Gatsby Parallel Runner
This is an early WIP version of a runner for gatsby that can parallelize tasks like image processing.
When gatsby is started from a parent process with the environment variable ENABLE_GATSBY_EXTERNAL_JOBS
it will communicate some jobs up to the parent process via ipc, instead of running them in it's own internal
This allows a parent process to orchestrate certain task for better paralelization with cloud functions, etc.
This WIP will paralelize the sharp plugin image transformations to a Google Cloud Function via Google PubSub.
There's currently no versioning of the sharp plugin and no real error handling, but the basics are working.
Intallation and usage
Install in your gatsby project:
npm i gatsby-parallel-runner
Set relevant env variables in your shell:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/path/to/your/google-credentials.json
export TOPIC=parallel-runner-topic
export WORKER_TOPIC=function-worker-topic
Deploy the cloud function:
./node_modules/.bin/gatsby-parallel-runner deploy
To run a Gatsby build: