Logger ![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/flywheelsports/fwsp-logger.svg?branch=master)
Provides a pino logger
that ships its logs to Elasticsearch via pino-elasticsearch.
First, run npm install -g pino-elasticsearch
In Hydra-Express service entry-point script:
let logger = config.logger && require('fwsp-logger').initHydraExpress(
hydraExpress, config.hydra.serviceName, config.logger
return hydraExpress.init(config.getObject(), version, () => {
const express = hydraExpress.getExpress();
let logRequests = config.environment === 'development' && config.logger.logRequests;
logger && logRequests && hydraExpress.getExpressApp().use(logger.middleware);
'/v1/service': require('./routes/service-v1-routes')
with corresponding entry in config.json:
"logger": {
"name": "optional - will default to service name",
"logPath": "optional - will default to service/servicename.log",
"toConsole": false,
"noFile": true,
"logRequests": true,
"redact": ["password"],
"elasticsearch": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 9200
General usage:
const Logger = require('fwsp-logger').Logger,
logger = new Logger(
{ name: 'myApp' },
{ host: 'your.elasticsearch.host.com', port: 9200 }
const appLogger = logger.getLogger();
appLogger.error('An error happened');
appLogger.info('Something else happened');
To make sure logs are getting shipped to Elasticsearch,
you can spin up docker containers with ES and Kibana
using the docker-compose.yml file in this repository.
You will need docker and
docker-compose installed,
then in this project folder, launch docker-compose up
Licensed under MIT.