A Yeoman generator for quickly scaffolding a static one page website. Useful for things like landing pages and coming soon pages.
- Yeoman:
npm install -g yo
- Grunt:
npm install -g grunt-cli
To install and use this generator simply run npm install -g generator-one-pager
Running this generator is as easy as typing yo one-pager
It has plenty of options to get the build to your taste, but all versions use Jade as the html templating engine.
These libraries/extensions/tasks are included in every build.
The options which can be turned on or off are:
Project Structure
The Structure of this app is a a little opinionated to my current workflow but currently looks like this:
|-- dist
|-- src
| |-- index.jade
| |-- images
| |-- yo.png
| |-- js
| |-- scripts.js
| |-- partials
| |-- _header.jade
| |-- scss
| |-- components
| |-- _footer.scss
| |-- _global.scss
| |-- _manifest.scss
| |-- _navbar.scss
| |-- _typography.scss
| |-- _variables.scss
| |-- pages
| |-- index
| |-- _content.scss
| |-- _manifest.scss
| |-- _manifest.scss
| |-- vendor
| |-- _manifest.scss
| |-- _normalize.scss
| |-- styles.scss
So far the only grunt command is grunt default
or simply grunt
, which builds it out then starts and connects to port :9001
then watches for changes.
SCSS Structure
Currently one-pager is set up to use the manifest pattern, where every section of the scss structure is broken up semantically and all can be imported at once by simply importing the manifest file in every directory.
This is the first generator I've built and as such mistakes are expected, any feedback would be appreciated.
MIT License