gi2consul takes one or many git repositories and mirrors them into Consul KVs. The goal is for organizations of any size to use git as the backing store, audit trail, and access control mechanism for configuration changes and Consul as the delivery mechanism.
git2consul will be added to NPM shortly. For now, installation requires that you clone the repo and run npm install
from the git2consul directory.
Requirements / Caveats
- git2consul does most of its git work by shelling out to git. git must be installed and on your path.
- git2consul does the rest of its work by calling Consul's REST API. A Consul agent must be running on localhost.
- git2consul has only been tested on Unix.
git2consul expects to be run on the same node as a Consul agent. git2consul expects its own configuration to be stored as a JSON object in '/git2consul/config' in your Consul KV. The utility utils/config_seeder.js
will take a JSON file and place it in the correct location for you.
Configuration Format
"version": "1.0",
"repos" : [{
"name" : "vp_config",
"local_store": "/tmp/git_cache",
"url" : "ssh://",
"branches" : ["development", "staging", "production"],
"hooks": [{
"type" : "stash",
"port" : "5050",
"url" : "/gitpoke"
"type" : "polling",
"interval" : "1"
"name" : "github_data",
"local_store": "/tmp/git_cache",
"url" : "",
"branches" : [ "master" ],
"hooks": [{
"type" : "github",
"port" : "5151",
"url" : "/gitpoke"
The above example illustrates a 2 repo git2consul setup: one repo lives in an on-premises git solution and the other is hosted at github. The hooks array under each repository defines how git2consul will be notified of changes. git2consul supports Atlassian Stash and GitHub webhooks as well as a basic polling model.
How it works
git2consul uses the name and branches of configured repos to namespace the created KVs. The goal is to allow multiple teams to use the same Consul agents and KV store to migrate configuration data around a network without needing to worry about data conflicts. In the above example, a settings file stored at foo_service/settings.json
in the development
branch of the repo vp_config
would be persisted in Consul as vp_config/development/foo_service/settings.json
If you are using a more Twelve-Factor approach, where you wish to configure your applications via environment variables, you would store these settings as files in git whose name is the key and whose body is the value. For example, we could create the file foo_service/log_level
with the body trace
in the development
branch of the foo_service
repo and git2consul will create the KV vp_config/development/foo_service/log_level
with the value trace
As changes are detected in the specified git repos, git2consul determines which files have been added, updated, or deleted and replicates those changes to the KV. Because only changed branches and files are analyzed, git2consul should have a very slim profile on hosting systems.
A client system should query Consul for the subset of the KV containing the data relevant to its operation. To extend the above example, our foo_service
on the development network might subscribe to the KV root vp_config/development/foo_service
and emit any changes to disk (via something like fsconsul) or environment variables (via something like envconsul).
Future plans
When Consul 4.0 ships, git2consul will be updated to support the ACL system. To preserve data integrity, only systems running git2consul should be given write access to the configuration KV store.
Apache 2.0