Visit the PG-website to learn how to use PG: http://prototype-generator.com
Yeoman generator for Prototype.
Getting started
- Node.js & Node Package Manager
- Grunt Command Line Interface – npm install -g grunt-cli
Optional Use of Ruby (SASS & Compass)
- SASS 3.4 (only when you do not want to use node-sass) – gem install sass
- Compass 1 (because of Source Maps) – gem install compass --pre
- Update the Generator-Prototype via:
npm update -g generator-prototype
Scaffold your new prototype project.
mkdir project && cd project
yo prototype
Quick Start
You can scaffold your project in an instance. The first question is:
"Choose your installation routine"
If you choose "Minimal installation" you skip the rest of the questions and get the default values with:
- Libsass (grunt-sass)
- Grunt Modules: grunt-dr-svg-sprites, grunt-combine-media-queries
- Assemble as Template Engine
│ ├───configs
│ ├───templates
│ │ ├───grunticon-template
│ │ └───styleguide-template
│ │ └───public
│ └───_grunt
│ ├───ajax
│ ├───assets
│ │ ├───fonts
│ │ ├───img
│ │ │ ├───svg
│ │ │ │ └───icons
│ │ └───media
│ ├───bower-components
│ ├───data
│ │ ├───blocks
│ │ └───global
│ │ └───pages
│ ├───js
│ ├───scss
│ │ ├───blocks
│ │ ├───components
│ │ ├───docs
│ │ ├───global
│ │ ├───icons
│ │ └───utils
│ │ ├───extends
│ │ └───mixins
│ └───templates
│ ├───docs
│ ├───helpers
│ ├───layouts
│ ├───pages
│ └───partials
Plugins and Modules
There are standard grunt modules I use. These are:
But you can also apply additional addons and grunt modules to your project. Just choose specific ones:
Grunt modules
- grunt-autoprefixer - Autoprefixer parses CSS and adds vendor-prefixed CSS properties using the Can I Use database.
- grunt-bless - Split your css after you reach size limit for ie9
- grunt-browser-sync - Sync and auto-reload your local server over multiple devices
- grunt-comment-media-queries - You begin your project with mobile first but need to support desktop styles in IE8? That's your module! (see Features)
- grunt-connect-proxy - a preconfigured proxy for developing clientside API interfaces in your prototype, with CORS, Basic Authentication support and http methods
- grunt-contrib-compass - Come on, use Node-SASS ...
- grunt-contrib-htmlmin - Minify your HTML files.
- grunt-contrib-uglify - Minify files with UglifyJS.
- grunt-csscomb - The grunt plugin for sorting CSS properties in specific order.
- grunt-devtools - An user interface in chrome to execute grunt tasks in your project
- grunt-data-separator - Split up your Data-URI into a separate CSS file.
- grunt-dr-svg-sprites - Generate SVG Sprites with scss files (we use an own fork to support placeholders in scss)
- grunt-grunticon - Generate SVG-URI-SASS files with png fallbacks
- grunt-modernizr - grunt-modernizr sifts through your project files, gathers up your references to Modernizr tests and outputs a lean, mean Modernizr machine.
- grunt-packager (only executable when your project.jspackcfg is configured) - package your js.
- grunt-phantomas - PhantomJS-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool.
- grunt-photobox - Take snapshots from homepage
- grunt-responsive-images - Produces images at different sizes (be sure you have installed GraphicsMagick)
- grunt-sass - You want to use Libsass instead of Compass to render your stylesheets 10 times faster? Here you go! (see Features)
- grunt-svgmin - Minify SVG using SVGO.
- grunt-version - Grunt task to handle versioning of a project.
We use Assemble as template engine. Assemble is a component and static site generator that makes it dead simple to build modular sites, documentation and components from reusable templates and data.
You want to know more? Here you go: assemble.io
In your installation routine you can choose specific modules for Assemble:
- assemble-contrib-permalinks
- assemble-contrib-sitemap
- assemble-related-pages
For our Gruntfile we use the grunt module load-grunt-configs to split the file up in multiple files.
These files/tasks you can find in this directory:
The Generator-Prototype supports different features. Just check/uncheck them in the custom installation routine:
- You want to add a separate distribution folder? - Check!
- You want to add a CSS Styleguide and Assemble Development Documenation? - Check! (See "Developer Documentation")
- You want to use Libsass instead of Ruby to compile SASS files? - Check!
- You begin your project with mobile first but need to support desktop styles in IE8? - Check!
JS Libraries and CSS Frameworks
You can choose JS Libraries like:
- jQuery
- BackboneJS
- RequireJS
- AngularJS
And you can also choose SCSS Frameworks like:
- Foundation
- Bourbon Neat
- SASS Bootstrap
All files will be included and configured. Have fun!
Sub Generators
To help you in your workflow, we integrated some sub generators for you:
- Create a Backbone Model: yo prototype:bm
- Create a Backbone View: yo prototype:bv
- Create a Backbone Collection: yo prototype:bc
Grunt Modules:
You forgot a grunt module?
- Install your grunt modules: yo prototype:gm
Frontend Components:
You want to install all base templates, a form template or other modules? (work in progress)
- Here you go: yo prototype:components
Others will follow.
Developer Documentation
Generator-Prototype provides a way to document your assemble modules via markdown and a separate docs folder.
Just use the custom installation route and check:
- Create Developer Documentation
For further informations and instructions see:
MIT License
- Updated grunt-photobox to support grunt-browser-sync or grunt-contrib-connect
- Changed output of photobox to Dev folder
- Changed Standard Installation to Minimal Installation
- Optimized svg-sprites and svgmin workflow
- Changed classes fo PG Frontend Methodology
- Added fork of grunt-dr-svg-sprites and dr-svg-sprites to support placeholders in scss files
- Changed replace.js to change file path
- Added PG Frontend Methodology