gpt-maa-ts README (gpt-multi-atomic-agents - TypeScript Client)
A TypeScript client for submitting AgentDefinitions and user prompts to a gpt-multi-atomic-agents REST API, to generate supported mutations (function calls).
This client provides a mini framework for defining the Agents and handling the response.
This provides a clean approach to LLM based Agent calling, so the client can focus on the 'domain' or business logic:
- submit data in the form of Function Calls
- process the generated mutations, updating the application data
Agents are declared in terms of input and output functions.
First, we define the functions:
const areaParameter: ParameterSpec = {
name: "area",
type: "string",
allowedValues: ["front", "back"],
const mowLawnFunction: FunctionSpecSchema = {
functionName: "MowLawn",
description: "Mow the lawn and tidy it up",
parameters: [areaParameter]
const produceCutGrassFunction: FunctionSpecSchema = {
functionName: "ProduceCutGrass",
description: "Produce cut grass waster",
parameters: [areaParameter]
We also need to provide Handlers, to be able to execute the generated function calls. This is the main point of integration:
const functionRegistry = new FunctionRegistry();
class LawnHandler extends HandlerBase
constructor(registry: FunctionRegistry) {
this.registerFunction(mowLawnFunction.functionName!, this.handleMowLawn)
this.registerFunction(produceCutGrassFunction.functionName!, this.handleProduceCutGrass)
private handleMowLawn(functionCall: FunctionCallSchema): void {
console.log("<mowing the lawn>")
console.log(` params:`, functionCall.parameters)
private handleProduceCutGrass(functionCall: FunctionCallSchema): void {
console.log("<producing cut grass>")
console.log(` params:`, functionCall.parameters)
protected nameImplementation(): string
return "Lawn Handler";
const defaultHandler = new DefaultHandler(functionRegistry, (functionCall: FunctionCallSchema) => {
console.log(`[default handler] for function call: ${functionCall.functionName}(${functionCall.parameters!.additionalData})`)
const lawnHandler = new LawnHandler(functionRegistry);
Next, we can define the Agents in terms of the Functions (as inputs and outputs):
const lawnMowerAgent: FunctionAgentDefinitionMinimal = {
agentName: "Lawn Mower",
description: "Knows how to mow lawns",
acceptedFunctions: mowerOutputFunctions,
functionsAllowedToGenerate: mowerOutputFunctions,
topics: ["garden", "lawn", "grass"],
Now, we can use the agents to generate function calls, and execute them:
const agentDefinitions: FunctionAgentDefinitionMinimal[] = [
const chatAgentDescription = "Handles questions about household chores such as garden, garden furniture and waste maintenance.";
const bbAccessor = await handleUserPrompt("Mow the lawn, dealing with any lawn furniture and waste. After mowing make sure waste is disposed of.", agentDefinitions, chatAgentDescription)
const onExecuteStart = () => {
console.log("(execution started)")
const onExecuteEnd = () => {
console.log("(execution ended)")
execute(bbAccessor.get_new_functions(), functionRegistry, onExecuteStart, onExecuteEnd);
For more details, see TypeScript Example Agents.
Install the depdencencies:
note: You need to add the kioto install location to your system path environment variable
To update the client, if the REST API has changed:
Copy the OpenAPI JSON from the Swagger site and paste into gpt-maa-0.6.0.json
Edit the JSON to be OpenAPI Version 3.0.0 (not 3.1.1):
- see the existing files for differences
- set
version to "3.0.0"
- change
-> example
- [add
section] - replace
"type": "null"
with "nullable": true
Run kyoto to generate the TypeScript client
- Run the test - update code as needed:
- tip: to test kiota in isolation, then run
- The REST client code is auto-generated via kiota