A simple to use module for interacting with the FortniteTracker API.
$ npm install fortnite
How to
const Fortnite = require('fortnite');
const client = new Fortnite('Your-API-Key');
client.getInfo('zerotwothreezero', 'pc').then(data => console.log(data));
An API key is required to send requests. You can get one by signing up here.
is required and must be a string.platform
is pc
by default. Possible platforms are: pc
, xbl
Example Response
Account {
accountId: 'a69bc052-f1e0-44d9-bbda-38385f565d0b',
username: 'zerotwothreezero',
platformId: 3,
platform: 'pc',
platformNameLong: 'PC',
url: '',
[ Stat { stat: 'top3', value: '2' },
Stat { stat: 'top5s', value: '1' },
Stat { stat: 'top3s', value: '2' },
Stat { stat: 'top6s', value: '2' },
Stat { stat: 'top12s', value: '10' },
Stat { stat: 'top25s', value: '12' },
Stat { stat: 'score', value: '14,048' },
Stat { stat: 'matchesPlayed', value: '112' },
Stat { stat: 'wins', value: '1' },
Stat { stat: 'win', value: '1%' },
Stat { stat: 'kills', value: '39' },
Stat { stat: 'kd', value: '0.35' },
Stat { stat: 'killsPerMin', value: '0.1' },
Stat { stat: 'timePlayed', value: '11h 32m ' },
Stat { stat: 'avgSurvivalTime', value: '6m 10s' } ],
{ p2:
{ trnRating: [Object],
score: [Object],
top1: [Object],
top3: [Object],
top5: [Object],
top6: [Object],
top10: [Object],
top12: [Object],
top25: [Object],
kd: [Object],
matches: [Object],
kills: [Object],
minutesPlayed: [Object],
kpm: [Object],
kpg: [Object],
avgTimePlayed: [Object],
scorePerMatch: [Object],
scorePerMin: [Object] },
{ trnRating: [Object],
score: [Object],
top1: [Object],
top3: [Object],
top5: [Object],
top6: [Object],
top10: [Object],
top12: [Object],
top25: [Object],
kd: [Object],
matches: [Object],
kills: [Object],
minutesPlayed: [Object],
kpm: [Object],
kpg: [Object],
avgTimePlayed: [Object],
scorePerMatch: [Object],
scorePerMin: [Object] },
{ trnRating: [Object],
score: [Object],
top1: [Object],
top3: [Object],
top5: [Object],
top6: [Object],
top10: [Object],
top12: [Object],
top25: [Object],
kd: [Object],
winRatio: [Object],
matches: [Object],
kills: [Object],
minutesPlayed: [Object],
kpm: [Object],
kpg: [Object],
avgTimePlayed: [Object],
scorePerMatch: [Object],
scorePerMin: [Object] } },
[ { id: 16623073,
accountId: 'a69bc052-f1e0-44d9-bbda-38385f565d0b',
playlist: 'p2',
kills: 20,
minutesPlayed: 240,
top1: 0,
top5: 0,
top6: 0,
top10: 2,
top12: 0,
top25: 12,
matches: 42,
top3: 0,
dateCollected: '2018-02-03T01:00:12.957',
score: 4925,
platform: 3 },
{ id: 16623072,
accountId: 'a69bc052-f1e0-44d9-bbda-38385f565d0b',
playlist: 'p9',
kills: 4,
minutesPlayed: 91,
top1: 1,
top5: 0,
top6: 2,
top10: 0,
top12: 0,
top25: 0,
matches: 11,
top3: 2,
dateCollected: '2018-02-03T01:00:12.91',
score: 2158,
platform: 3 },
{ id: 16623071,
accountId: 'a69bc052-f1e0-44d9-bbda-38385f565d0b',
playlist: 'p10',
kills: 15,
minutesPlayed: 361,
top1: 0,
top5: 1,
top6: 0,
top10: 0,
top12: 10,
top25: 0,
matches: 59,
top3: 0,
dateCollected: '2018-02-03T01:00:12.8',
score: 6965,
platform: 3 } ] }