function-runner npm package
This is the npm package for function-runner. The package contains a small Node
script that downloads the appropriate function-runner binary on demand and
invokes it with the parameters given.
# Install function-runner globally
$ npm install -g function-runner
# Directly invoke it via npm
$ npx function-runner
Updating function-runner
The npm package won't download function-runner again once its downloaded. If a
new version of the function-runner npm package has been published, you can use
the following invocation to update to the latest release:
REFRESH_FR=1 npx function-runner
Building from source
If there are no binaries available for your platform or the available binaries
don't work for you for some reason, the npm package can also build function-
runner from source.
BUILD_FR=1 npx function-runner
Please note that for this to work you must have Rust installed.