Yeoman generator for Backbone with AMD capabilities
You can install this generator by two ways, clonning repo and linking or install by npm. To install clonnig repo run:
$ git clone
$ cd generator-backbone-amd
$ npm link
Or to install by npm run:
$ npm install generator-backbone-amd
Bootstrap project
To bootstrap a new project simply run
$ yo backbone-amd
Create model
To add a Backbone model to the project use the model generator like this
$ yo backbone-amd:model model-name
Create collection
To add a Backbone collection to the project use collection generator
$ yo backbone-amd:collection collection-name
You can link the collection with an existent model
$ yo backbone-amd:collection collection-name model-name
Or may be you want to create both, model and collection on one step
$ yo backbone-amd:collection collection-name model-name --create-model
Create views
Backbone works with view definitions, to create one use this command
$ yo backbone-amd:view view-name
If you prefer CoffeeScript instead just add --coffee flag
$ yo backbone-amd:view view-name --coffee
Create routers
You can generate routers too with
$ yo backbone-amd:router router-name
Or with coffee option
$ yo backbone-amd:router router-name --coffee
Default test framework for this generator is buster.js but you cant specify another like mocha
$ yo backbone-amd --test-framework=mocha
But if you work with buster you have to do a couple of things first. Due buster framework issues you have to install node 0.9.9, at this time don't work with node 0.10.0 and ensure to install globally buster and plantomjs:
$ npm install -g buster phantomjs
Instructions to install generator-buster follow this link