Stability: 3 - Stable
FutoIn AsyncSteps mimics traditional threads of execution in single threaded event loop. It
supports all features including cancellation, exit handlers, thread local storage and synchronization
Additionally, it supports async/Promise integration as step through as.await()
Documentation --> FutoIn Guide
Reference implementation of:
FTN12: FutoIn Async API
Version: 1.13
Spec: FTN12: FutoIn Async API v1.x
Author: Andrey Galkin
Installation for Node.js
Command line:
$ npm install futoin-asyncsteps --save
$ yarn add futoin-asyncsteps
Hint: checkout FutoIn CID for all tools setup.
Browser installation
Pre-built ES5 CJS modules are available under es5/
. These modules
can be used with webpack
without transpiler - default "browser" entry point
points to ES5 version.
Webpack dists are also available under dist/
folder, but their usage should be limited
to sites without build process. There are "full", "lite" and "development" version builds.
Warning: older browsers should use dist/polyfill-asyncsteps.js
for WeakMap
polyfill used in synchronization primitives.
The following globals are available:
- $as - global reference to futoin-asyncsteps module
- futoin - global namespace-like object for name clashing cases
- futoin.$as - another reference to futoin-asyncsteps module
- FutoInError - global reference to standard FutoIn error codes object
- futoin.AsyncSteps - global reference to futoin-asyncsteps.AsyncSteps class
Simple steps
const $as = require('futoin-asyncsteps');
const root_as = $as();
root_as.add( ( as ) => {
as.success( "MyValue" );
} ).add(
( as, arg ) => {
if ( arg === 'MyValue' ) {
as.add( ( as ) => {
as.error( 'MyError', 'Something bad has happened' );
( as, err ) => {
if ( err === 'MyError' ) {
as.success( 'NotSoBad' );
root_as.add( ( as, arg ) => {
if ( arg === 'NotSoBad' ) {
console.log( 'MyError was ignored: ' + as.state.error_info );
as.state.p1arg = 'abc';
as.state.p2arg = 'xyz';
const p = as.parallel();
p.add( ( as ) => {
console.log( 'Parallel Step 1' );
as.add( ( as ) => {
console.log( 'Parallel Step 1.1' );
as.state.p1 = as.state.p1arg + '1';
} );
} );
p.add( ( as ) =>{
console.log( 'Parallel Step 2' );
as.add( ( as ) => {
console.log( 'Parallel Step 2.1' );
as.state.p2 = as.state.p2arg + '2';
} );
} );
} ).add( ( as ) => {
console.log( 'Parallel 1 result: ' + as.state.p1 );
console.log( 'Parallel 2 result: ' + as.state.p2 );
} );
MyError was ignored: Something bad has happened
Parallel Step 1
Parallel Step 2
Parallel Step 1.1
Parallel Step 2.1
Parallel 1 result: abc1
Parallel 2 result: xyz2
External event wait
var async_steps = require('futoin-asyncsteps');
function dummy_service_read( success, error ){
function dummy_service_cancel( reqhandle ){
var root_as = async_steps();
root_as.add( function( as ){
setImmediate( function(){
as.success( 'async success()' );
} );
as.setTimeout( 10 );
} ).add(
function( as, arg ){
console.log( arg );
var reqhandle = dummy_service_read(
function( data ){
as.success( data );
function( err ){
if ( err !== 'SomeSpecificCancelCode' )
as.error( err );
dummy_service_cancel( reqhandle );
as.setTimeout( 1000 );
function( as, err )
console.log( err + ": " + as.state.error_info );
async success()
Model steps (avoid closure creation overhead on repetitive execution)
var async_steps = require('futoin-asyncsteps');
var model_as = async_steps();
model_as.state.var = 'Vanilla';
model_as.add( function(as){
console.log( 'Hi! I am from model_as' );
console.log( 'State.var: ' + as.state.var );
as.state.var = 'Dirty';
for ( var i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
var root_as = async_steps();
root_as.copyFrom( model_as );
root_as.add( function(as){
as.add(function( as ){
console.log('>> The first inner step');
as.copyFrom( model_as );
Result. Please note the order as only the first step is executed in the loop.
The rest is executed quasi-parallel by nature of async programming.
The model_as closure gets executed 6 times, but created only once.
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Vanilla
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Vanilla
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Vanilla
>> The first inner step
>> The first inner step
>> The first inner step
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Dirty
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Dirty
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Dirty
Simple Async Loops
var async_steps = require('futoin-asyncsteps');
var root_as = async_steps();
function( as ){
as.repeat( 3, function( as, i ) {
console.log( "> Repeat: " + i );
} );
as.forEach( [ 1, 2, 3 ], function( as, k, v ) {
console.log( "> forEach: " + k + " = " + v );
} );
as.forEach( { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, function( as, k, v ) {
console.log( "> forEach: " + k + " = " + v );
} );
> Repeat: 0
> Repeat: 1
> Repeat: 2
> forEach: 0 = 1
> forEach: 1 = 2
> forEach: 2 = 3
> forEach: a = 1
> forEach: b = 2
> forEach: c = 3
Browser example
<script src="../dist/futoin-asyncsteps.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
console.log( 'Step1' );
console.log( 'Step2' );
Mutex example
'use strict';
const $as = require('futoin-asyncsteps');
const Mutex = require( 'futoin-asyncsteps/Mutex' );
const mtx = new Mutex();
let curr_concurrency = 0;
for ( let i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
.sync(mtx, (as) => {
as.add((as) => {
.add((as, val) => {
console.log(`Max concurrency ${i}: ${val}`);
Throttle example
const thrtl = new Throttle(10, 100);
const as = $as();
const p = as.parallel();
let passed = 0;
for ( let i = 0; i < 100; ++i ) {
p.add((as) => {
as.sync(thrtl, (as) => { passed += 1 });
setTimeout(() => {
}, 450);
Test case aid
$as_test = require( 'futoin-asyncsteps/testcase' );
it( 'should ...', $as_test(
( as ) => {
) );
it( 'should ...', $as_test(
( as ) => {
( as, err ) => {
if ( err === 'ExpectedError' ) {
) );
it( 'should ...', $as_test(
function( as ) {
this.timeout( 1e3 );
) );
const func = async () => {
await $as().add( (as) => {} ).promise();
API reference
- futoin-asyncsteps
- futoin-asyncsteps
- ISync
Base interface for synchronization primitives
- Limiter
Limiter - complex processing limit for AsyncSteps
- Mutex
Mutual exclusion mechanism for AsyncSteps
- Throttle
Throttling for AsyncSteps
- AsyncTool
Neutral interface to event scheduler
- AsyncToolTest
Special event scheduler for testing to be installed with installAsyncToolTest()
- $as
window.$as - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps module
- $as
window.FutoIn.$as - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps module
- FutoInError
window.FutoInError - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps.FutoInError
- AsyncSteps
window.futoin.AsyncSteps - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps.AsyncSteps
- $as
window.$as - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps module
- $as
window.FutoIn.$as - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps module
- FutoInError
window.FutoInError - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps.FutoInError
- AsyncSteps
window.futoin.AsyncSteps - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps.AsyncSteps
- FutoInErrors :
List of standard FutoIn Core errors. It may static get extended in runtime.
- $as_test(func, [onerror]) ⇒
Mocha-compatible test case based on AsyncSteps.
it('should ...', $as_test( (as) => {}, (as, err) => {} );
- installAsyncToolTest([install])
Use for unit testing to fine control step execution.
It installs AsyncToolTest in place of AsyncTool
- assertAS(as)
Ensure parameter is instance of AsyncSteps interfaces
Base interface for synchronization primitives
Kind: global class
Limiter - complex processing limit for AsyncSteps
Kind: global class
new Limiter([options])
Param | Type | Description |
[options] | object | option map |
[options.concurrent] | number | maximum concurrent flows |
[options.max_queue] | number | maximum queued |
[options.rate] | number | maximum entries in period |
[options.period_ms] | number | period length |
[options.burst] | number | maximum queue for rate limiting |
Mutual exclusion mechanism for AsyncSteps
Kind: global class
new Mutex([max], [max_queue])
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[max] | number | 1 | maximum number of simultaneous critical section entries |
[max_queue] | number |
| limit queue length, if set |
Throttling for AsyncSteps
Kind: global class
new Throttle([max], [period_ms], [max_queue])
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[max] | number | | maximum number of simultaneous critical section entries |
[period_ms] | number | 1000 | time period in milliseconds |
[max_queue] | number |
| limit queue length, if set |
Neutral interface to event scheduler
Kind: global variable
AsyncTool.callLater(func, [timeout_ms]) ⇒ object
Wrapper for setTimeout()
Kind: static method of AsyncTool
Returns: object
- - timer handle
Param | Type | Description |
func | function | callback to execute |
[timeout_ms] | number | optional timeout in ms |
Wrapper for clearTimeout()/clearImmediate()
Kind: static method of AsyncTool
Param | Type | Description |
handle | object | Handle returned from AsyncTool.callLater |
AsyncTool.callImmediate(func) ⇒ object
Wrapper for setImmediate()
Kind: static method of AsyncTool
Returns: object
- - timer handle
Param | Type | Description |
func | function | callback to execute |
Wrapper for clearImmediate()
Kind: static method of AsyncTool
Param | Type | Description |
handle | object | Handle returned from AsyncTool.callImmediate |
Special event scheduler for testing to be installed with installAsyncToolTest()
Kind: global variable
AsyncToolTest.callLater(func, [timeout_ms]) ⇒ object
Adds callback to internal queue
Kind: static method of AsyncToolTest
Returns: object
- timer handle
Param | Type | Description |
func | function | callback to execute |
[timeout_ms] | number | optional timeout in ms |
Removed callback from internal queue
Kind: static method of AsyncToolTest
Param | Type | Description |
handle | object | Handle returned from AsyncToolTest.callLater |
Process next even in the internal queue
Kind: static method of AsyncToolTest
AsyncToolTest.hasEvents() ⇒ boolean
Check if there are any events scheduled
Kind: static method of AsyncToolTest
Returns: boolean
- true, if pending events
AsyncToolTest.getEvents() ⇒ Array
Get internal even queue
Kind: static method of AsyncToolTest
Returns: Array
- event queue
Clear internal event queue
Kind: static method of AsyncToolTest
Execute all remaining events in the internal queue
Kind: static method of AsyncToolTest
window.$as - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps module
Kind: global variable
window.FutoIn.$as - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps module
Kind: global variable
window.FutoInError - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps.FutoInError
Kind: global variable
window.futoin.AsyncSteps - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps.AsyncSteps
Kind: global variable
- AsyncSteps
- .state ⇒
- .add(func, [onerror]) ⇒
- .parallel([onerror]) ⇒
- .sync(object, func, [onerror]) ⇒
- .error(name, [error_info])
- .copyFrom(other) ⇒
- .cancel() ⇒
- .execute() ⇒
- .loop(func, [label]) ⇒
- .repeat(count, func, [label]) ⇒
- .forEach(map_or_list, func, [label]) ⇒
- .successStep([...args]) ⇒
- .await(promise, [onerror]) ⇒
- .promise() ⇒
- .newInstance() ⇒
- .success([...args])
- .setTimeout(timeout_ms) ⇒
- .setCancel(oncancel) ⇒
- .waitExternal() ⇒
- .break([label])
- .continue([label])
asyncSteps.state ⇒ object
Get AsyncSteps state object.
Note: There is a JS-specific improvement: as.state === as.state()
The are the following pre-defined state variables:
- error_info - error description, if provided to as.error()
- last_exception - the last exception caught
- async_stack - array of references to executed step handlers in current stack
Kind: instance property of AsyncSteps
asyncSteps.add(func, [onerror]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Add sub-step. Can be called multiple times.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
func | ExecFunc | function defining non-blocking step execution |
[onerror] | ErrorFunc | Optional, provide error handler |
asyncSteps.parallel([onerror]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Creates a step internally and returns specialized AsyncSteps interfaces all steps
of which are executed in quasi-parallel.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- interface for parallel step adding
Param | Type | Description |
[onerror] | ErrorFunc | Optional, provide error handler |
asyncSteps.sync(object, func, [onerror]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Add sub-step with synchronization against supplied object.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
object | ISync | Mutex, Throttle or other type of synchronization implementation. |
func | ExecFunc | function defining non-blocking step execution |
[onerror] | ErrorFunc | Optional, provide error handler |
asyncSteps.error(name, [error_info])
Set error and throw to abort execution.
NOTE: If called outside of AsyncSteps stack (e.g. by external event), make sure you catch the exception
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Param | Type | Description |
name | string | error message, expected to be identifier "InternalError" |
[error_info] | string | optional descriptive message assigned to as.state.error_info |
asyncSteps.copyFrom(other) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Copy steps and not yet defined state variables from "model" AsyncSteps instance
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
other | AsyncSteps | model instance, which must get be executed |
asyncSteps.cancel() ⇒ AsyncSteps
Use only on root AsyncSteps instance. Abort execution of AsyncSteps instance in progress.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
asyncSteps.execute() ⇒ AsyncSteps
Start execution of AsyncSteps using AsyncTool
It must not be called more than once until cancel/complete (instance can be re-used)
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
asyncSteps.loop(func, [label]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Execute loop until as.break() or as.error() is called
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
func | LoopFunc | loop body |
[label] | string | optional label to use for as.break() and as.continue() in inner loops |
asyncSteps.repeat(count, func, [label]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Call func(as, i) for count times
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
count | number | how many times to call the func |
func | RepeatFunc | loop body |
[label] | string | optional label to use for as.break() and as.continue() in inner loops |
asyncSteps.forEach(map_or_list, func, [label]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
For each map or list element call func( as, key, value )
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
map_or_list | number | map or list to iterate over |
func | ForEachFunc | loop body |
[label] | string | optional label to use for as.break() and as.continue() in inner loops |
asyncSteps.successStep([...args]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Shortcut for this.add( ( as ) => as.success( ...args ) )
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
[...args] | any | argument to pass, if any |
asyncSteps.await(promise, [onerror]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Integrate a promise as a step.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
promise | Promise | promise to add as a step |
[onerror] | function | error handler to check |
asyncSteps.promise() ⇒ Promise
Execute AsyncSteps with Promise interface
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: Promise
- - promise wrapper for AsyncSteps
asyncSteps.newInstance() ⇒ AsyncSteps
Create a new instance of AsyncSteps for independent execution
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- new instance
Successfully complete current step execution, optionally passing result variables to the next step.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Param | Type | Description |
[...args] | any | unlimited number of result variables with no type constraint |
asyncSteps.setTimeout(timeout_ms) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Set timeout for external event completion with async as.success() or as.error() call.
If step is not finished until timeout is reached then Timeout error is raised.
Can be used only within ExecFunc body.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
timeout_ms | number | Timeout in ms |
asyncSteps.setCancel(oncancel) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Set cancellation handler to properly handle timeouts and external cancellation.
Can be used only within ExecFunc body.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
oncancel | CancelFunc | cleanup/cancel logic of external processing |
asyncSteps.waitExternal() ⇒ AsyncSteps
Mark currently executing step as waiting for external event.
Can be used only within ExecFunc body.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Break execution of current loop, throws exception
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Param | Type | Description |
[label] | string | Optional. unwind loops, until label named loop is exited |
Continue loop execution from the next iteration, throws exception
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Param | Type | Description |
[label] | string | Optional. unwind loops, until label named loop is found |
window.$as - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps module
Kind: global variable
window.FutoIn.$as - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps module
Kind: global variable
window.FutoInError - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps.FutoInError
Kind: global variable
window.futoin.AsyncSteps - browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps.AsyncSteps
Kind: global variable
- AsyncSteps
- .state ⇒
- .add(func, [onerror]) ⇒
- .parallel([onerror]) ⇒
- .sync(object, func, [onerror]) ⇒
- .error(name, [error_info])
- .copyFrom(other) ⇒
- .cancel() ⇒
- .execute() ⇒
- .loop(func, [label]) ⇒
- .repeat(count, func, [label]) ⇒
- .forEach(map_or_list, func, [label]) ⇒
- .successStep([...args]) ⇒
- .await(promise, [onerror]) ⇒
- .promise() ⇒
- .newInstance() ⇒
- .success([...args])
- .setTimeout(timeout_ms) ⇒
- .setCancel(oncancel) ⇒
- .waitExternal() ⇒
- .break([label])
- .continue([label])
asyncSteps.state ⇒ object
Get AsyncSteps state object.
Note: There is a JS-specific improvement: as.state === as.state()
The are the following pre-defined state variables:
- error_info - error description, if provided to as.error()
- last_exception - the last exception caught
- async_stack - array of references to executed step handlers in current stack
Kind: instance property of AsyncSteps
asyncSteps.add(func, [onerror]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Add sub-step. Can be called multiple times.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
func | ExecFunc | function defining non-blocking step execution |
[onerror] | ErrorFunc | Optional, provide error handler |
asyncSteps.parallel([onerror]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Creates a step internally and returns specialized AsyncSteps interfaces all steps
of which are executed in quasi-parallel.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- interface for parallel step adding
Param | Type | Description |
[onerror] | ErrorFunc | Optional, provide error handler |
asyncSteps.sync(object, func, [onerror]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Add sub-step with synchronization against supplied object.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
object | ISync | Mutex, Throttle or other type of synchronization implementation. |
func | ExecFunc | function defining non-blocking step execution |
[onerror] | ErrorFunc | Optional, provide error handler |
asyncSteps.error(name, [error_info])
Set error and throw to abort execution.
NOTE: If called outside of AsyncSteps stack (e.g. by external event), make sure you catch the exception
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Param | Type | Description |
name | string | error message, expected to be identifier "InternalError" |
[error_info] | string | optional descriptive message assigned to as.state.error_info |
asyncSteps.copyFrom(other) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Copy steps and not yet defined state variables from "model" AsyncSteps instance
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
other | AsyncSteps | model instance, which must get be executed |
asyncSteps.cancel() ⇒ AsyncSteps
Use only on root AsyncSteps instance. Abort execution of AsyncSteps instance in progress.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
asyncSteps.execute() ⇒ AsyncSteps
Start execution of AsyncSteps using AsyncTool
It must not be called more than once until cancel/complete (instance can be re-used)
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
asyncSteps.loop(func, [label]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Execute loop until as.break() or as.error() is called
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
func | LoopFunc | loop body |
[label] | string | optional label to use for as.break() and as.continue() in inner loops |
asyncSteps.repeat(count, func, [label]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Call func(as, i) for count times
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
count | number | how many times to call the func |
func | RepeatFunc | loop body |
[label] | string | optional label to use for as.break() and as.continue() in inner loops |
asyncSteps.forEach(map_or_list, func, [label]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
For each map or list element call func( as, key, value )
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
map_or_list | number | map or list to iterate over |
func | ForEachFunc | loop body |
[label] | string | optional label to use for as.break() and as.continue() in inner loops |
asyncSteps.successStep([...args]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Shortcut for this.add( ( as ) => as.success( ...args ) )
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
[...args] | any | argument to pass, if any |
asyncSteps.await(promise, [onerror]) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Integrate a promise as a step.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
promise | Promise | promise to add as a step |
[onerror] | function | error handler to check |
asyncSteps.promise() ⇒ Promise
Execute AsyncSteps with Promise interface
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: Promise
- - promise wrapper for AsyncSteps
asyncSteps.newInstance() ⇒ AsyncSteps
Create a new instance of AsyncSteps for independent execution
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- new instance
Successfully complete current step execution, optionally passing result variables to the next step.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Param | Type | Description |
[...args] | any | unlimited number of result variables with no type constraint |
asyncSteps.setTimeout(timeout_ms) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Set timeout for external event completion with async as.success() or as.error() call.
If step is not finished until timeout is reached then Timeout error is raised.
Can be used only within ExecFunc body.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
timeout_ms | number | Timeout in ms |
asyncSteps.setCancel(oncancel) ⇒ AsyncSteps
Set cancellation handler to properly handle timeouts and external cancellation.
Can be used only within ExecFunc body.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Param | Type | Description |
oncancel | CancelFunc | cleanup/cancel logic of external processing |
asyncSteps.waitExternal() ⇒ AsyncSteps
Mark currently executing step as waiting for external event.
Can be used only within ExecFunc body.
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Returns: AsyncSteps
- self
Break execution of current loop, throws exception
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Param | Type | Description |
[label] | string | Optional. unwind loops, until label named loop is exited |
Continue loop execution from the next iteration, throws exception
Kind: instance method of AsyncSteps
Param | Type | Description |
[label] | string | Optional. unwind loops, until label named loop is found |
FutoInErrors : object
List of standard FutoIn Core errors. It may static get extended in runtime.
Kind: global namespace
FutoInErrors.ConnectError : string
Connection error before request is sent.
Must be generated on Invoker side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.CommError : string
Communication error at any stage after request is sent
and before response is received.
Must be generated on Invoker side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.UnknownInterface : string
Unknown interface requested.
Must be generated only on Executor side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.NotSupportedVersion : string
Not supported interface version.
Must be generated only on Executor side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.NotImplemented : string
In case interface function is not implemented on Executor side
Must be generated on Executor side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.Unauthorized : string
Security policy on Executor side does not allow to
access interface or specific function.
Must be generated only on Executor side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.InternalError : string
Unexpected internal error on Executor side, including internal CommError.
Must be generated only on Executor side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.InvokerError : string
Unexpected internal error on Invoker side, not related to CommError.
Must be generated only on Invoker side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.InvalidRequest : string
Invalid data is passed as FutoIn request.
Must be generated only on Executor side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.DefenseRejected : string
Defense system has triggered rejection
Must be generated on Executor side, but also possible to be triggered on Invoker
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.PleaseReauth : string
Executor requests re-authorization
Must be generated only on Executor side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
'sec' request section has invalid data or not SecureChannel
Must be generated only on Executor side
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
FutoInErrors.Timeout : string
Timeout occurred in any stage
Must be used only internally and should never travel in request message
Kind: static constant of FutoInErrors
$as_test(func, [onerror]) ⇒ function
Mocha-compatible test case based on AsyncSteps.
it('should ...', $as_test( (as) => {}, (as, err) => {} );
Kind: global function
Returns: function
- suitable for it()
Mocha call
Param | Type | Description |
func | ExecFunc | function defining non-blocking step execution |
[onerror] | ErrorFunc | Optional, provide error handler |
Use for unit testing to fine control step execution.
It installs AsyncToolTest in place of AsyncTool
Kind: global function
Param | Type | Description |
[install] | boolean | true - install AsyncToolTest, false - AsyncTool as scheduler |
Ensure parameter is instance of AsyncSteps interfaces
Kind: global function
Param | Type | Description |
as | any | paramter to check |