GeoJSON-Tools is a JavaScript module for working with location data, primarily using the GeoJSON specification.
### getDistance(array, decimals [optional])
Calculates the distance of an array of locations.
- array - an array of locations, in the format
[lat, lng]
. - decimals - the decimal points to round answer to, defaults to 3 decimal points.
var array = [
[20, 30],
[20.5, 29.5]
getDistance(array, 4);
To get the distance between two points, pass two points in the array, to get the distance of a linestring, pass the coordinates of the linestring.
### toGeoJSON(array, type)
Takes an input of an array and a GeoJSON
type, and returns that GeoJSON
- array - an array of locations, in the format
[lat, lng]
. - type - the type of
object to return (note that this is not case-sensitive.
The default type is 'Point', which is returned when pushing an array of a single set of coordinates.
Other types are LineString
and Polygon
Note: Other GeoJSON
types will be supported in future versions.
To convert to GeoJSON::Point
Note that the array can be shallow or nested, but has to contain only one set of coordinates.
var array = [[20, 30]];
To convert to GeoJSON::LineString
var array = [
[20, 30],
[20.5, 29.5]
toGeoJSON(array, 'linestring');
To convert to GeoJSON::Polygon
The minimum number of coordinates should be 3, and there is no need to add the last coordinate in the array..
var array = [
[20, 30],
[20.5, 29.5],
[21, 30.5]
toGeoJSON(array, 'polygon');
### toArray(geoobj)
Takes an input of a GeoJSON
type, and returns coordinates in [lat, lng]
A single set of coordinates for a Point
, or an array for other types.
- geoobj - a valid
object of the following types: Point
, LineString
or Polygon
Note: Other GeoJSON
types will be supported in future versions.
To convert from GeoJSON::Point
Note that the array can be shallow or nested, but has to contain only one set of coordinates.
var geoobj = {"type":"Point","coordinates":[30,20]};
To convert from GeoJSON::LineString
var geoobj = {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[30,20],[29.5,20.5]]};
To convert from GeoJSON::Polygon
The minimum number of coordinates should be 3, and there is no need to add the last coordinate in the array..
var geoobj = {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[[30,20],[29.5,20.5],[30.5,21],[30,20]]]]};