Parses JavaScript files to extract frontmatter from exports.
npm install --save gatsby-transformer-javascript-frontmatter
How to use
To use this plugin you also need gatsby-source-filesystem installed.
module.exports = {
plugins: [`gatsby-transformer-javascript-frontmatter`],
Parsing algorithm
This plugin uses @babel/parser and traverse (from the babel family of code) to
statically read the frontmatter exports.
In a .js file, export a frontmatter object to set your metadata variables, like so:
import React from 'react'
exports.frontmatter = {
title: 'Choropleth on d3v4',
written: '2017-05-04',
layoutType: 'post',
path: 'choropleth-on-d3v4',
category: 'data science',
description: 'Things about the choropleth.'
export default MyComponent ...
You can also use a named export for the frontmatter object:
export const frontmatter = {
title: "Choropleth on d3v4",
written: "2017-05-04",
layoutType: "post",
path: "choropleth-on-d3v4",
category: "data science",
description: "Things about the choropleth.",
How to query
You'd be able to query your frontmatter like:
allJavascriptFrontmatter {
edges {
node {
frontmatter {
Which would return something like:
"data": {
"allJavascriptFrontmatter": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"frontmatter": {
"error": false,
"path": "choropleth-on-d3v4",
"title": "Choropleth on d3v4",
"written": "2017-05-04",
"category": "data science",
"description": "Things about the choropleth.",
"updated": null
Any attribute on "frontmatter" across your js files will be exported. If a file is
missing it, the value will be null.
The error field will contain false
or an object with error information just to
give a surface level view of what the query is pulling out.
"error": {
"err": true,
"message": "we threw an error",
"stack": "This is a stringified stack trace"