What is google-closure-compiler?
The google-closure-compiler npm package is a powerful tool for optimizing JavaScript code. It can be used to minify, transpile, and optimize JavaScript, making it faster and more efficient. It also provides advanced features like dead code elimination, type checking, and more.
What are google-closure-compiler's main functionalities?
This feature allows you to minify JavaScript files, reducing their size and improving load times. The code sample demonstrates how to use the google-closure-compiler to minify a JavaScript file.
const closureCompiler = require('google-closure-compiler').compiler;
const compiler = new closureCompiler({
js: 'input.js',
compilation_level: 'SIMPLE',
js_output_file: 'output.min.js'
compiler.run((exitCode, stdOut, stdErr) => {
This feature allows you to transpile JavaScript code from one version of ECMAScript to another. The code sample demonstrates how to transpile ECMAScript 6 code to ECMAScript 5 using google-closure-compiler.
const closureCompiler = require('google-closure-compiler').compiler;
const compiler = new closureCompiler({
js: 'input.js',
language_in: 'ECMASCRIPT6',
language_out: 'ECMASCRIPT5',
js_output_file: 'output.transpiled.js'
compiler.run((exitCode, stdOut, stdErr) => {
Dead Code Elimination
This feature allows you to eliminate dead code, which is code that is never executed, from your JavaScript files. The code sample demonstrates how to use the google-closure-compiler to perform dead code elimination.
const closureCompiler = require('google-closure-compiler').compiler;
const compiler = new closureCompiler({
js: 'input.js',
compilation_level: 'ADVANCED',
js_output_file: 'output.optimized.js'
compiler.run((exitCode, stdOut, stdErr) => {
Type Checking
This feature allows you to perform type checking on your JavaScript code, helping to catch type-related errors. The code sample demonstrates how to enable type checking using google-closure-compiler.
const closureCompiler = require('google-closure-compiler').compiler;
const compiler = new closureCompiler({
js: 'input.js',
jscomp_warning: 'checkTypes',
js_output_file: 'output.checked.js'
compiler.run((exitCode, stdOut, stdErr) => {
Other packages similar to google-closure-compiler
Terser is a JavaScript parser and mangler/compressor toolkit for ES6+. It is a popular alternative to google-closure-compiler for minifying JavaScript. Terser is known for its speed and efficiency, but it does not offer the same level of advanced optimizations and type checking as google-closure-compiler.
Babel is a JavaScript compiler that is primarily used to transpile ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards-compatible version of JavaScript. While Babel focuses on transpilation, it can also be used in conjunction with other tools for minification and optimization. Unlike google-closure-compiler, Babel does not perform advanced optimizations or type checking.
UglifyJS is a JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor, and beautifier toolkit. It is one of the oldest and most widely used tools for minifying JavaScript. UglifyJS is similar to google-closure-compiler in terms of minification capabilities but lacks advanced features like type checking and dead code elimination.
![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/google-closure-compiler.svg)
Check, compile, optimize and compress Javascript with Closure-Compiler
This repository tracks issues related to the publication to npmjs.org and associated plugins.
Any bugs not related to the plugins themselves should be reported to the
main repository.
Note that the installed binary is not actually JavaScript, but native binary or Java jar file depending on the local system.
Getting Started
If you are new to Closure-Compiler, make
sure to read and understand the
compilation levels as
the compiler works very differently depending on the compilation level selected.
For help or questions with the compiler, the best resource is
Stack Overflow. Posts there
are monitored by multiple Closure Compiler team members.
You may also post in the
Closure Compiler Discuss Google Group.
Please don't cross post to both Stack Overflow and Closure Compiler Discuss.
The compiler is distributed as a Java jar or as Mac OS, Linux and Windows native binaries.
Native Binary Version
On Linux, Mac OS and Windows, optional dependencies will install a native binary of the compiler.
Native binaries offer faster compile times without requiring Java to be installed and available.
Compilations with a very large number of source files may be slightly slower than the java version.
Java Version
Requires java to be installed and in the path. Using the java version typically results in faster compilation times.
The simplest way to invoke the compiler (e.g. if you're just trying it out) is with npx
npx google-closure-compiler --js=my_program.js --js_output_file=out.js
The npx version will attempt to detect the best platform to use. You can also specify the platform
with the special --platform
npm install --save google-closure-compiler
See the full list of compiler flags.
The build tool plugins take options objects. The option parameters map directly to the
compiler flags without the leading '--' characters. You may also use camelCase option names.
Values are either strings or booleans. Options which have multiple values can be arrays.
js: ['/file-one.js', '/file-two.js'],
compilation_level: 'ADVANCED',
js_output_file: 'out.js',
debug: true
For the java version, some shells (particularly windows) try to do expansion on globs rather
than passing the string on to the compiler. To prevent this it is necessary to quote
certain arguments:
js: '"my/quoted/glob/**.js"',
compilation_level: 'ADVANCED',
js_output_file: 'out.js',
debug: true
Build Tool Plugins
The compiler package also includes build tool plugins for Grunt and Gulp. There is also an official webpack plugin.
Community Maintained Plugins
Additionally, community members have created plugins leveraging this library.
Advanced Java Version Usage
Changing the Path to the Java SDK
Override the path before first use.
const Compiler = require('google-closure-compiler');
Compiler.prototype.javaPath = '/node_modules/MODULE_NAME/jre/jre1.8.0_131.jre/Contents/Home/bin/java';
const compiler = new Compiler({args});
Running the compiler using nailgun
Note: nailgun users are encouraged to try the native binary versions where available.
This gets around the long startup time of Google Closure Compiler using
Nailgun, which runs a single java process in the background
and keeps all of the classes loaded.
First you need to install closure-gun by running the following command.
npm install closure-gun
Then point the package to use closure-gun rather than the JDK.
const compilerPackage = require('google-closure-compiler');
compilerPackage.compiler.JAR_PATH = undefined;
compilerPackage.compiler.prototype.javaPath = './node_modules/.bin/closure-gun'
Note that when using gulp, Only invocations without gulp.src work with nailgun.
Native Node Usage (for Plugin Authors)
A low-level node class is included to facilitate spawning the compiler jar as a process from Node.
In addition, it exposes a static property with the path to the compiler jar file.
Java Version
const ClosureCompiler = require('google-closure-compiler').compiler;
const closureCompiler = new ClosureCompiler({
js: 'file-one.js',
compilation_level: 'ADVANCED'
const compilerProcess = closureCompiler.run((exitCode, stdOut, stdErr) => {
Copyright 2015 The Closure Compiler Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Version History
Closure Compiler release notes can be found on the
main repository wiki.