YO Generator dhBoilerplate
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dhBoilerplate made with love & help.
Author : David Hellmann
Website : https://davidhellmann.com
Github : https://github.com/davidhellmann/generator-dhBoilerplate
Install dhBoilerplate
npm i generator-dhboilerplate -g
Start Generator
// Go to your project directory and do that
yo dhboilerplate
That's my own YO Generator who fits for my own requirements.
Last year I go most of the time with CodeKit and a more oldsql workflow.
Now, this one is more up to date :)
Actually the WordPress Version has no Focus. Craft CMS + Prototyping have priority! But you can use it, no problem.
Big thanks to Sascha Fuchs and his Kittn for a lot of help and inspiration.
Also big thanks to Martin Herweg and his YO Generator that help me a lot too.
And last but not least thanks to all members from our Slack Channel webdevs — feel free to join us.
What's inside? A lot! :-)
This three scenarios are covered by the generator:
- Craft CMS — Up to Date
- Craft CMS Beta 3 — Not for production
- WordPress — No up to date but a good startpoint
- Prototyping (with Twig) — No up to date but a good startpoint
You can find this stuff here: ___src/assets/css/_______settings
- _settings.borderradius.scss
- _settings.boxshadows.scss
- _settings.breakpoints.scss
- _settings.colors.scss
- _settings.easings.scss
- _settings.fontfamilies.scss
- _settings.fonts.scss
- _settings.fontsizes.scss
- _settings.grid.scss
Sass Functions
You can find this stuff here: ___src/assets/css/______tools
or br('level-x')
or bs('level-x')
or `c('color-name')ease('easing-name')
or e('easing-name')
or ff('font-name')
or s(i)
to use the default spacing with a custom multiplicator => _settings.grid.scss
Sass Mixins
You can find this stuff here: ___src/assets/css/_______settings
@include center
— to center an element.@include clearfix
— add clearfix stuff magix.@include filter(filter-name, value%)
— to use CSS Filters@include fluid($properties, $min-vw, $max-vw, $min-value, $max-value)
or @include f($properties, $min-vw, $max-vw, $min-value, $max-value)
— to use Fluid CSS Properties dependent to the current viewport. Next level shit!@include fontsize('base', 1)
or @include fs('base', 1)
— to set a Font Family in Combination with Line Height. Default Line Height => _settings.fontssizes.scss@include make-section($behaviour: fixed)
— to create a section@include make-row($factorMin: 1, $factorMax: 1)
— to create a row@include make-col($columns: 12)
— to create a col@include make-vr($factor: 1)
— to create vertical rhythm (margin-top)@include make-section-padding($factor: 1)
— to create vertical rhythm (margin-top)@include make-col--padding($factor: 1)
— to create col padding@mixin make-section-float($behaviour: fixed)
— to create a non flexbox section@mixin make-col-float($columns: 12)
— to create a floating col@include offsett(i)
— to set an offset for a column. It use margin-left to do that.@include push(i)
— to push a column. It use left to do that.@include pull(i)
— to pull a column. It use right to do that.@include valign
— to arrange a element vertical centered.@include visuallyhidden
or @include vh
— to hide an element visual.
Install NPM Packages
npm install // yarn install
Initialize Project
gulp init // npm run start OR yarn start
Default Task with BrowserSync
gulp // npm run dev OR yarn dev
Task for Building
This Task clean the folder, build the stuff from ground up and optimize the images and minifiy JS / CSS files. Ready for live!
gulp build // npm run build OR yarn build
Other Tasks
There are some other Tasks there…
"start": "gulp init",
"dev": "gulp",
"build": "gulp build",
"clean:dist": "gulp clean:dist",
"clean:templates": "gulp clean:templates",
"clean:images": "gulp clean:images",
"clean:js": "gulp clean:js",
"clean:css": "gulp clean:css",
"copy:fonts": "gulp copy:fonts",
"copy:images": "gulp 'copy:images",
"copy:svg": "gulp copy:svg",
"copy:svg-single": "gulp copy:svg-single",
"create:svg-sprite": "gulp create:svg-sprite",
"copy:systemFiles": "gulp copy:systemFiles",
"compile:css": "gulp compile:css",
"compile:js": "gulp compile:js",
"compile:templates": "gulp compile:templates",
"create:criticalcss": "gulp create:criticalcss",
"create:favicons": "gulp create:favicons",
"create:inlineJS": "gulp create:inlineJS"
// Clean Tasks
// Clean the specific folder in the "___dist" dir
gulp clean:templates
gulp clean:css
gulp clean:js
gulp clean:images
// Main Tasks
// All this are triggered within "gulp init" & "gulp build" task.
// Some of this are triggered within the "gulp" task.
gulp compile:templates
gulp create:inlineJS,
gulp copy:systemFiles
gulp modernizr
gulp compile:js
gulp compile:css
gulp copy:fonts
gulp copy:images
gulp copy:svg-single
gulp create:svg-sprite
// Minify Tasks
// This task are triggered within the "guld build" task.
gulp minify:js
gulp minify:sass
gulp minify:images
Thanks to
- webdevs - for so many things: Website
- Sascha Fuchs - for help help help: Website
- Martin Herweg - for help help help: Website
- CSS Tricks - for Easing Map: Website
- Florian Kutschera - for the Material Design Box Shadows: Website
- Hugo Giraudel & Eduardo Bouças - for include media: Website
- @LukyVj - for family.scss: Website
- inuitcss - for some snippets and inspiration: website
![bitHound Overall Score](https://www.bithound.io/github/davidhellmann/generator-dhBoilerplate/badges/score.svg)