A nodejs module for retrieving data from TRN, and
you can install this module with npm
npm i fortnite-9812
Some of the method use Authentification by a special service like or Make sure you have the api key for these service if you want to use their service.
Create a Client
You're not obliged to create a client if you doesn't want to use and fortnitetracker api. Make sure you have insert your credentials in the client.
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
const client = new fortnite.Client({
TRN: "<TRN API key if you have one>",
fnbrToken: "<fnbr API key if you have one>"
Get the fortnite in-game news
there is currently one method to get the news. it's fortnite#brNews
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
.then(news => console.log(news))
.catch(err => console.eror(err))
Get the fortnite in-game shop
There is three method to get the shop, the first uses an API key from, the second uses an APi key from trackernetworkand the last doesn't use any API key.
FNBR method
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
const client = new fortnite.Client({
fnbrToken: "<fnbr API key if you have one>"
.then(shop => console.log(shop))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
this example retrieve the shop in the format json:
"status": 200,
"data": {
"date": "2019-01-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"featured": [
"daily": [
TRN method
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
const client = new fortnite.Client({
TRN: "<TRN API key if you have one>"
.then(shop => console.log(shop))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
this example retrieve the shop in the format json:
"imageUrl": "",
"manifestId": 6728,
"name": "Virtue",
"rarity": "Sturdy",
"storeCategory": "BRWeeklyStorefront",
"vBucks": 800
] method
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
var lang = "en"
.then(shop => console.log(shop))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
example of response:
"date_layout": "day-month-year",
"lastupdate": 1547251203,
"language": "en",
"date": "12-01-19",
"rows": 10,
"vbucks": "",
"items": [
example of an item:
"itemid": "eb15c77-d0ac8ec-ca444b0-c61443d",
"name": "Red-Nosed Raider",
"cost": "1200",
"featured": 1,
"refundable": 1,
"lastupdate": 1547251203,
"youtube": "",
"item": {
"image": "",
"images": {
"transparent": "",
"background": "",
"information": "",
"featured": {
"transparent": ""
"captial": "outfit",
"type": "outfit",
"rarity": "rare",
"obtained_type": "vbucks"
"ratings": {
"avgStars": 4.29,
"totalPoints": 300,
"numberVotes": 70
Get upcoming items
You can retrieve upcoming items with a API key or without APi key.
FNBR method
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
const client = new fortnite.Client({
fnbrToken: "<fnbr API key if you have one>"
.then(items => console.log(items))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
json response example:
"status": 200,
"data": [
"id": "5c19185a41eb8a88a040b680",
"name": "Cheer Up",
"price": "???",
"priceIcon": false,
"priceIconLink": false,
"images": {
"icon": "",
"png": false,
"gallery": false,
"featured": false
"rarity": "epic",
"type": "emote",
"slug": "cheer-up",
"readableType": "Emote",
"description": "Be aggressive. B-E aggressive.",
"bundleSet": false
Without APi key
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
.then(items => console.log(items))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
json example:
"rows": 7,
"vbucks": "",
"items": [
"itemid": "c1d1255-1e7ff5b-0f08b6a-4032d59",
"name": "Cheer Up",
"cost": "???",
"item": {
"image": "",
"images": {
"transparent": "",
"background": "",
"information": "",
"featured": {
"transparent": null
"captial": "emote",
"type": "emote",
"rarity": "epic",
"obtained": "",
"obtained_type": "none"
"ratings": {
"avgStars": 4.32,
"totalPoints": 268,
"numberVotes": 62
Get user ID
You don't need an API key for this method
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
fortnite.getID("Ñoт Tfuе")
.then(user => console.log(user))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
example json response:
"uid": "126c2c59f45646718a5e0406d83be593",
"username": "Ñoт Tfuе",
"platforms": [
"seasons": [
Get battle royal stats by ID
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
fortnite.getStatsId("126c2c59f45646718a5e0406d83be593", "ps4")
.then(stats => console.log(stats))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
this return
"cached": false,
"uid": "126c2c59f45646718a5e0406d83be593",
"username": "Manaf941",
"platform": "ps4",
"timestamp": 1547329460,
"window": "alltime",
"stats": {
"kills_solo": 3971,
"placetop1_solo": 26,
"placetop10_solo": 203,
"placetop25_solo": 520,
"matchesplayed_solo": 2943,
"kd_solo": 1.36,
"winrate_solo": 0.88,
"score_solo": 354303,
"minutesplayed_solo": 4585,
"lastmodified_solo": 1547139965,
"kills_duo": 3180,
"placetop1_duo": 40,
"placetop5_duo": 190,
"placetop12_duo": 440,
"matchesplayed_duo": 2513,
"kd_duo": 1.29,
"winrate_duo": 1.59,
"score_duo": 328987,
"minutesplayed_duo": 1674,
"lastmodified_duo": 1547144986,
"kills_squad": 3863,
"placetop1_squad": 45,
"placetop3_squad": 134,
"placetop6_squad": 295,
"matchesplayed_squad": 2774,
"kd_squad": 1.42,
"winrate_squad": 1.62,
"score_squad": 362532,
"minutesplayed_squad": 1507,
"lastmodified_squad": 1547310299
"totals": {
"kills": 11014,
"wins": 111,
"matchesplayed": 8230,
"minutesplayed": 7766,
"hoursplayed": 129,
"score": 1045822,
"winrate": 1.35,
"kd": 1.36,
"lastupdate": 1547144986
Get battle royale Stats from Name
There is two ways to get the battle royale stats, the first is without API key and the second uses TRN api key
Without APi key
note: this method do the same as fortnite#getID and fortnite#getStatsId
It is better to use this method than get the id and use getStatsId.
This method does not require an API key
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
fortnite.getStatsName("Ñoт Tfuе", "ps4")
.then(stats => console.log(stats))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
expected output
"cached": false,
"uid": "126c2c59f45646718a5e0406d83be593",
"username": "Manaf941",
"platform": "ps4",
"timestamp": 1547329460,
"window": "alltime",
"stats": {
"kills_solo": 3971,
"placetop1_solo": 26,
"placetop10_solo": 203,
"placetop25_solo": 520,
"matchesplayed_solo": 2943,
"kd_solo": 1.36,
"winrate_solo": 0.88,
"score_solo": 354303,
"minutesplayed_solo": 4585,
"lastmodified_solo": 1547139965,
"kills_duo": 3180,
"placetop1_duo": 40,
"placetop5_duo": 190,
"placetop12_duo": 440,
"matchesplayed_duo": 2513,
"kd_duo": 1.29,
"winrate_duo": 1.59,
"score_duo": 328987,
"minutesplayed_duo": 1674,
"lastmodified_duo": 1547144986,
"kills_squad": 3863,
"placetop1_squad": 45,
"placetop3_squad": 134,
"placetop6_squad": 295,
"matchesplayed_squad": 2774,
"kd_squad": 1.42,
"winrate_squad": 1.62,
"score_squad": 362532,
"minutesplayed_squad": 1507,
"lastmodified_squad": 1547310299
"totals": {
"kills": 11014,
"wins": 111,
"matchesplayed": 8230,
"minutesplayed": 7766,
"hoursplayed": 129,
"score": 1045822,
"winrate": 1.35,
"kd": 1.36,
"lastupdate": 1547144986
TRN method
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
const client = new fortnite.Client({
TRN: "<TRN API key if you have one>"
client.brStats("Ñoт Tfuе", "ps4")
.then(stats => console.log(stats))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
response example:
"accountId": "126c2c59-f456-4671-8a5e-0406d83be593",
"platformId": 2,
"platformName": "psn",
"platformNameLong": "PlayStation 4",
"epicUserHandle": "Ñoт Tfuе",
"stats": {
"p2": {
"trnRating": {
"label": "TRN Rating",
"field": "TRNRating",
"category": "Rating",
"valueInt": 1190,
"value": "1190",
"rank": 1646154,
"percentile": 56,
"displayValue": "1,190"
"curr_p9": {
"trnRating": {
"label": "TRN Rating",
"field": "TRNRating",
"category": "Rating",
"valueInt": 1200,
"value": "1200",
"percentile": 34,
"displayValue": "1,200"
"lifeTimeStats": [
"key": "Top 5s",
"value": "190"
"key": "Top 3s",
"value": "134"
"recentMatches": [
"id": 1227383480,
"accountId": "126c2c59-f456-4671-8a5e-0406d83be593",
"playlist": "p10",
"kills": 26,
"minutesPlayed": -444,
"top1": 0,
"top5": 1,
"top6": 0,
"top10": 0,
"top12": 2,
"top25": 0,
"matches": 17,
"top3": 0,
"dateCollected": "2019-01-13T00:03:53.69",
"score": 1982,
"platform": 3,
"trnRating": 1198.1,
"trnRatingChange": -0.0043725966597089605
Get servers status
check if the fortnite servers are UP
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
.then(status => console.log(status))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
expected output:
"status": "UP",
"message": "Fortnite is up.",
"version": "7.10",
"time": {
"since": {
"seconds": "1545132605"
"duration": {
"seconds": 2198745,
"formated": "25 days, 10 hour, 45 minutes and 45 seconds"
Get cosmetics stats
This method need an API key from
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
const client = new fortnite.Client({
fnbrToken: "<fnbr API key if you have one>"
.then(items => console.log(items))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
example of output:
"totalCosmetics": 1292,
"matrix": [
"type": "loading",
"rarity": [
"rarity": "uncommon",
"count": 62
"rarity": "rare",
"count": 1
"unreleased": 10
Get cosmetic image
This method need an APi key from
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
const client = new fortnite.Client({
fnbrToken: "<FNBR API key if you have one>"
client.fnbrImage({name: "straw ops", type: "outfit", limit: 10})
.then(search => console.log(search))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
this produce:
"status": 200,
"data": [
"id": "5bb4753bd022e1faa8cbfb5c",
"name": "Straw Ops",
"price": "1,500",
"priceIcon": "vbucks",
"priceIconLink": "",
"images": {
"icon": "",
"png": false,
"gallery": false,
"featured": ""
"rarity": "epic",
"type": "outfit",
"slug": "straw-ops",
"readableType": "Outfit",
"description": "The harvest grows near."
"query": {
"search": "straw ops",
"limit": 10,
"type": "outfit"
Generate an image with the fortnite font
You can easily generate a link to an image with the text that you want. This method does not require any credentials.
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
fortnite.text({text: "this is a test for the fortnite.text method", size: 160, color: "FFFFFF"})
.then(url => console.log(url))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
this console.log: ""
the object in the parameters is necessary. The "text" var in the json is obliged. the color and size are optional.
the color parameter is a hex color and the size is size in pixel for the text.
Get a list of fortnite challenge
there is two method for getting challenge, One with TRN API key and the other without.
TRN method
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
const client = new fortnite.Client({
TRN: "<TRN API key if you have one>"
.then(challenge => console.log(challenge)))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
example response:
"items": [
"metadata": [
"key": "type",
"value": "challenge"
"key": "name",
"value": "Record a speed of 27 or more on different Radar Signs"
"key": "questsCompleted",
"value": "0"
"key": "questsTotal",
"value": "1"
"key": "rewardPictureUrl",
"value": ""
"key": "rewardName",
"value": "5"
"key": "rewardDescription"
"metadata": [
"key": "type",
"value": "challenge"
"key": "name",
"value": "Jump through flaming hoops with a Quadcrasher or ATK"
the challenge list will look like this
Whitout APi key and suply the season
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
.then(challenge => console.log(challenge))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
console.log this:
"language": "en",
"season": 7,
"currentweek": 6,
"star": "",
"challenges": {
"week1": [
"identifier": "e2c420d-928d4bf-8ce0ff2-ec19b37",
"challenge": "Pick up an item of each rarity",
"total": 5,
"stars": 5,
"difficulty": "normal"
"week2": [
"identifier": "32bb90e-8976aab-5298d5d-a10fe66",
"challenge": "Search a Chest in different Named Locations",
"total": 7,
"stars": 5,
"difficulty": "normal"
"week3": [
"identifier": "d2ddea1-8f00665-ce8623e-36bd4e3",
"challenge": "Ride a Zipline in different matches",
"total": 5,
"stars": 5,
"difficulty": "normal"
"week4": [
"identifier": "ad61ab1-43223ef-bc24c7d-2583be6",
"challenge": "Use an X-4 Stormwing plane in different matches",
"total": 5,
"stars": 5,
"difficulty": "normal"
"week5": [
"identifier": "d09bf41-544a336-5a46c90-77ebb5e",
"challenge": "Stage 1: Land at Polar Peak",
"total": 1,
"stars": 1,
"difficulty": "normal"
"week6": [
"identifier": "fbd7939-d674997-cdb4692-d34de86",
"challenge": "Search an Ammo Box in different Named Locations",
"total": 7,
"stars": 5,
"difficulty": "normal"
"week7": [],
"week8": [],
"week9": [],
"week10": []
This wil return something like that.
Get any URL with a api key
If you want to call an URL that is not on their api with your API key, you can:
const fortnite = require("fortnite-9812")
const client = new fortnite.Client(
fnbrToken: "<FNBR API key>"
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
note: use the adapted method, if you want to get the shop, then, get the shop with Client#fnbrShop. This is only for people who want to use another URL or if the api gets uptdated and the package is not yet
Get a list of items in the game
You can get a list of cosmetics items in the game without authentication.
use fortnite#
All credit goes to Epic Games for all request without token, for all request with their api key and TRN for request with their API key.
If you need help, create an issue or contact me on discord: Manaf#9812