Functional Styles
Create functional ES2015 based style modules as an alternative to CSS. Putting component's style logic into vanilla JS modules allows them to be shared among different ecosystems (e.g. React, Angular or vanilla JS).
Style props can be functions:
const elementStyle = {
color: 'red',
padding: ({ padding = 2 }) => padding + 5
backgroundColor: ({ bgColor = 'transparent' }) => bgColor
export default elementStyle
Render with toStyle
Styles can be updated at render time using a vars
import { toStyle } from 'functional-styles'
import elementStyle from './elementStyle'
const vars = {
padding: 5,
bgColor: '#fee'
toStyle(elementStyle, vars)
npm install --save functional-styles
Think of vars
as being like Bootstrap's Less variables. They can be used for:
- key colors
- white space
- fonts
- margins and padding
Vars objects can be stored in a database or a module:
const myTheme = {
spacing: 5,
mainFont: 'Arial',
keyColor: '#A2B51A'
export default myTheme
Props which have style functions as values use ES2015 default values to make sure they render without errors when vars
are not supplied.
(keyColor = 'green') => keyColor
Component Style Modules
Functional style objects can be nested to provide all the styles needed for multiple elements in a component in their various states:
import {toStyle} from 'functional-styles'
import myTheme from './myTheme'
export const vars = {
spacing: ({spacing = 10}) => spacing,
mainFont: (mainFont = 'Arial') => mainFont,
keyColor: ({keyColor: 'orange'}) => keyColor
const base = {
display: 'inline-block',
paddingLeft: vars.spacing,
paddingRight: vars.spacing,
fontFamily: vars.mainFont,
backgroundColor: '#ccc'
const selected = {
backgroundColor: vars.keyColor
const buttonStyle = {
selected: {...base, ...selected}
export default buttonStyle
toStyle(buttonStyle, myTheme)
Merging Styles
will only get you so far when it comes to customizing a component. If more power is needed then use deep merges to override props you would like to change:
import { toStyle, merge } from 'functional-styles'
const borderRadiusFn ({ borderRadius: 3 }) => borderRadius
const overrides = {
base: {
selected: {
backgroundColor: 'pink'
const myButtonStyle = merge(buttonStyle, overrides)
toStyle(myButtonStyle, myTheme)
Function Styles Get Involved
Conventions and names are work in progress please submit issues with comments, ideas and JSBins.
- NCR Edinburgh - letting me work on this
- FormidableLabs - inspiration from Radium, Victory etc