fs-assistant is a simple library that gives you recursive folder copying, simplified file overrides and promisified fs functions.
replaceStringInFile (pathToFile: string, stringPattern: RegExp | string, newString: string) => Promise<void>
Replaces a string in a file that matches the pattern with the new given string.
copyDir (pathToDir: string, pathToNewDir: string) => Promise<void>
Recursively copies all files from a directory to another.
readFile (fileLocation: string) => Promise<string>
Promisified version of fs readFile.
writeFile (newFileLocation: string, contents:any) => Promise<void>
Promisified version of fs writeFile.
copyFile (from: string, to: string) => Promise<void>
Promisified version of fs copyFile.
makeDir (location: string) => Promise<void>
Promisified version of fs makeDir.
deleteFile (location: string) => Promise<void>
Deletes the specified file.
renameFile (fileLocation: string, newFileName: string) => Promise<void>
Renames the specified file
isPath (stringToCheck: string) => boolean
Checks if the given string is a valid path. You can check all covered cases here.
flattenDir (dirLocation: string, newLocation: string) => Promise<void>
Moves all files from a directory (recursively) to a new directory.
For example if you have the directory ./myFiles
with a file ./myFiles/myFile.txt
and a nested directory ./myFiles/nestedFiles
which contains ./myFiles/nestedFiles/nestedFile.txt
the flattenDir function will move both files to the same level in a new output directory.
getFilesInDir(dirLocation: string) => Promise<FileDetails[]>
Returns an array with all file names and locations in a directory (recursively). Note that the location property in FileDetails represents the path + the name of the file.
readDir(dir: string) => Promise<string[]>
The promisified version of fs.readdir.
getDirsInDir(dirLocation: string) => Promise<FileDetails[]>
Returns an array with all sub directories of a directory.
getFilesInDir(dirLocation: string) => Promise<DirectoryDetails[]>
Returns an array with all items represented either as FileDetails or as DirectoryDetails.