A Yeoman generator for creating Liquid State Integrated Web Apps (IWAs)
This generator creates a mono repo structure for your whole IWA project, as well as providing a subgenerator to create the individual IWAs.
This project uses a monorepo and yarn workspaces, you will need to have yarn installed before continuing.
First, install Yeoman and generator-ls-iwa using yarn (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
yarn global add yo generator-ls-iwa
Then generate your new project:
yo ls-iwa
This will create the basic structure, as well as creating packages for common components and theme. You can now add as many IWAs to the project as you need.
To generate a new IWA you once again use the generator but this time accessing the iwa
yo ls-iwa:iwa
This will ask you a couple of quick questions before generating your new IWA, linking it to the theme and common packages, and adding it to the project storybook.
MIT © Liquid State