This is an altered fork of gatsby-plugin-google-gtag.
The README at the time of the forking.
You can find more detailed information in this blogpost Cookie Consent with Gatsby and Google Tagmanager.
Easy configurable plugin to have a cookie consent popup with opt-in before loading any gtag script as required by some gdpr laws.
It stitches together the gatsby-plugin-google-gtag plugin
with this awesome cookieconsent library.
The final result will look like this:
![Cookie Consent Popup](
Install the plugin via
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-google-gtag-cookieconsent
Add this to your gatsby-config.js
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-gtag-cookieconsent`,
options: {
cookieConsentConfig: { ... },
enableForAllEnvironments: true,
googleGtagPluginConfig: { ... },
You might want to set enableForAllEnvironments
to false
to only enable the plugin for production builds.
In order to save space in your config file, I would recommend to move the extensive cookie consent config into a separate file, e.g. cookie-consent-config
exports.cookieConsentConfig = {
categories: {
necessary: {
enabled: true,
readOnly: true,
analytics: {},
language: {
default: "en",
translations: {
en: {
consentModal: {
preferencesModal: {
And then import it in your gatsby-config.js
const { cookieConsentConfig } = require("./cookie-consent-config");
For detailed information of the available config please reference cookieconsent or gatsby-plugin-google-gtag directly.
Quick example configs can be found in the examples folder.