GPS.js is a stream parser for NMEA sentences, given by any common GPS receiver. The output is tried to be as high-level as possible.
The interface of GPS.js is as simple as the following few lines. You need to add an event-listener for the completion of the task and invoke the update method with a sentence you want to process. There are much more examples in the examples folder.
var gps = new GPS;
gps.on('data', function(raw, parsed) {
It's also possible to add event-listeners only on one of the following protocols, by stating gps.on('GGA', ...)
for example.
The real advantage over other NMEA implementations is, that the GPS information is also interpreted and normalized. The most high-level API is the state object, which changes with every new event. You can use this information with:
gps.on('data', function(raw, data) {
Installing GPS.js is as easy as cloning this repo or use the following command:
npm install --save gps
GPS.js comes with some examples, like drawing the current latutude and longitude to Google Maps, displaying a persistent state and displaying the parsed raw data. In some cases you have to adjust the serial path to your own GPS receiver to make it work.
Go into the folder examples/dashboard
and start the server with
node server
After that you can open the browser and go to http://localhost:3000
Google Maps
Go into the folder examples/maps
and start the server with
node server
After that you can open the browser and go to http://localhost:3000
GGA - Fix information
Gets the data, you're most probably looking for: latitude and longitude
The parsed object will have the following attributes:
- type: "GGA"
- time: The time given as a JavaScript Date object
- lat: The latitude
- lon: The longitude
- alt: The altitude
- quality: Fix quality (either invalid, fix or diff)
- satelites: Number of satellites being tracked
- hdop: Horizontal dilution of precision
- geoidal: Height of geoid (mean sea level)
- age: time in seconds since last DGPS update
- stationID: DGPS station ID number
- valid: Indicates if the checksum is okay
RMC - NMEAs own version of essential GPS data
Similar to GGA but gives also delivers the velocity
The parsed object will have the following attributes:
- type: "RMC"
- time: The time given as a JavaScript Date object
- status: Status active or void
- lat: The latitude
- lon: The longitude
- speed: Speed over the ground in km/h
- track: Track angle in degrees
- variation: Magnetic Variation
- faa: The FAA mode, introduced with NMEA 2.3
- valid: Indicates if the checksum is okay
GSA - Active satellites
The parsed object will have the following attributes:
GLL - Geographic Position - Latitude/Longitude
The parsed object will have the following attributes:
- type: "GLL"
- lat: The latitude
- lon: The longitude
- status: Status active or void
- time: The time given as a JavaScript Date object
- valid: Indicates if the checksum is okay
GSV - List of Satellites in view
GSV messages are paginated. msgNumber
indicates the current page and msgsTotal
is the total number of pages.
The parsed object will have the following attributes:
- type: "GSV"
- msgNumber: Current page
- msgsTotal: Number of pages
- satellites: Array of satellite objects with the following attributes:
- prn: Satellite PRN number
- elevation: Elevation in degrees
- azimuth: Azimuth in degrees
- snr: Signal to Noise Ratio (higher is better)
- valid: Indicates if the checksum is okay
VTG - vector track and speed over ground
The parsed object will have the following attributes:
- type: "VTG"
- track: Track in degrees
- speed: Speed over ground in km/h
- faa: The FAA mode, introduced with NMEA 2.3
- valid: Indicates if the checksum is okay
ZDA - UTC day, month, and year, and local time zone offset
The parsed object will have the following attributes:
- type: "ZDA"
- time: The time given as a JavaScript Date object
GPS State
If the streaming API is not needed, but a solid state of the system, the gps.state
object can be used. It has the following properties:
- time: Current time
- lat: Latitude
- lon: Longitude
- alt: Altitude
- sats_active: Array of active satellites
- speed: Speed over ground in km/h
- track: Track in degrees
- sats_visible: Array of all visible satellites
Adding new protocols is a matter of minutes. If you need a protocol which isn't implemented, I'm happy to see a pull request or a new ticket.
Using GPS.js with the browser
The use cases should be rare to parse NMEA directly inside the browser, but it works too.
<script src="gps.js"></script>
var gps = new GPS;
If you plan to enhance the library, make sure you add test cases and all the previous tests are passing. You can test the library with
npm test
Copyright and licensing
Copyright (c) 2016, Robert Eisele (
Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.