Go.Data API Wrapper (WIP)
Javascript API wrapper around DHIS2. It handles authentication automatically given user credentials.
This package is not currently in the npm ecosystem, so in order to install it in a project, it should be added as a git repository.
"dependencies": {
"godata-api-wrapper": "git+ssh://git@github.com/WISCENTD-UPC/godata-api-wrapper.git#develop"
After configuring the package.json npm install
should be executed
Creation of the api wrapper:
const API = require('godata-api-wrapper')
const api = new API({
baseURL: '',
credentials: {
email: 'username',
password: 'password'
API Docs
api.login(credentials): Explicit login request. Credentials are optional if they were already defined in the creation of the api handler. This is generally not necessary since, for every endpoint, a middleware already checks if login is needed and performs it automatically.
api.getUsers(): Get all users.
api.getLocations(): Get all locations.
api.createLocation(location): Create location from an object.
api.deleteLocation(id): Delete location given its ID.
api.getOutbreaks(): Get all outbreaks.
api.createOutbreak(body): Create an outbreak from an object.
api.deleteOutbreak(id): Delete an outbreak given its ID. It handles automatically deactivating the outbreak for all users before deleting it.
api.activateOutbreakForUser(userID, outbreakID): Activate an outbreak given outbreakID for user with userID ID.
api.removeActiveOutbreakFromUser(userID): Remove active outbreak from user given its ID.
api.getOutbreakCases(outbreakID): Get cases from outbreak given its ID.
api.getOutbreakCase(outbreakID, caseID): Get additional information from a case (give its ID) of an outreak (given its ID).
api.createOutbreakCase(outbreakID, case): Create a case from an object associated with an outbreak given its ID.
api.deleteOutbreakCase(outbreakID, caseID): Delete a case (given its ID) from an outbreak (given its ID).
npm test