Glider Library
GliderLib is a collection of functions built using Ramda and SanctuaryJS that make it easier and safer to query and manipulate data related to TestGlider
All functions within GliderLib are attached to the Glider (G) object and returned when loaded.
Getting Started
To start using GliderLib all you to do is:
yarn add glider-lib
The in the Javascript:
const G = require('glider-lib')(true)
const allIssuesinModules = R.compose( G.getIssues, G.getResults, G.getModules )(TestCycle)
const newPage = G.newPage( {id: 4, name: 'Homepage'} )
const newTestDoc = G.putPage(newPage)
Function groups (Modules):
Used for constructing new types out of plain objects
Includes a set of composable lens functions for scoping into data
Functions for grabbing objects out of other objects
A setter will overwrite a field with the provided data
Find functions are build upon R.find and are used for filtering
A put function will either replace when another unique record is found or add it to the list
functions for removing objects
functions for breaking down data into compact lists
Sorting functions
LINK functions are used for attaching related data to another record
The following section is autogenerated using santcuary-spec functions.
Types (?)
Functions (36/72)
- newIssue [ Object -> glider/Issue ]
- newResult [ Object -> glider/Result ]
- newModule [ Object -> glider/Module ]
- newPage [ Object -> glider/Page ]
- newProject [ Object -> glider/Project ]
- newTestCycle [ Object -> glider/TestCycle ]
- inModules [ Function -> Function ]
- inPages [ Function -> Function ]
- inResults [ Function -> Function ]
- inIssues [ Function -> Function ]
- onIfIs [ String -> String -> String -> Function ]
- onStatusIfChanged [ Function -> Function ]
- onStatusIfChanged [ Function -> Function ]
- isModule [ glider/Sector -> Boolean ]
- isPage [ glider/Sector -> Boolean ]
- getModules [ glider/Document -> Array ]
- getPages [ glider/Document -> Array ]
- getSectors [ glider/Document -> Array ]
- getResults [ glider/Sector -> Array ]
- getIssues [ glider/Result -> Array ]
- getStatus [ Object -> String ]
- getIndex [ sanctuary-def/Any -> sanctuary-def/Any -> Number ]
- getModule [ glider/Module -> glider/Document -> glider/Module ]
- getPage [ glider/Page -> glider/Document -> glider/Page ]
- getSector [ glider/Sector -> glider/Document -> glider/Sector ]
- getResult [ glider/Result -> glider/Sector -> glider/Result ]
- getIssue [ glider/Issue -> glider/Result -> glider/Issue ]
- putModule [ glider/Module -> glider/Document -> glider/Document ]
- putPage [ glider/Page -> glider/Document -> glider/Document ]
- putResult [ glider/Result -> glider/Document -> glider/Document ]
- putResult [ glider/Issue -> glider/Document -> glider/Document ]
- removeModule [ glider/Module -> glider/Document -> glider/Document ]
- removePage [ glider/Page -> glider/Document -> glider/Document ]
- removeSector [ glider/Sector -> glider/Document -> glider/Document ]
- removeResult [ glider/Result -> glider/Document -> glider/Document ]
- removeIssue [ glider/Issue -> glider/Document -> glider/Document ]