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fp-stylus - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.5 to 1.2.0


"name": "fp-stylus",
"version": "1.1.5",
"version": "1.2.0",
"description": "Stylus extension for Fepper",
"main": "stylus~extend.js",
"scripts": {
"coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls",
"lint": "eslint *.js && eslint test/*.js",
"test": "nyc mocha --exit"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-push": "npm run lint && npm test"
"repository": {

@@ -40,4 +50,16 @@ "type": "git",

"dependencies": {
"gulp-sourcemaps": "^2.6.4",
"gulp-stylus": "^2.7.0"
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "4.x",
"coveralls": "^3.0.2",
"eslint": "3.x",
"fepper": "*",
"fepper-utils": "*",
"gulp": "",
"husky": "^1.3.1",
"mocha": "5.x",
"nyc": "^13.1.0"
# Stylus extension for Fepper
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### Install
Add these tasks to `excludes/extend/custom.js`:
cd extend
npm install --save-dev fp-stylus
* Under gulp task 'custom:frontend-copy'
* 'stylus:frontend-copy'
* Under gulp task 'custom:once'
* 'stylus:once'
* Under gulp task 'custom:watch'
* 'stylus:watch'
### Use
There is also a 'stylus:no-comment' task, which will output CSS without line
comments. You probably want this to process CSS destined for production.
Add these tasks to `extend/custom.js`:
In a full ([main]( Fepper
installation, there should already be a `source/_styles/src/stylus` directory.
Create one if there isn't and put all Stylus code there.
* Under gulp task `'custom:frontend-copy'`
* `'stylus:frontend-copy'`
* Under gulp task `'custom:once'`
* `'stylus:once'`
* Under gulp task `'custom:watch'`
* `'stylus:watch'`
Running any of these tasks will write the compiled CSS to the
`paths.source.cssBld` directory as defined in `patternlab-config.json`.
On the command line:
fp stylus[:subtask]
The ([main]( Fepper distribution
ships with a `source/_styles/src/stylus` directory by default. Create one if
there isn't one, and put all Stylus code there.
This extension will read one directory deep for files with a `.styl` extension.
Partials must be nested deeper. Stylus code will be preprocessed into CSS and
built into the `paths.source.cssBld` directory as declared in
This extension defaults toward the printing of line comments for debugging
purposes. Doing so provides an unambiguous indication that the CSS was
preprocessed and that direct edits to the CSS should be avoided. If a project
decision is made to style with Stylus, it would be a good idea to have version
control ignore CSS builds in the `source` directory. This would avoid committing
line comments, which could otherwise lead to a morass of conflicts.
Another debugging alternative is writing CSS sourcemaps. (However, this will not
work if line comments are enabled.) Add the following to
your `pref.yml` file:
linenos: false
sourcemap: true
The `stylus.sourcemap` setting in `pref.yml` will accept any of the
<a href="" target="_blank">
documented Stylus sourcemap options</a>. Just set `stylus.sourcemap` as an
object and configure its properties as desired. Similarly, the `stylus`
setting will accept any documented Stylus option and submit it to Stylus.
### Tasks
#### `'stylus'`
* Builds Stylus into CSS.
* Overwrites CSS whether or not it has direct edits.
* Respects the `stylus.linenos` setting in `pref.yml`.
* If `stylus.linenos` is not set, will default to printing line comments.
#### `'stylus:diff-then-comment'`
* Usually under gulp task `'custom:once'`.
* Checks if the Stylus code was modified before overwriting CSS.
* Allows direct edits to CSS without triggering Stylus builds.
* Allows the choice of using Stylus exclusively or not using Stylus exclusively.
* Respects the `stylus.linenos` setting in `pref.yml`.
* If `stylus.linenos` is not set, will default to printing line comments.
#### `'stylus:frontend-copy'`
* Usually under gulp task `'custom:frontend-copy'`.
* Checks if the CSS has line comments or not.
* If it does, it builds Stylus without line comments and copies the CSS to the backend.
* If it does not, it just copies the CSS to the backend.
#### `'stylus:no-comment'`
* Same as `'stylus'` and `'stylus:once'` but without line comments.
* Ignores any `stylus.linenos` setting in `pref.yml`.
#### `'stylus:once'`
* Usually under gulp task `'custom:once'`.
* Same as `'stylus'`.
#### `'stylus:watch'`
* Usually under gulp task `'custom:watch'`.
* Watches the `source/_styles/src/stylus` directory for file modifications.
* Triggers `stylus` and overwrites CSS whether or not it has direct edits.
#### `'stylus:watch-no-comment'`
* Usually under gulp task `'custom:watch'`.
* Watches the `source/_styles/src/stylus` directory for file modifications.
* Triggers `stylus:no-comment` and overwrites CSS whether or not it has direct
#### `'stylus:watch-write-tmp'`
* Usually under gulp task `'custom:watch'`.
* Watches the `source/_styles/src/stylus` directory for file modifications.
* Triggers `stylus` and overwrites CSS whether or not it has direct edits.
* Writes the tmp file for comparing the current Stylus build with the previous
#### `'stylus:write-tmp'`
* Writes the tmp file for comparing the current Stylus build with the previous


'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const {Transform} = require('stream');

@@ -8,3 +9,3 @@ const fs = require('fs-extra');

const gulpStylus = require('gulp-stylus');
const runSequence = require('run-sequence');
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const stylus = require('stylus');

@@ -14,2 +15,3 @@ const utils = require('fepper-utils');

const conf = global.conf;
const pref = global.pref;

@@ -19,3 +21,54 @@ const cssBldDir = conf.ui.paths.source.cssBld;

function diffThenRender(commentBool, cb) {
function getSourcemapDest() {
if (pref.stylus.sourcemap) {
if (!pref.stylus.sourcemap.inline) {
return '.';
function getSourceRoot() {
if (pref.stylus.sourcemap) {
let sourceRoot;
if (pref.stylus.sourcemap.sourceRoot) {
sourceRoot = pref.stylus.sourcemap.sourceRoot;
else {
const uiSourceDir = conf.ui.paths.source.root;
if (cssSrcDir.indexOf(uiSourceDir) === 0) {
sourceRoot = cssSrcDir.slice(uiSourceDir.length);
sourceRoot += '/stylus';
return sourceRoot;
function streamUntouched() {
return new Transform({
readableObjectMode: true,
writableObjectMode: true,
transform(file, enc, cb) {
// Set up pref.stylus.
pref.stylus = pref.stylus || {};
// Opt for line comments by default.
if (pref.stylus.linenos !== false) {
pref.stylus.linenos = true;
function testForComments() {
const cssFilesBld = fs.readdirSync(cssBldDir);

@@ -27,2 +80,8 @@ let hasComments = false;

const cssFileBld = `${cssBldDir}/${cssFilesBld[i]}`;
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!fs.existsSync(cssFileBld)) {
const stat = fs.statSync(cssFileBld);

@@ -36,3 +95,4 @@

hasComments = /^\/\* line \d+ : /m.test(cssOld) && /\.styl \*\/$/m.test(cssOld);
hasComments = (/^\/\* line \d+ : /m.test(cssOld) && /\.styl \*\/$/m.test(cssOld)) ||
/^\/\*# sourceMappingURL=/m.test(cssOld);

@@ -44,17 +104,14 @@ if (hasComments) {

return hasComments;
function diffThenRender(cb) {
const hasComments = testForComments();
if (hasComments) {
if (commentBool) {
else {

@@ -66,9 +123,9 @@ return;

const stylFiles = fs.readdirSync(stylDir);
i = stylFiles.length;
let i = stylFiles.length;
while (i--) {
const stylFile = `${stylDir}/${stylFiles[i]}`;
const stylFileObj = path.parse(stylFile);
if (stylFileObj.ext !== '.styl') {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!fs.existsSync(stylFile)) {
if (i === 0) {

@@ -91,2 +148,13 @@ cb();

const stylFileObj = path.parse(stylFile);
if (stylFileObj.ext !== '.styl') {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (i === 0) {
const stylFileStr = fs.readFileSync(stylFile, conf.enc);

@@ -101,5 +169,9 @@

if (err) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
else {
// Declare bld file.
const cssFileBld = `${cssBldDir}/${}.css`;
const cssFileBldExists = fs.existsSync(cssFileBld);
// Declare tmp file for comparison.

@@ -112,2 +184,12 @@ const cssFileTmp = `${cssSrcDir}/.tmp/${}.css`;

// We need to render Stylus if cssFileBld does not exist. This will likely be the case on the first
// invocation of this function if cssFileBld is not version controlled. In that case, we need to skip the
// next clause.
else if (cssFileBldExists) {
// In other cases where cssFileTmp does not exist, output cssFileTmp for future comparison.
// Set cssFileTmpStr == cssNew to skip overwriting cssFileBld.
fs.outputFileSync(cssFileTmp, cssNew);
// Exit this iteration in next block.
cssFileTmpStr = cssNew;

@@ -118,2 +200,3 @@ // Compare newly rendered css with the contents of the tmp file.

if (cssFileTmpStr === cssNew) {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (iteration === 0) {

@@ -129,32 +212,44 @@ cb();

// Now, compare against bld css.
const cssFileBld = `${cssBldDir}/${}.css`;
const stat = fs.statSync(cssFileBld);
// Now, compare tmp css against bld css.
const prefStylusClone = Object.assign({}, pref.stylus, {filename: stylFile});
let stat;
if (stat.isFile()) {
const cssOld = fs.readFileSync(cssFileBld, conf.enc);
if (cssFileBldExists) {
stat = fs.statSync(cssFileBld);
// The first time 'stylus:diff-then-comment' is run, cssNew should equal cssOld.
// cssFileTmp will have been written at this point and will be used for future comparisons.
// If users only edit bld css and do not modify Stylus files, they should never get to this point.
if (!cssFileBldExists || stat.isFile()) {
let cssOld = '';
if (cssFileBldExists) {
cssOld = fs.readFileSync(cssFileBld, conf.enc);
// Only overwrite bld css if tmp css and bld css differ.
if (cssNew !== cssOld) {
.set('filename', stylFile)
.set('linenos', commentBool)
((iteration1) => {
return (err1, cssNew1) => {
if (err1) {
const style = stylus(stylFileStr, prefStylusClone);
((iteration1) => {
return (err1, cssNew1) => {
if (err1) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
else {
fs.outputFileSync(cssFileBld, cssNew1);
// Only write sourcemap if not printing line comments and not writing the sourcemap inline.
if (style.sourcemap && !prefStylusClone.linenos && !prefStylusClone.sourcemap.inline) {
fs.outputFileSync(`${cssFileBld}.map`, JSON.stringify(style.sourcemap));
else {
fs.outputFileSync(cssFileBld, cssNew1);
if (iteration1 === 0) {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (iteration1 === 0) {

@@ -164,2 +259,3 @@ }

/* istanbul ignore if */
if (iteration === 0) {

@@ -172,2 +268,3 @@ cb();

/* istanbul ignore if */
if (i === 0) {

@@ -180,11 +277,30 @@ cb();

function handleError(err) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
/* istanbul ignore next */
// Declare gulp tasks.
gulp.task('stylus', function () {
const sourceRoot = getSourceRoot();
let sourcemapsInit = sourcemaps.init;
let sourcemapsWrite = sourcemaps.write;
// Do not write sourcemaps if pref.stylus.sourcemap is falsey.
// Do not write sourcemaps if linenos === true, as the sourcemaps will be inaccurate and the linenos redundant.
if (!pref.stylus.sourcemap || pref.stylus.linenos) {
sourcemapsInit = () => {
return streamUntouched();
sourcemapsWrite = () => {
return streamUntouched();
return gulp.src(cssSrcDir + '/stylus/*.styl')
linenos: true
.pipe(sourcemapsWrite(getSourcemapDest(), {sourceRoot}))
.on('error', handleError)

@@ -194,25 +310,42 @@ .pipe(gulp.dest(cssBldDir));

// This first checks if the old bld CSS has line comments. If so, it runs the 'stylus' task and returns.
// If there are no line comments, it processes Stylus without line comments, to compare the new CSS with the old CSS.
// If there's a difference, it then processes Stylus again with line comments and writes that CSS to the bld directory.
// Otherwise, it leaves the old bld CSS alone.
// The intended result is for users who use Fepper defaults never to notice Stylus being processed if they never edit
// Stylus files, and for users who do edit Stylus files to have Stylus process as expected.
// This first checks if the old bld CSS has line comments. If so, it runs the 'stylus' task.
// It then renders Stylus into tmp CSS files without line comments for future comparison, and returns.
// If the bld CSS has no line comments, it renders Stylus without line comments, to compare the new CSS with the old.
// The first time it runs, it just writes the rendered CSS to a tmp file for future comparison.
// On subsequent runs, it compares against the previously written tmp CSS.
// If there's no difference, it exits for that file and moves on to the next file if there is one.
// If there is a difference, it writes the new tmp CSS file.
// It then checks for a difference between the new tmp CSS and the bld CSS.
// If there is a difference, it renders Stylus again with line comments and writes that over the bld CSS.
// The intent is for users who use Fepper defaults to never render Stylus if they never edit Stylus files,
// and for users who do edit Stylus files to have Stylus render as expected.
// Power-users should replace this with the 'stylus:once' or 'stylus:no-comment' task for better performance.
gulp.task('stylus:diff-then-comment', function (cb) {
diffThenRender(true, cb);
// Same as 'stylus:diff-then-comment' but with no line comments in rendered CSS.
gulp.task('stylus:diff-then-no-comment', function (cb) {
diffThenRender(false, cb);
// 'stylus:frontend-copy' checks if there are line comments in the bld CSS.
// If there are, it renders Stylus without line comments for the full 'frontend-copy' task to copy to the backend.
// If there are not, it does nothing and allows the full 'frontend-copy' task to copy the bld CSS to the backend.
gulp.task('stylus:frontend-copy', function (cb) {
const hasComments = testForComments();
if (hasComments) {
else {
// This runs the CSS processor without outputting line comments.
// You probably want this to process CSS destined for production.
// This renders Stylus without printing line comments. It also never writes sourcemaps.
// You probably want this to preprocess CSS destined for production.
gulp.task('stylus:no-comment', function () {
const prefStylusClone = Object.assign({}, pref.stylus, {linenos: false});
return gulp.src(cssSrcDir + '/stylus/*.styl')
linenos: false
.on('error', handleError)

@@ -222,12 +355,19 @@ .pipe(gulp.dest(cssBldDir));

gulp.task('stylus:frontend-copy', function (cb) {
gulp.task('stylus:once', ['stylus']);
gulp.task('stylus:watch', function () {
// Return the watcher so it can be closed after testing.
return'stylus/**/*', {cwd: cssSrcDir}, ['stylus']);
gulp.task('stylus:once', ['stylus']);
gulp.task('stylus:watch-no-comment', function () {
// Return the watcher so it can be closed after testing.
return'stylus/**/*', {cwd: cssSrcDir}, ['stylus:no-comment']);
gulp.task('stylus:watch-write-tmp', function () {
// Return the watcher so it can be closed after testing.
return'stylus/**/*', {cwd: cssSrcDir}, ['stylus:write-tmp', 'stylus']);
// This outputs tmp files without line comments to check for modifications to Stylus code.

@@ -242,13 +382,1 @@ gulp.task('stylus:write-tmp', function () {

gulp.task('stylus:watch', function () {'stylus/**/*', {cwd: cssSrcDir}, ['stylus']);
gulp.task('stylus:watch-no-comment', function () {'stylus/**/*', {cwd: cssSrcDir}, ['stylus:no-comment']);
gulp.task('stylus:watch-write-tmp', function () {'stylus/**/*', {cwd: cssSrcDir}, ['stylus:write-tmp', 'stylus']);
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