Google Cloud Speech + Web Audio API
Speech recognition and synthesis using the Google Cloud Speech APIs integrated with the Web Audio API for microphone input and playback directly in the browser.
For now authorization only works with an API Key, you can create one at
Make sure you restrict it to only Cloud Speech-to-Text and Cloud Text-to-Speech APIs.
Here's a demo page.
npm install google-cloud-speech-webaudio
Speech Recognition
import { GoogleSpeechRecognition } from 'google-cloud-speech-webaudio';
const GOOGLE_API_KEY = '...';
const EU_ENDPOINT = ''
const speechRecognition = new GoogleSpeechRecognition(GOOGLE_API_KEY, EU_ENDPOINT);
await speechRecognition.startListening();
const result = await speechRecognition.stopListening();
Speech Synthesis
import { GoogleSpeechSynthesis } from 'google-cloud-speech-webaudio';
const GOOGLE_API_KEY = '...';
const speechSynthesis = new GoogleSpeechSynthesis(GOOGLE_API_KEY);
await speechSynthesis.speak('hello world');
Andrei Gheorghe