Security News
Malicious npm Packages Inject SSH Backdoors via Typosquatted Libraries
Socket’s threat research team has detected six malicious npm packages typosquatting popular libraries to insert SSH backdoors.
Advanced tools
Fast, tree-shakable, and light-weight React components and hooks for integrating Google Maps API functionality
This library use Suspense, so it requires React v18 or later.
This package provides a simple and efficient way to work with the Google Maps API, enabling map-based applications to be built with ease. With minimal setup, Google Maps functionality can be integrated into React applications using the components and hooks provided by this package. The package is designed to be fast, lightweight, and tree-shakeable, providing a performant solution for integrating Google Maps into React applications.
using npm:
npm i --save google-maps-js-api-react google-maps-js-api-loader && npm install --save-dev @types/google.maps
or yarn:
yarn add i google-maps-js-api-react google-maps-js-api-loader && yarn add -D @types/google.maps
or pnpm:
pnpm add i google-maps-js-api-react google-maps-js-api-loader && pnpm add -D @types/google.maps
import { GoogleMap, Marker, OverlayView } from 'google-maps-js-api-react';
import { GoogleMapsLoader } from 'google-maps-js-api-loader';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
GoogleMapsLoader({ apiKey: API_KEY }, { defer: true });
const Map = () => {
const status = useGoogleMapsLoader();
const handleClick = useCallback(() => console.log('clicked'), []);
return (
center: { lat: -31.56391, lng: 147.154312 },
zoom: 6,
position={{ lat: -31.56391, lng: 147.154312 }}
render={(ref) => (
<div ref={ref} style={{ background: 'red' }} onClick={handleClick}>
All components (except OverlayView) is not designed to implement "controlled" React logic. For instance, consider the following example:
const Map = () => { const [zoom, setZoom] = useState(5); return <GoogleMap zoom={zoom} />; };
Here, the zoom level of the map is not limited to
and can be modified by the user. However, if the value of the zoom variable is changed, the zoom level of the map will also be modified accordingly.
Map implementation
It creates instance of Map only once and will reuse this instance whenever possible, avoiding unnecessary reinitialization
type GoogleMapProps = {
this: google.maps.Map,
bounds: google.maps.LatLngBounds
): void;
onCenterChanged?(this: google.maps.Map, center: google.maps.LatLng): void;
onDrag?(this: google.maps.Map): void;
onDragEnd?(this: google.maps.Map): void;
onDragStart?(this: google.maps.Map): void;
onHeadingChanged?(this: google.maps.Map, heading: number): void;
onIdle?(this: google.maps.Map): void;
onMapTypeIdChanged?(this: google.maps.Map, mapTypeId: string): void;
this: google.maps.Map,
projection: google.maps.Projection
): void;
onResize?(this: google.maps.Map): void;
onTilesLoaded?(this: google.maps.Map): void;
onTiltChanged?(this: google.maps.Map, tilt: number): void;
onZoomChanged?(this: google.maps.Map, zoom: number): void;
onClick?(this: google.maps.Map, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onContextMenu?(this: google.maps.Map, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDoubleClick?(this: google.maps.Map, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseDown?(this: google.maps.Map, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseUp?(this: google.maps.Map, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseMove?(this: google.maps.Map, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOut?(this: google.maps.Map, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOver?(this: google.maps.Map, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onRightClick?(this: google.maps.Map, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
center?: google.maps.LatLng | google.maps.LatLngLiteral;
clickableIcons?: boolean;
heading?: number;
mapTypeId?: string;
streetView?: google.maps.StreetViewPanorama;
zoom?: number;
defaultOptions?: google.maps.MapOptions;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
children?: React.ReactNode;
fallback?: React.ReactNode;
preventLoad?: boolean;
const GoogleMap: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
GoogleMapProps & React.RefAttributes<google.maps.Map>
type OverlayViewProps = {
mapPaneLayer?: keyof google.maps.MapPanes;
preventMapHitsAndGestures?: boolean;
preventMapHits?: boolean;
lat: number;
lng: number;
render(ref: React.RefCallback<HTMLElement>): React.ReactElement;
const OverlayView: FC<OverlayViewProps>;
OverlayView implementation
Name | Description | Default |
mapPaneLayer? | see link | 'overlayMouseTarget' |
preventMapHits? | stops click or tap on the element from bubbling up to the map. Use this to prevent the map from triggering "click" events | false |
preventMapHitsAndGestures? | stops click, tap, drag, and wheel events on the element from bubbling up to the map. Use this to prevent map dragging and zooming, as well as map "click" events | false |
render | render prop, a function that returns a React element and provides the ability to attach ref to it |
const SomeComponent = forwardRef(({ children }, ref) => (
<div ref={ref}>{children}</div>
const AnotherComponent = () => {
return (
render={(ref) => <SomeComponent ref={ref}>hi</SomeComponent>}
Marker implementation
type MarkerProps = {
this: google.maps.Marker,
animation: google.maps.Animation
): void;
onClickableChanged?(this: google.maps.Marker, clickable: boolean): void;
onCursorChanged?(this: google.maps.Marker, cursor: string): void;
onDraggableChanged?(this: google.maps.Marker, draggable: boolean): void;
onFlatChanged?(this: google.maps.Marker): void;
this: google.maps.Marker,
icon: string | google.maps.Icon | google.maps.Symbol
): void;
this: google.maps.Marker,
position: google.maps.LatLng
): void;
this: google.maps.Marker,
shape: google.maps.MarkerShape
): void;
onTitleChanged?(this: google.maps.Marker, title: string): void;
onVisibleChanged?(this: google.maps.Marker, visible: boolean): void;
onZIndexChanged?(this: google.maps.Marker, zIndex: number): void;
onClick?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onContextMenu?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDoubleClick?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDrag?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDragEnd?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDragStart?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseDown?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseMove?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOut?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOver?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseUp?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onRightClick?(this: google.maps.Marker, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
animation?: google.maps.Animation;
clickable?: boolean;
cursor?: string;
draggable?: boolean;
icon?: string | google.maps.Icon | google.maps.Symbol;
label?: string | google.maps.MarkerLabel;
opacity?: number;
position?: google.maps.LatLngLiteral | google.maps.LatLng;
shape?: google.maps.MarkerShape;
title?: string;
visible?: boolean;
zIndex?: number;
defaultOptions?: google.maps.MarkerOptions;
const Marker: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
MarkerProps & React.RefAttributes<google.maps.Marker>
Polygon implementation
type PolygonProps = {
onClick?(this: google.maps.Polygon, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
this: google.maps.Polygon,
e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent
): void;
this: google.maps.Polygon,
e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent
): void;
onMouseDown?(this: google.maps.Polygon, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
onMouseMove?(this: google.maps.Polygon, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOut?(this: google.maps.Polygon, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOver?(this: google.maps.Polygon, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
onMouseUp?(this: google.maps.Polygon, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
onRightClick?(this: google.maps.Polygon, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
onDrag?(this: google.maps.Polygon, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDragEnd?(this: google.maps.Polygon, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDragStart?(this: google.maps.Polygon, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
draggable?: boolean;
editable?: boolean;
paths?: any[] | google.maps.MVCArray<any>;
visible?: boolean;
defaultOptions?: google.maps.PolygonOptions;
const Polygon: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
PolygonProps & React.RefAttributes<google.maps.Polygon>
Polyline implementation
type PolylineProps = {
onClick?(this: google.maps.Polyline, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
this: google.maps.Polyline,
e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent
): void;
this: google.maps.Polyline,
e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent
): void;
onMouseDown?(this: google.maps.Polyline, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
onMouseMove?(this: google.maps.Polyline, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOut?(this: google.maps.Polyline, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOver?(this: google.maps.Polyline, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
onMouseUp?(this: google.maps.Polyline, e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent): void;
this: google.maps.Polyline,
e: google.maps.PolyMouseEvent
): void;
onDrag?(this: google.maps.Polyline, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDragEnd?(this: google.maps.Polyline, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDragStart?(this: google.maps.Polyline, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
draggable?: boolean;
editable?: boolean;
| google.maps.MVCArray<google.maps.LatLng>
| Array<google.maps.LatLngLiteral | google.maps.LatLng>;
visible?: boolean;
defaultOptions?: google.maps.PolylineOptions;
const Polyline: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
PolygonProps & React.RefAttributes<google.maps.Polyline>
Circle implementation
type CircleProps = {
onCenterChanged?(this: google.maps.Circle, center: google.maps.LatLng): void;
onRadiusChanged?(this: google.maps.Circle, radius: number): void;
onClick?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onContextMenu?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDoubleClick?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDrag?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDragEnd?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDragStart?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseDown?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseMove?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOut?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOver?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseUp?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onRightClick?(this: google.maps.Circle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
center?: google.maps.LatLngLiteral | google.maps.LatLng;
draggable?: boolean;
editable?: boolean;
radius?: number;
visible?: boolean;
defaultOptions?: google.maps.CircleOptions;
const Circle: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
CircleProps & React.RefAttributes<google.maps.Circle>
Rectangle implementation
type RectangleProps = {
this: google.maps.Rectangle,
bounds: google.maps.LatLngBounds
): void;
onClick?(this: google.maps.Rectangle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
this: google.maps.Rectangle,
e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent
): void;
this: google.maps.Rectangle,
e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent
): void;
onDrag?(this: google.maps.Rectangle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDragEnd?(this: google.maps.Rectangle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onDragStart?(this: google.maps.Rectangle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseDown?(this: google.maps.Rectangle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseMove?(this: google.maps.Rectangle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOut?(this: google.maps.Rectangle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseOver?(this: google.maps.Rectangle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
onMouseUp?(this: google.maps.Rectangle, e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
this: google.maps.Rectangle,
e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent
): void;
bounds?: google.maps.LatLngBounds | google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral;
draggable?: boolean;
editable?: boolean;
visible?: boolean;
defaultOptions?: google.maps.RectangleOptions;
const Rectangle: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
RectangleProps & React.RefAttributes<google.maps.Rectangle>
DrawingManager implementation
type DrawingManagerProps = {
this: google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager,
circle: google.maps.Circle
): void;
this: google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager,
marker: google.maps.Marker
): void;
this: google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager,
event: google.maps.drawing.OverlayCompleteEvent
): void;
this: google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager,
polygon: google.maps.Polygon
): void;
this: google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager,
polyline: google.maps.Polyline
): void;
this: google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager,
rectangle: google.maps.Rectangle
): void;
drawingMode?: google.maps.drawing.OverlayType;
defaultOptions?: google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions;
preventLoad?: boolean;
const DrawingManager: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
DrawingManagerProps & React.RefAttributes<google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager>
HeatmapLayer implementation
type HeatmapLayerProps = {
| google.maps.MVCArray<
google.maps.LatLng | google.maps.visualization.WeightedLocation
| Array<google.maps.LatLng | google.maps.visualization.WeightedLocation>;
defaultOptions?: google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions;
preventLoad?: boolean;
const HeatmapLayer: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
HeatmapLayerProps &
const useGoogleMap: () => google.maps.Map;
Context of GoogleMap component
const usePane: (pane: keyof google.maps.MapPanes) => Element;
Hook to retrieve a specific pane from GoogleMap, useful to creating portals
const ZoomButton = () => {
const map = useGoogleMap();
return createPortal(
onClick={() => {
const Map = () => (
<ZoomButton />
const useGoogleMapsLoad: {
(): void;
<L extends keyof GoogleMapsLibraries>(library: L): GoogleMapsLibraries[L];
<const A extends (keyof GoogleMapsLibraries)[]>(
...libraries: A
): {
[Index in keyof A]: GoogleMapsLibraries[A[Index]];
Hook for loading google maps script or specific library/libraries
Works only for Suspense wrapped components
const useGoogleMapsCompletion: {
(): void;
<L extends GoogleMapsLibrary>(library: L): GoogleMapsLibraries[L];
<const A extends GoogleMapsLibrary[]>(
...libraries: A
): {
[Index in keyof A]: GoogleMapsLibraries[A[Index]];
Hook for awaiting loading of google.maps script or specific library/libraries
Works only for Suspense wrapped components
const useGoogleMapsStatus: (
library?: GoogleMapsLibrary
) => 'none' | 'loading' | 'loaded' | 'error';
Hook for getting status of google.maps script or specific library
It not provokes loading of script/library
This hook has been moved to use-marker-cluster library
MIT © Krombik
Fast, tree-shakable, and light-weight React components and hooks for integrating Google Maps API functionality
The npm package google-maps-js-api-react receives a total of 85 weekly downloads. As such, google-maps-js-api-react popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that google-maps-js-api-react demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
Did you know?
Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
Socket’s threat research team has detected six malicious npm packages typosquatting popular libraries to insert SSH backdoors.
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