is a collection of "async-by-continuation" function
generators and/or transformers.
To install:
npm i functors
An async-by-continuation function is a function which almost always
takes two arguments, the first being the input argument used by the
function and the second one being the continuation callback. The
continuation callback is called with two arguments: error (null
none) and the actual result computed by the async-by-continuation
For example, the following is a function which computes the sum of
and which adheres to the above convention:
var add = function(numbers, cb) {
try {
cb( null, numbers.reduce( function(result, x) { return result + x; }, 0));
} catch(e) { cb(e); }};
One can use delay
to rewrite the above function as:
var delay = require('functors/delay');
var add = delay( function(numbers) {
return numbers.reduce( function(result, x){ return result + x; }, 0) }
The async-by-continuation functions can be composed by using
, product
, map
, merge
, and concurrent
For example:
var delay = require("functors/delay"),
compose = require("functors/compose"),
map = require("functors/map"),
product = require("functors/product");
var f1 = delay( (x) => x + 1 ),
f2 = delay( (x) => x + x ),
f3 = delay( (x) => x * x );
compose(f1,f2,f3)(1, function(err, data) {
console.log("compose yields " + data);
// compose yields 16
product(f1,f2,f3)([1,2,3], function(err, data) {
console.log("product yields", data);
// product yields [ 2, 4, 9 ]
map(compose(f1,f2,f3))([1,2,3], function(err, data) {
console.log("map(compose(f1,f2,f3)) on [1,2,3] yields", data)
// map(compose(f1,f2,f3)) on [1,2,3] yields [ 16, 36, 64 ]
By running npm run doc
(or coffee
) we get the doc:
> functors@2.3.1 doc /home/wojtek/gits/functors
> coffee
# `delay( syncFun )` turns `syncFun` into an async function.
# `delay(syncFun, timeout = 0)` defines an async function,
# which, when called, will be execuded with delay `timeout`.
# `compose(asyncFn1, asyncFn2, ...)` composes the asynchronous functions
# `asyncFn1`, `asyncFn2`, ...
# `product(asyncFn1, asyncFn2, ..., asyncFnk)` generates a new async function
# which takes an array of k elements and a callback `cb` as arguments, runs
# the async functions with the elements of the array. Finnaly, it calls `cb`
# with the array of results
# `map(asyncFn)` generates a new async function which takes an array of
# k elements and a callback `cb` as arguments, runs the async function
# with every element of the array. Finnaly, it calls `cb`
# with the array of results
# `merge(afn1, afn2, ...)` transforms `afn1, afn2, ...` into a new
# async function which takes two arguments, `[a1, a2, ...], cb`.
# It tries to execute `afn1(a1,cb)` and if error occurs, it tries
# `afn2(a2, cb)`, and so on, till one of the calls does not generate
# an error.
# `concurrent(aFn1, aFn2, ..., aFnk)` generates a new async function
# which takes an array of k elements and a callback `cb` as arguments,
# runs the functions cuncurrently with the elements of the array,
# respectively.
# The first function which succeeds, (err = null), calls `cb`
# with its results.
# `semaphore(maxRunning = 10)` constructs a 'semaphore' which is a
# function `function(afn, context)` that creates a new async
# function which behaves as its argument `afn`. If there are already
# `maxRunning` functions running against the semaphore, the execution
# is delayed.
# `retry(asyncFun)` transforms `asyncFun` into another async function
# which will try executing `asyncFun` twice, if an error occurs, before
# calling its `callback`. Actually, the signature is:
# `retry(asyncFun,times=2,interval=500)`
# and it returns an async function.
# `throttle(fn, waitTime = 2000)` constructs a function, which behaves
# as its argument `fn`, unless it is called in intervals smaller than `waitTime`.
# In that case only the last call within that `waiting time` will be made.
# `value = new LazyValue( fetch_fn )` creates a read only value initialized
# by an async `fetch_fn`. The value is read by `value.get( cb )`. E.g.:
# > var val = new LazyValue(function(cb){fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', cb);});
# > val.get( function( err, data ){ console.log(data.toString() ) });
# There is also a helper method `select`:
# `select(obj, path, cb)` a field `obj.path` in `obj` which may contain
# `LazyValue`s.
# The callback `cb(err,val)` is called once value `val` of `obj.path`
# is retrived or error occurs.
# maker = new Maker(spec)
# constructs a DAG of 'targets'. Ex:
# var Maker = require('functors/Maker'),
# maker = new Maker({
# a: (_,cb) => cb(null, 12),
# b: {deps: 'a',
# value: function(deps,cb) { cb(null, deps.a + 1); }}});
# maker.get('a','b', (err, result) => console.log(result))
# // should print: `[12, 13]`
# Helper (synchronous) functions:
# flatten: e.g., [[1,2],3,4] -> [1,2,3,4]
# isArray: e.g., [1,2,3] -> true
# isNumber: e.g., 0 -> true
# isString: e.g., 123 -> false
# isFunction: ...
# isEmpty: e.g., {} -> true, [] -> true, ""-> true, but 0 -> false