Glitched Writer
What it is:
Glitched, text-writing npm module, with highly customizable settings to get the effect You're looking for. Works for both web and node.js applications.
Writes your text, by glitching or spelling it out.
Can be attached to a HTML Element or simply printed out, by providing callback function. Therefore it can be used anywhere.
Highly customizable behavior. Set of options will help you achieve the effect you desire.
For styling purposes, while writing: attatches glitched-writer--writing class to the HTML Element and data-string attribute with current string state.
Written in typescript.
Download package through npm.
npm i glitched-writer
Then import GlitchedWriter class in the JavaScript file.
import GlitchedWriter from 'glitched-writer'
Or use the CDN and attach this script link to your html document.
<script src=""></script>
Creating Class Instance
Creating writer class instance:
const Writer = new GlitchedWriter(htmlElement)
const Writer = new GlitchedWriter(htmlElement, {
interval: [10, 70],
oneAtATime: true
const Writer = new GlitchedWriter(htmlElement, undefined, (string, writerData) => {
console.log(`Current string: ${string}`)
console.log('All the class data:' writerData)
import { createGlitchedWriter } from 'glitched-writer'
const Writer = createGlitchedWriter(htmlElement, ...)
Writing stuff with async / await.
import { wait } from 'glitched-writer'
const res = await Writer.write('Welcome')
console.log(`Current string: ${res.string}`)
console.log('All the class data:'
await wait(1200)
await Writer.write(' Glitch City!')
Pausing & Playing
Writer.write('Some very cool header.').then(({ status, message }) => {
console.log(`${status}: ${message}`)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
setTimeout(async () => {
}, 2000)
import { glitchWrite } from 'glitched-writer'
glitchWrite('Write this and DISAPER!', htmlElement, options, onStepCallback)
To use one of the available presets, You can simply write it's name when creating writer, in the place of options.
Available presets as for now:
- default - It is loaded automatically, ant it is the one from the GIF on top.
- nier - Imitating the way text was appearing in the NieR: Automata's UI.
- typewriter - One letter at a time, only slightly glitched.
- terminal - Imitating being typed by a machine.
new GlitchedWriter(htmlElement, 'nier')
Importing objects
You can import the option object of mentioned presets and tweak them, as well as some glyph sets.
import { presets, glyphs } from 'glitched-writer'
new GlitchedWriter(htmlElement, presets.typewriter)
Customizing options
Types and defaults:
steps: RangeOrNumber
interval: RangeOrNumber
initialDelay: RangeOrNumber
changeChance: RangeOrNumber
ghostChance: RangeOrNumber
maxGhosts: number | 'relative'
glyphs: string | string[] | Set<string>
glyphsFromString: 'previous' | 'goal' | 'both' | 'none'
oneAtATime: boolean
startFrom: 'matching' | 'previous' | 'erase'
leadingText: AppendedText | undefined
trailingText: AppendedText | undefined
reverseOutput: boolean
interface AppendedText {
value: string
display: 'always' | 'when-typing' | 'when-not-typing'
type RangeOrNumber = [number, number] | number
Range values will result in random values for each step for every letter.
Ghost are letters that gets rendered in the time of writing, but are removed to reach goal string.
- steps - Number of minimum steps it takes one letter to reach it's goal one. Set to 0 if you want them to change to right letter in one step.
- interval - Interval between each step, for every letter.
- initialDelay - first delay each letter must wait before it starts working
- changeChance - Percentage Chance for letter to change to something else (from glyph charset)
- ghostChance - Percentage Chance for ghost letter to appear
- maxGhosts - Max number of ghosts for entire string
- glyphs - A set of characters that can appear as ghosts or letters can change into them
- glyphsFromString - If you want to add letters from string to the glyph charset
- 'previous' - appends leters from starting string
- 'goal' - appends leters from goal string
- 'both' - appends leters both of them
- 'none' - leaves the glyph charset be
- oneAtATime - If writing should take place from left-to-right, letter-by-letter or normally: all-at-once.
- startFrom - Decides on witch algorithm to use.
- 'matching' - Will scan starting and goal string for matching characters and will try to build character map from that.
- 'previous' - Wont do any matching, just converts starting string into character map.
- 'erase' - First Erases entire string and then writes from blank space.
- leadingText and trailingText - Former adds stuff to the begining and latter to the end.
- value - Whats gets added
- display - When: 'always' or 'when-typing' or 'when-not-typing'
- reverseOutput - should the string output be reversed or not. It's usefull for using the ::first-letter css selector for... well... the last letter