❓ What's Foxcord ?
Foxcord is a modern and simple way to interact with the Discord API !
In addition to a classic library, Foxcord includes slash commands, selection menus, buttons, and soon a fully integrated voice system!
Note: The project is in alpha version and still under development, so it is perfectly normal that you have many errors, we advise you to wait for a stable version before using it for your bot.
🔑 Features
- Easy to use
- Latest Discord API version and latest additions
- Discord support
- Lightweight
🪓 Installation
Node.Js v12.0.0 is required at least
$ npm install foxcord@latest
💾 Code example
![Bot code image example](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/835896457454026802/868045935761059860/carbon.png?width=1007&height=676)
![Webhook code image example](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/835896457454026802/868046408442331136/webhook.png?width=1015&height=676)
🔗 Links
The documentation is coming very soon, In order to have more information about Foxcord, you can join the Discord server !
🚀 Other
This project is under Apache-2.0
Note: This package is not affiliated with Discord Inc
![Discord Banner 1](https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/841226489689014325/widget.png?style=banner1)
You can join the Foxcord official Discord server using this link