Add workspace concept to git
Using giggi you can group git repositories in workspaces and run git commands on the latter.
How to use it
npm install -g giggi
You can run it with giggi
or git gg
> $ git gg
Usage: giggi [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
repo-list|rl [workspace] list all repos in a workspace
repo-add|ra <directory> [workspace] [repoName] add a repo to a workspace
repo-remove|rr <repoName> [workspace] remove a repo from a workspace
repo-update|ru <repoName> <key> <value> [workspace] update a property of a repo
repo-status|rs <repoName> [workspace] get status of a repo
repo-fetch|rf <repoName> [workspace] run fetch on a repo
workspace-list|wl list workspaces
workspace-set-default|wsd <workspace> set default workspace
workspace-remove|wr remove the workspace
workspace-status|ws [workspace] get status of all repos in the workspace
worspace-from-dir|wfd <directory> [workspace] create a workspace from the given directory, all repo in the directory are added to the workspace
workspace-fetch|wf [workspace] run fetch on all repos in the workspace