDomFacade.ts) implementation which will be used for querying the DOM. Defaults to an implementation which uses properties and methods on the `contextNode` as described in the [DOM spec](
* `variables` `<Object>` The properties of `variables` are available variables within the `xpathExpression`. Defaults to an empty `Object`.
* `returnType` `<number>` Determines the type of the result. Defaults to `evaluateXPath.ANY_TYPE`. Possible values:
* `evaluateXPath.ANY_TYPE` Returns the result of the query, can be anything depending on the query. Note that the return type is determined dynamically, not statically: XPaths returning empty sequences will return empty arrays and not null, like one might expect.
* `contextNode` `<Node>` The node in which context the `xpathExpression` will be evaluated. Defaults
to `null`.
* `domFacade` `<IDomFacade>` An [IDomFacade](src/domFacade/IDomFacade.ts) implementation which will
be used for querying the DOM. Defaults to an implementation which uses properties and methods on
the `contextNode` as described in the [DOM spec](
* `variables` `<Object>` The properties of `variables` are available variables within the
`xpathExpression`. Defaults to an empty `Object`.
* `returnType` `<number>` Determines the type of the result. Defaults to
`evaluateXPath.ANY_TYPE`. Possible values:
* `evaluateXPath.ANY_TYPE` Returns the result of the query, can be anything depending on the
query. Note that the return type is determined dynamically, not statically: XPaths returning
empty sequences will return empty arrays and not null, like one might expect.
* `evaluateXPath.NUMBER_TYPE` Resolve to a `number`, like count((1,2,3)) resolves to 3.
* `evaluateXPath.STRING_TYPE` Resolve to a `string`, like //someElement[1] resolves to the text content of the first someElement.
* `evaluateXPath.BOOLEAN_TYPE` Resolves to a `boolean` true or false, uses the effective boolean value to determine the result. count(1) resolves to true, count(()) resolves to false.
* `evaluateXPath.NODES_TYPE` Resolve to all nodes `Node[]` the XPath resolves to. Returns nodes in the order the XPath would. Meaning (//a, //b) resolves to all A nodes, followed by all B nodes. //*[self::a or self::b] resolves to A and B nodes in document order.
* `evaluateXPath.FIRST_NODE_TYPE` Resolves to the first `Node` node.NODES_TYPE would have resolved to.
* `evaluateXPath.STRING_TYPE` Resolve to a `string`, like //someElement[1] resolves to the text
content of the first someElement.
* `evaluateXPath.BOOLEAN_TYPE` Resolves to a `boolean` true or false, uses the effective boolean
value to determine the result. count(1) resolves to true, count(()) resolves to false.
* `evaluateXPath.NODES_TYPE` Resolve to all nodes `Node[]` the XPath resolves to. Returns nodes in
the order the XPath would. Meaning (//a, //b) resolves to all A nodes, followed by all B
nodes. //*[self::a or self::b] resolves to A and B nodes in document order.
* `evaluateXPath.FIRST_NODE_TYPE` Resolves to the first `Node` node.NODES_TYPE would have resolved
* `evaluateXPath.STRINGS_TYPE` Resolve to an array of strings `string[]`.

@@ -48,11 +62,21 @@ * `evaluateXPath.MAP_TYPE` Resolve to an `Object`, as a map.

* `options` `<Object>` Options used to modify the behavior. The following options are available:
* `namespaceResolver` `<function(string):string?>`
* `nodesFactory` `INodesFactory` A [INodesFactory](src/nodesFactory/INodesFactory.ts) implementation which will be used for creating nodes.
* `language` `string` The query language to use. Defaults to `evaluateXPath.XPATH_3_1_LANGUAGE`. Possible values:
* `evaluateXPath.XPATH_3_1_LANGUAGE` Evaluate `xpathExpression` according the [XPath spec](
* `evaluateXPath.XQUERY_3_1_LANGUAGE` Evaluate `xpathExpression` according the [XQuery spec](
* `namespaceResolver` `<function(string):string?>` By default, the namespaces in scope of the
context item (if it is a node) are used. This is fine for most queries if you can assume how
your XML uses prefixes. Use this function to override those namespaces to remove that
assumption. This function will be called with a prefix (the empty string for the default
namespaceURI) and should return a namespaceURI (or null for the null namespace).
* `nodesFactory` `INodesFactory` A [INodesFactory](src/nodesFactory/INodesFactory.ts)
implementation which will be used for creating nodes.
* `language` `string` The query language to use. Defaults to
`evaluateXPath.XPATH_3_1_LANGUAGE`. Possible values:
* `evaluateXPath.XPATH_3_1_LANGUAGE` Evaluate `xpathExpression` according the [XPath
* `evaluateXPath.XQUERY_3_1_LANGUAGE` Evaluate `xpathExpression` according the [XQuery
* `moduleImports` `<Object<string, string>`
* `debug` `<boolean>` If a debug trace should be tracked, see [debugging](#debugging) for more information.
* `debug` `<boolean>` If a debug trace should be tracked, see [debugging](#debugging) for more
* `logger` `<Object>` Object with functions used to override the standard logger.
* `trace: <function(string):void>` The logger for the `trace()` function. The argument is the string of the original message.
* `trace: <function(string):void>` The logger for the `trace()` function. The argument is the
string of the original message.

@@ -83,5 +107,4 @@ ### Example

FontoXPath can output a basic trace for an error if the `debug`
option is set to `true`. This is disabled by default because of
performance reasons.
FontoXPath can output a basic trace for an error if the `debug` option is set to `true`. This is
disabled by default because of performance reasons.

@@ -108,8 +131,9 @@ ```js

Besides errors, the `fn:trace` function can be used to output information to the developer console.
### Modifying XML
Note: the use of XQuery Update Facility 3.0 is in preview and subject to change.
To modify XML you can use [XQuery Update Facility 3.0]( as
To modify XML you can use [XQuery Update Facility 3.0]( as following

@@ -119,3 +143,8 @@ evaluateUpdatingExpression(xpathExpression, contextNode, domFacade, variables, options);

The arguments are the same as `evaluateXPath`. This returns a `Promise<Object>`, the object has a `xdmValue` and `pendingUpdateList`. The `xdmValue` is the result of query as if it was run using `evaluateXPath` with `evaluateXPath.ANY_TYPE` as `returnType`. The `pendingUpdateList` is an `<Object[]>` in which each entry represents an [update primitive]( where the `type` identifies the update primitive.
The arguments are the same as `evaluateXPath`. This returns a `Promise<Object>`, the object has a
`xdmValue` and `pendingUpdateList`. The `xdmValue` is the result of query as if it was run using
`evaluateXPath` with `evaluateXPath.ANY_TYPE` as `returnType`. The `pendingUpdateList` is an
`<Object[]>` in which each entry represents an [update
primitive]( where the `type` identifies
the update primitive.

@@ -129,5 +158,10 @@ The pending update list can be executed using

* `pendingUpdateList` `<Object[]>` The pending update list returned by `evaluateUpdatingExpression`.
* `domFacade` `<IDomFacade>` See `evaluateXPath`. The default will use nodes from the `pendingUpdateList`.
* `nodesFactory` `INodesFactory` A [INodesFactory](src/nodesFactory/INodesFactory.ts) implementation which will be used for creating nodes. Defaults to an implementation which uses properties and methods of nodes from the `pendingUpdateList`.
* `documentWriter` `<IDocumentWriter>` An [IDocumentWriter](src/documentWriter/IDocumePntWriter.ts) implementation which will be used for modifying a DOM. Defaults to an implementation which uses properties and methods of nodes from the `pendingUpdateList`.
* `domFacade` `<IDomFacade>` See `evaluateXPath`. The default will use nodes from the
* `nodesFactory` `INodesFactory` A [INodesFactory](src/nodesFactory/INodesFactory.ts) implementation
which will be used for creating nodes. Defaults to an implementation which uses properties and
methods of nodes from the `pendingUpdateList`.
* `documentWriter` `<IDocumentWriter>` An [IDocumentWriter](src/documentWriter/IDocumePntWriter.ts)
implementation which will be used for modifying a DOM. Defaults to an implementation which uses
properties and methods of nodes from the `pendingUpdateList`.

@@ -159,3 +193,3 @@ ### Example

* `name` `<string>` The function name.
* `name` `{namespaceURI: string, localName: string}` The function name.
* `signature` `string[]` The arguments of the function.

@@ -165,2 +199,64 @@ * `returnType` `string` The return type of the function.

#### Example:
const fontoxpath = require("fontoxpath")
// Register a function called 'there' in the 'hello' namespace:
fontoxpath.registerCustomXPathFunction({namespaceURI: 'hello', localName: 'there'}, ['xs:string'], 'xs:string', (_, str) => `Hello there, ${str}`);
// and call it, using the BracedUriLiteral syntax (Q{})
const out = fontoxpath.evaluateXPathToString('Q{hello}there("General Kenobi")');
// Or by using a prefix instead:
const URI_BY_PREFIX = {hi: 'hello'};
const out2 = fontoxpath.evaluateXPathToString(
'hi:there("General Kenobi")',
{namespaceResolver: (prefix) => (URI_BY_PREFIX[prefix])});
### Including modules
Use the `registerXQueryModule` function to register an XQuery module. Registered modules will be
globally available, but will have to be imported before they can be used.
#### Example:
const fontoxpath = require('fontoxpath');
module namespace test = "";
declare %public function test:hello($a) {
"Hello " || $a
// Import the module using the XQuery way:
import module namespace test = "";
(: Invoke the test:hello function :)
{language: fontoxpath.evaluateXPath.XQUERY_3_1_LANGUAGE}
// Or by using the moduleImports API, which can be used in XPath contexts as well
(: Invoke the test:hello function :)
{moduleImports: { test: '' } }
### Typescript

@@ -192,4 +288,4 @@

The following features are unavailable at this moment, but will be implemented at some point in time ([and even
sooner if you can help!](./
The following features are unavailable at this moment, but will be implemented at some point in time
([and even sooner if you can help!](./

@@ -201,4 +297,6 @@ * Some DateTime related functions

* The `treat as` operator
* Some parts of FLWOR expressions
For all available features, see the unit tests, or just try it out on the [Demo page](
For all available features, see the unit tests, or just try it out on the [Demo

@@ -205,0 +303,0 @@ ## Compatibility

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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