Gmail-inbox is a simplified gmail API to receive emails in coding. It helps with end-to-end testing your signup process, test email functionality and automate processes that require receiving emails.
Install the dependencies
$ npm install -S gmail-inbox
Complete examples can be found in the examples/
Receive email example
import { Inbox } from 'gmail-inbox';
async function exeCuteMe(){
let inbox = new Inbox('credentials.json');
await inbox.authenticateAccount();
let messages = await inbox.getLatestMessages();
console.log("my inbox messages", JSON.stringify(messages,null,4));
Getting started
Get gmail API credentials
To work with the gmail API you need to get the credentials from the google cloud console.
Step 1
Follow the google instructions to Create a client ID and client secret.
Step 2
Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials and download the OAuth2 credentials file, as shown in the image below.
![Google cloud platform](https://i.ibb.co/cF00Qxh/image.png)
Your credentials file (commmonly named client_secret_*.json), should look similar to image below
![credentials file example](https://i.ibb.co/1stgn28/credentials.png)
Note: make sure you selected 'other' as project and that the redirect_uris
contains something like "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
Step 3 Copy the example code in #example and execute the script
Step 4
The application will prompt to visit the authorization url. Navigate to the url, select your email and copy the code as shown in the image below.
![Copy image url](https://i.ibb.co/nrSf7rK/image.png)
Note: The authorization token will only be valid for 6 months, after 6 months a renewal is required.
Step 5
Done! You're good to go, you should be able to see your inbox messages, enjoy coding! :)
Since the code is typed in TypeScript I will just include the self-documented interfaces :)
Available methods
interface InboxMethods {
authenticateAccount(): Promise<void>;
findMessages(searchQuery: SearchQuery| string);
getAllLabels(): Promise<Label[]>;
getLatestMessages(): Promise<Message[]>;
searchQuery: SearchQuery | string,
shouldLogEvents: boolean,
timeTillNextCallInSeconds: number,
maxWaitTimeInSeconds: number
): Promise<Message[]>;
Inbox.findMessages(searchQuery: SearchQuery)
/ Inbox.waitTillMessage(searchQuery: SearchQuery, ...)
Both findMessages
and waitTillMessage
support the same searchquery
export type MessageIsType = 'read' | 'unread' | 'snoozed' | 'starred' | 'important';
export interface MessageDateType {
date: Date;
precision: "year" | "day" | "milliseconds";
export type UnixTimestamp = number;
export interface SearchQuery {
subject?: string | string[];
message?: string;
mustContainText?: string | string[];
from?: string | string[];
to?: string | string[];
cc?: string;
bcc?: string;
labels?: string[];
has?: 'attachment' | 'drive' | 'document' | 'spreadsheet' | 'youtube' | 'presentation';
filenameExtension?: 'pdf' | 'ppt' | 'doc' | 'docx' | 'zip' | 'rar';
filename?: string;
is?: MessageIsType | MessageIsType[];
after?: MessageDateType | UnixTimestamp,
before?: MessageDateType | UnixTimestamp,
older?: MessageDateType | UnixTimestamp,
newer?: MessageDateType | UnixTimestamp,
olderThan?: {
amount: number;
period: 'day' | 'month' | 'year';
newerThan?: {
amount: number;
period: 'day' | 'month' | 'year';
category: 'primary' | 'social' | 'promotions' | 'updates' | 'forums' | 'reservations' | 'purchases';
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