Thank you for checking out my Yeoman generator.
To use this generator, please ensure you have installed Yeoman globally on your machine, npm install -g yo. Visit for more details.
Installation & Usage
To install:
install this generator globally on your machine
npm install -g generator-ll-prototype
To update:
npm update -g generator-ll-prototype
To check current version:
npm list -g generator-ll-prototype
To use:
This is used like any other Yeoman generator. Navigate to your new project folder and run:
yo ll-prototype
- Include Foundation Grid
- Include jQuery (default included if user chooses to include foundation grid)
- Include Modernizr (default included if user chooses to include foundation grid)
Project Structure
-> .sass-cache/
-> bower_components/
-> data/
-> dist/
-> node_modules/
-> partials/
-> scripts/
-> styles/
-> templates/
** sass-cache
- makes compiling faster
- Sass caches parsed documents so that they can be reused without parsing them again unless they have changed.
- git ignored
** bower_components/
- location where bower writes dependencies that our generator needs
- this will also be the location where bower writes tools / libraries to should user choose to add anything additional
- git ignored
- jQuery ... copied to dist/js/vendor/
- modernizr ... copied to dist/js/vendor if foundation is selected by user
- normalize-scss ... imported into main.scss
** data/
- json file used in gulp-compile-handlebars plugin
- allows data to be accessible throughout handlebars templates and partials
** dist/
- compiled folder to deploy
** node_modules/
- location where npm writes dependencies that our generator needs
- this will also be the location where npm writes tools / libraries to should user choose to add anything additional
- git ignored
** partials/
- handlebars partials that are available throughout project
- used in gulp-compile-handlebars plugin
** scripts/
** styles/
- where user sass is written
** templates/
- handlebars templates that are available throughout project
Please see comments in gulpfile.js for more information but basically Gulp will:
create a dist folder for deployment
lint and minify js
move vendor js
compile and minify sass
compile handlebars templates (partials) into .html files
watch for any changes and includes livereload