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This project is in active development and is not feature-complete yet, but is already mature enough.
The documentation of this specific implementation is not complete either.
FutoIn reference implementation
Reference implementation of:
FTN7: FutoIn Invoker Concept
Version: 1.2
Spec: FTN7: Interface Invoker Concept v1.x
Web Site
FutoIn Invoker is a peer which initiates a request - invokes a FutoIn interface method
as described in FTN3: FutoIn Interface Definition.
It is not necessary a client - e.g. server may initiate request for event delivery to client.
The method can be implemented locally or remotely - it is transparent to invoking code.
A similar concept can be found in CORBA and other more heavy request brokers.
Strict FutoIn interface (iface) definition and transport protocol is defined in FTN3 spec mentioned above.
As it is based on JSON, both client and server can be implemented in a few minutes almost in
any technology. However, Invoker and Executor concept provide significant benefits for
efficiency, reliability and error control.
The core of invoker is CCM - Connection and Credentials Manager.
It has the following advantages:
- A single place to configure & hold sensitive data (like credentials)
- Transparent connection management (no need for special connect/request/response/disconnect logic)
- Efficient use of communications (keep-alive, persistent WebSockets channels,
channel-based instead of message-based security, etc.)
- Inversion of Control / Dependency Injection - implementations are referenced by
static names like "mymodule.some.service" in code. The rest is hidden in CCM configuration.
The primary communication channel is WebSockets. Large raw data upload and download
is also supported through automatic fallback to HTTP(S).
SimpleCCM - a light version without heavy processing of iface definition (ideal for browser)
AdvancedCCM - full featured CCM (extends SimpleCCM)
Note: Invoker and Executor are platform/technology-neutral concepts. The implementation
is already available in JS and PHP. Hopefully, others are upcoming
Installation for Node.js
Command line:
$ npm install futoin-invoker --save
Installation for Browser
$ bower install futoin-invoker --save
Please note that browser build is available under in dist/ folder in sources generated
with pure-sjc. It depends on
Note: there are the following globals available:
SimpleCCM - global reference to futoin-invoker.SimpleCCM class
AdvancedCCM - global reference to futoin-invoker.AdvancedCCM class
futoin.Invoker - global reference to futoin-invoker module
API documentation
The concept is described in FutoIn specification: FTN7: Interface Invoker Concept v1.x
##class: futoin-invoker.SimpleCCM
###new futoin-invoker.SimpleCCM([options])
Simple CCM - Reference Implementation
- [options]
- map of OPT_* named variables
##class: futoin-invoker.AdvancedCCM
###new futoin-invoker.AdvancedCCM()
Advanced CCM - Reference Implementation
##class: futoin-invoker.FutoInError
###new futoin-invoker.FutoInError()
Easy access of futoin-asyncsteps.FutoInError errors, which may be extended in the future
##class: futoin-invoker.NativeIface
###new futoin-invoker.NativeIface()
Useful base for custom implementation of NativeIface
##class: futoin-invoker.InterfaceInfo
###new futoin-invoker.InterfaceInfo()
NativeInterface.ifaceInfo() class for custom implementations of NativeIface
#class: spectools
##new spectools()
#class: InterfaceInfo
##new InterfaceInfo()
FutoIn interface info
Get FutoIn interface type
Returns: string
Get FutoIn interface version
Returns: string
Get list of inherited interfaces starting from the most derived, may be null
Returns: object
Get list of available functions, may be null
Returns: object
Get list of interface constraints, may be null
Returns: object
#class: NativeIface
##new NativeIface()
Native Interface for FutoIn ifaces
##nativeIface.call(as, name, params, upload_data, [download_stream], [timeout])
Generic FutoIn function call interface
Result is passed through AsyncSteps.success() as a map.
- as
- AsyncSteps object - name
- FutoIn iface function name - params
- map of func parameters - upload_data
| stream.Readable
- raw upload data or input stram - [download_stream]
- output stream for raw download data - [timeout]
- if provided, overrides the default. <=0 - disables timeout
Get interface info
Returns: object
Returns extended API interface as defined in [FTN10 Burst Calls][]
Returns: object
Results with DerivedKeyAccessor through as.success()
window.SimpleCCM - Browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps.SimpleCCM
window.AdvancedCCM - Browser-only reference to futoin-asyncsteps.AdvancedCCM
futoin.Invoker - Browser-only reference to futoin-invoker module
window.FutoInInvoker - Browser-only reference to futoin-invoker module
documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.