Responsive generalized linear models in pure Javascript. This tool is useful for responsive feedback when doing data cleansing or adjusting parameters that actually change the data.
This is essentially a port of a python GLM implementation that uses the iteratively reweighted least squares algorithm in the excellent statsmodels library.
- Visualization
- Data processing
- Teaching / education linear models
Example usage in browser
Run "python -m SimpleHTTPServer" in the root of this repo and navigate your browser to "http://localhost:8000/examples/"
Example usage in Node
var glm = require('glm');
var glm_model = GLM(GLM.families.Gaussian());[1, 2], [[1], [2]]);
console.log(glm_model.predict([3, 4]));
To compile, first install the dependencies with npm and then run make. To test, run "make test".