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A JavaScript library for the Fulcrum API.
npm install --save fulcrum-app
There is also a browserified version of this package available at fulcrum.js
in the root of this repo. Just add this in a script tag on your page.
<script src="/lib/fulcrum.js"></script>
Supported Resources and Methods
Resource | Methods |
Forms | find, search, create, update, delete |
Records | find, search, create, update, delete, history |
Photos | find, search |
Projects | search |
Changesets | find, search, create, update, close |
Choice Lists | find, search, create, update, delete |
Classification Sets | find, search, create, update, delete |
Webhooks | find, search, create, update, delete |
Videos | find, search |
Memberships | search |
Roles | search |
Create a fulcrum client with your API token.
var Fulcrum = require('fulcrum-app');
var fulcrum = new Fulcrum({
api_key: 'abc123'
Various methods are available for each of the resources. Check the chart below for details.
Finds a single resource. Parameters are a resource id and a callback. The callback should accept an error and resource object, representing a form, record, changeset, etc.
var formFound = function (error, form) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error: ', error);
console.log('Found a form!', form);
fulcrum.forms.find('916474a7-b995-4b36-81db-8eda97f93a73', formFound);
Check the Fulcrum API Docs for an example of returned objects.
Search for resources. Parameters are an options object and a callback. The options object will be converted to query string parameters and properly url encoded. The options will vary depending on the resource, but pagination parameters are always accepted.
The callback should accept an error and an object representing a set of resources as well as pagination information. For example, a set of records will look like:
"current_page": 1,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_count": 2,
"per_page": 20000,
"records": [
"status": null,
"version": 1,
"id": "c05ee229-5d91-4ac5-b3e4-00c5cc063f3f",
"form_id": "512342b0-2bce-4e31-9d4a-8f29e929f7ac",
"form_values": {
"b799": [
"photo_id": "e5e4cd83-10cb-462f-91ea-9fee48f15d33"
"e659": {
"choice_values": [
"Deer Stand"
"other_values": []
"latitude": 35.2116941,
"longitude": -81.6359073
"status": null,
"version": 1,
"id": "42ec66d0-1c4b-4fef-aeea-ac96130f86a7",
"form_id": "512342b0-2bce-4e31-9d4a-8f29e929f7ac",
"form_values": {
"b799": [
"photo_id": "71b64b8e-800a-40cd-a8ae-ae31a583171b"
"e659": {
"choice_values": [
"Deer Stand"
"other_values": []
"latitude": 35.2091085,
"longitude": -81.636208
var recordsFound = function (error, records) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error: ', error);
records.records.forEach(function(record) {
console.log('Location is: ', record.latitude, record.longitude);
fulcrum.records.search({form_id: '916474a7-b995-4b36-81db-8eda97f93a73'}, recordsFound);
Create an object. Parameters are an object and a callback. The object should represent the resource you are creating. Check the Fulcrum API Docs for examples of resource objects.
The callback should accept an error and an object representing the created resource.
var webhookCreated = function (error, webhook) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error: ', error);
console.log('I created a webhook and its id is', webhook.webhook.id);
var webhook_to_create = {
"webhook": {
"name": "My First Webhook",
"url": "http://foo.com/fulcrum_webhook",
"active": true
fulcrum.webhooks.create(webhook_to_create, webhookCreated);
Update an object. Parameters are an id, an object and a callback.
The id is the unique id for the resource to be updated.
The object should represent the resource you are updating.
The callback should accept an error and an object representing the updated resource.
var webhookUpdated = function (error, webhook) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error: ', error);
console.log("My webhook's new name is", webhook.webhook.name);
var webhook_to_update = {
"webhook": {
"name": "The Best Webhook",
"url": "http://foo.com/fulcrum_webhook",
"active": false
fulcrum.webhooks.update('bc53d884-a7a8-4697-9e35-e26192be724e', webhook_to_update, webhookUpdated);
Delete an object. Parameters are an id and a callback.
The id is the unique id for the resource to be deleted.
The callback should accept an error. If there is no error the resource was deleted.
var recordDeleted = function (error) {
if (error) {
console.log('There was a problem deleting the record.');
} else {
console.log('The record was deleted.');
fulcrum.records.delete('916474a7-b995-4b36-81db-8eda97f93a73', recordDeleted);
Install dependencies:
cd fulcrum-node
npm install
Fulcrum Node is written in CoffeeScript. Use scripts to compile to JavaScript:
vim src/index.coffee
npm run build
Or watch the src directory and compile when changes are made:
npm run watch
Building for the Browser
Use browserify to package all dependencies and output the built fulcrum.js
. The npm run build
script already runs this command, but to run by itself:
browserify lib/index.js -s Fulcrum > fulcrum.js
Usage in the browser
In the example below our script src is set to the built file above and can be used as such:
<div id="forms"></div>
<script src="fulcrum.js"></script>
var fulcrum = new Fulcrum({api_key: 'abc123'});
var formsFound = function(errors, forms) {
fulcrum.forms.search(null, formsFound);
Be sure you've compiled to javascript and then:
npm test