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node.js library that wraps Google's Admin SDK. A subset of CRUD actions in the Directory API are supported.

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Initializing the library

The library includes 4 submodules:

To use the library, you must have your Google credentials in the form

opts = {
  client: {
    id: '',
    secret: 'abcdefgh'
  token: {
    refresh: 'your_refresh_token'

The library is designed such that you can initialize and use any submodule independently of the other three. Any or all submodules can be initialized using the credentials above:

admin_sdk = require('google-admin-sdk');
user_provisioning = new admin_sdk.UserProvisioning(opts);

Example usage

new_user = {
  name: {
    givenName: 'Grace',
    familyName: 'Hopper',
  password: 'password1234',
  primaryEmail: ''
  fields: "kind,nextPageToken,users(id,kind,name,orgUnitPath,primaryEmail)"
user_provisioning.insert(new_user, function(err, body) {
  console.log("Received response: " + body);

Note: it is recommended to use Google's fields editor to construct queries with fields arguments.

new_user = {
  name: {
    givenName: 'Grace',
    familyName: 'Hopper',
  password: 'password1234',
  primaryEmail: ''
query = user_provisioning.insert(new_usery);
query.exec(function(err, body){
  // Handle error and body
## OrgUnitProvisioning The following provide functionality for querying the orgunits endpoint of the Directory API. For information on constructing queries and parsing responses, see the [official documentation]( ### OrgUnitProvisioning.findOrCreate(customer_id, org_unit[, cache, callback]) Creates an OrgUnit and any of its parents that need to be created. Accepts arguments: * `customer_id`: your Google customer id. * `org_unit`: an array of the form that specifies the path of the OrgUnit to create. For example, to create the OrgUnit "/Users/Admins/SuperAdmins", pass in `['Users', 'Admins', 'SuperAdmins']. * `cache` (optional): a map of strings representing OrgUnits that are known to exist. For example, `{'/': 1, 'Users':1, 'Admins':1} * `callback` (optional): function of the form `callback(error, body)` to call when the response is received.

Note that findOrCreate uses async.memoize. This can cause problems with tests that expect a fresh state at the beginning of each test. You can use async.unmemoize to reset state.

OrgUnitProvisioning.insert(customer_id, properties[, fields, callback])

Creates an OrgUnit. Accepts arguments:

  • customer_id: your Google customer id.
  • properties: an object that specifies the name of the OrgUnit to create. Uses the form { name: 'X', parent: 'Y' }. Note that the parent must already exist; to deep create an OrgUnit, use OrgUnitProvisioning.findOrCreate.
  • fields (optional): fields to return in the response.
  • callback (optional): function of the form callback(error, body) to call when the response is received.

OrgUnitProvisioning.list(customer_id, params, [, callback])

Lists OrgUnits owned by a customer. Accepts arguments:

  • customer_id: your Google customer id.
  • params (optional): object containing querystring arguments.
  • callback (optional): function of the form callback(error, body) to call when the response is received.

OrgUnitProvisioning.get(customer_id, org_unit_path, [, callback])

Gets a single OrgUnit owned by a customer. Accepts arguments:

  • customer_id: your Google customer id.
  • org_unit_path: String representation of the OrgUnit to find.
  • callback (optional): function of the form callback(error, body) to call when the response is received.

OrgUnitProvisioning.patch(customer_id, org_unit_path[, body, fields, callback])

Updates an OrgUnit using patch semantics. Accepts arguments:

  • customer_id: your Google customer id.
  • org_unit_path: the full OrgUnit path to update.
  • body (optional): object containing the fields to update on the OrgUnit and their new values.
  • fields (optional): fields to return in the response.
  • callback (optional): function of the form callback(error, body) to call when the response is received.

OrgUnitProvisioning.delete(customer_id, org_unit_path, [, callback])

Deletes an OrgUnit. Accepts arguments:

  • customer_id: your Google customer id.
  • org_unit_path: String representation of the OrgUnit to delete.
  • callback (optional): function of the form callback(error, body) to call when the response is received.
## User Provisioning The following provide functionality for querying the Users endpoint of the Directory API. For information on constructing queries and parsing responses, see the [official documentation]( ### UserProvisioning.insert(body[, fields, callback]) Creates a Google Apps user. Accepts arguments: * `body`: specifies the `name`, `password`, and `primaryEmail` of the user. * `fields` (optional): specifies which user fields are included in the response. * `callback` (optional): a function of the form `callback(error, body)` to be called when the response is received.

UserProvisioning.get(userkey[, callback])

Gets information for a single user. Accepts arguments:

  • userkey: the unique userkey of the user to find.
  • callback (optional): function of the form callback(error, body) to call when the response is received.

UserProvisioning.list(params[, callback])

Lists Google Apps users. Accepts arguments:

  • params: user fields to query by
  • callback (optional): function of the form callback(error, body) to call when the response is received.
// Get at most 200 users in the domain ``
params = {
  domain: '',
  max_results: 200

user_provisioning.list(params, function(err, body) {
  // Handle error and do something with users

UserProvisioning.patch(userkey, body[, fields, callback])

Updates a user using patch semantics. Accepts arguments:

  • userkey: the unique userkey of the user to update.
  • body: object containing fields to update on the user and their new values.
  • fields (optional): fields to return in the response.
  • callback (optional): function of the form callback(error, body) to call when the response is received.

UserProvisioning.update(userkey, body[, fields, callback])

Same as patch, but updates a user without using patch semantics.

UserProvisioning.delete(userkey[, callback])

Deletes a user. Accepts arguments:

  • userkey: the unique userkey of the user to delete.
  • callback (optional): function of the form callback(error, body) to call when the response is received.
## Group Provisioning GroupProvisioning supports all functions supported by UserProvisioning except `update`. The function signatures and behaviors are identical, except they accept a unique groupkey instead of a unique userkey. ## Batch ### Batch.go(queries, callback) Executes queries in batches. Accepts arguments: * `queries`: an array of GoogleQueries (returned by invoking CRUD functions in other submodules without a callback) to execute. * `callback`: function of the form `callback(error, body)` to call when the response is received.
  queries = [];
  user1_properties = {
    name: { familyName: 'Parr', givenName: 'Bob' },
    password: 'password12345',
    primaryEmail: ''
  user2_properties = {
    name: { familyName: 'Huph', givenName: 'Gilbert' },
    password: 'password12345',
    primaryEmail: ''
  Batch.go(queries, function(error, results){
    // Handle error and parse results



Last updated on 14 Oct 2019

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