Checks if a French word should be contracted:
- le hérisson vs l'homme
- le yaourt vs l'ylang-ylang
- l'iode vs le iota
Same rules can also be used to manage cet/cet:
- ce hérisson vs cet homme
- cet arbre vs ce yaourt
And for adjectives:
- vieux hérisson vs vieil homme
- vieil arbre vs vieux yaourt
Also uses and provides a list of words with "h aspiré", which you can use with or without the helpers.
npm install french-contractions
One function contracts
that take 2 arguments:
- the word (noun or adjective)
- a map of custom exceptions (optional): the word is the key, the value must be an object having a
property with a boolean value
const lib = require('french-contractions');
['hérisson', 'homme', 'yaourt', 'iode'].forEach((word) => {
console.log(`${word} contracts? ${lib.contracts(word)}`);
dependencies and licences
List of h words based on The derived list in hmuet.ts
remains under CC BY-SA 3.0.