Node.js project
Easily loads and stores system resources
Version: 0.1.0
The main goal of this module is to ease the loading and storing process of system resources without the need to worry about how they are loaded and stored and where they are saved into memory, configure the I/O calls once and just load and store. A resource is anything you save in files, typically configuration data. A grab bag, or simply a box, provides a centralized and well organized place that grants to you a better control over your files.
Because encapsulation and abstraction is an art this module is the glue between your application and your configuration files. Useful when you have to load, update and store a lot of files with the minimum dependencies (loosely coupled).
Put it simply, you need to work with localized strings and you need to load, update and store some configuration files. You need to save them somewhere for a later use. You could create a module called "i18n" holding and managing all your language files. That's fine. Furthermore, your application needs to externalize some configuration properties so you could create another module called "conf" trying to encapsulate the way you load and store your files, or simply you could just load and store the configuration properties when you need to do so if encapsulation is not one of your strengths.
Have you thought the format of the properties? You have to decide a format because you need to load and store them to files. Typically you'll use a json, ini or yaml file. Perhaps you don't need a complex format and you simply store the information in different lines. These methods are highly coupled with a lot of dependencies. If you need to change how you load and store the properties there's a big risk to break your code accidentally. With a grab bag you must define once how the files are loaded and stored and then you can abstract from this and just call to load() or store().
npm install grab-bag
You need to load a directory named conf
, a place where you put all your system configuration files. Inside it you have two files named a.json
. By default, you can only have json, key-value properties (.properties and INI files) and JavaScript modules but you can extend and overwrite the list defining your own readers and writers. Then you only need to do (assuming conf
is inside .
var gb = require ("grab-bag");
var box = gb.create ("system");
box.load ("conf", function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
var conf = box.get ("conf");
var a = conf["a.json"];
var b = conf[""];
doSomething (conf); (function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
Methods and Properties
Creates a new GrabBag with an optional name.
gb.define(extensions, io)
Defines a new parser/stringifier for every extension.
The "extensions" parameter is an array of strings with all the extensions that will be used with the given reader and writer functions.
The "reader" and "writer" parameters are callbacks that are executed when you load or store the files.
The reader receives the path of the file that needs to be parsed, the extension of this file and a callback to execute when the file is loaded. This callback expects an error and the loaded data as parameters.
The writer receives the path of the file that needs to be stored, the extension of this file, the data to store and a callback to execute when the file is loaded. This callback expects an error as parameter.
Default extensions and their associated parser/stringifier are:
- "properties": gb.types.PROPERTIES
- "ini": gb.types.INI
- "json": gb.types.JSON
- "js": gb.types.JS
For example, we need to add support for YAML files. We're going to use the yaml.js module to parse and stringify properties. Furthermore, we want to parse/stringify files with no extension as INI files.
var yaml = require ("yamljs");
var gb = require ("grab-bag");
var fs = require ("fs");
var reader = function (file, extension, cb){
fs.readFile (file, "utf8", function (error, data){
if (error) return cb (error, null);
cb (null, yaml.parse (data));
}catch (e){
cb (e, null);
var writer = function (file, extension, data, cb){
fs.writeFile (file, yaml.stringify (data, 2), "utf8", cb);
gb.define (["yml", "yaml"], {
reader: reader,
writer: writer
gb.define ([""], gb.types.INI);
If you don't need to store yaml objects, ignore the writer function:
gb.define (["yml", "yaml"], {
reader: reader
You can also re-define existing extensions, for example, we want to replace the INI parser/stringifier with the ini module:
var ini = require ("ini");
var gb = requir ("grab-bag");
var fs = require ("fs");
var reader = function (file, extension, cb){
fs.readFile (file, "utf8", function (error, data){
if (error) return cb (error, null);
cb (null, ini.parse (data));
var writer = function (file, extension, data, cb){
fs.writeFile (file, ini.stringify (data), "utf8", cb);
gb.define (["ini"], {
reader: reader,
writer: writer
Removes extensions from the set of extensions bound to a parser/stringifier. For example, we don't want to parse/stringify files with extension js
gb.remove (["js"]);
Now, if a file with js
extension is found it will be ignored.
Contains the default parsers/stringifiers. Every parser/stringifier has a "reader" and "writer" function that are used to load and store properties from disk.
- gb.types.PROPERTIES.reader, gb.types.PROPERTIES.writer
- gb.types.INI.reader, gb.types.INI.writer
- gb.types.JSON.reader, gb.types.JSON.writer
- gb.types.JS.reader, gb.types.JS.writer
The PROPERTIES type uses the properties module with the variables feature enabled.
The INI type uses the properties module with the variables and sections features enabled.
The JSON type uses the built-in json parser/stringifier.
The JS type uses the require
function to load the file, the script needs to export an object. Take into account that require
is synchronous and therefore it will block the entire event loop.
The custom parser/stringifier defined with gb.define() will be stored here with the name CUSTOMX
, where X
is an incremental number that starts at 0.
Default extensions and their associated parser/stringifier are:
- "properties": gb.types.PROPERTIES
- "ini": gb.types.INI
- "json": gb.types.JSON
- "js": gb.types.JS
Returns a resource given a path. If no path is given the function returns all the resources:
"a": 1
"b": 2
"c": 3
"d": 4
var box = gb.create ();
box.load (["a", "e.json"], function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
console.log (box.get ("a/b/b.json").a);
console.log (box.get ().a.b["b.json"].a);
console.log (box.get ("e.json").d);
console.log (require ("util").inspect (box.get (), true, null));
Ignores the given resources when loading or storing. The "paths" parameter is an array of paths. The paths are relative to the current working directory but they must not begin with .
or ..
gb.create ().ignore (["a", "b/c"]);
gb.create ().ignore (["./a", "../b"]);
For example, we have the following directory and we want to load f1.json
and f2.ini
We can load indivual files:
gb.create ().load (["a/f1.json", "a/f2.ini"], function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
Or we can ignore
and load the entire directory:
var box = gb.create ();
box.ignore ("a/");
box.load ("a", function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
GrabBag#load(path[, type], callback)
Loads resources into memory. The "path" parameter can be a string with the path to a file or directory or an array of paths. If a path points to a directory, the directory is read recursively and all the sub-directories and supported files are loaded. The callback with an error parameter is executed on completion. See get() example.
How can we load files with no extension without loading other specific files, for example readme files?
Put it simply, define a new type and load both directories:
gb.define ([""], gb.types.PROPERTIES);
var box = gb.create ();
box.load (["conf", "system"], function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
Here we have a problem because the three README files should not be parsed but because we have included the empty extension as a valid extension, they are parsed.
A good solution is to define the empty extension and load files individually.
gb.define ([""], gb.types.PROPERTIES);
var box = gb.create ();
box.load (["conf/file1", "conf/file2", "system/"], function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
But this has a problem because if you need to load a lot of files you have to include them in the array.
A better solution consists of using the ignore() function. Just ignore the files that you don't want to load or store:
gb.define ([""], gb.types.PROPERTIES);
var box = gb.create ();
box.ignore (["conf/README1", "system/README2", "system/README3"]);
box.load (["conf", "system"], function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
The optional "type" parameter is the type of the content of the file or files if the path is a directory. This parameter is typically used when you want to load a file that has an extension that is not found in the set of default extensions but you don't want to define a new type because you have multiple files with the same extension but with different format, like the previous scenario.
For example, we want to load a file with a txt extension that has a custom format (line separated values).
Broderick Distilo
Ellsworth Deperte
Willian Garzone
Marcellus Hoysock
Iesha Calvelo
var type = {
reader: function (file, extension, cb){
fs.readFile (file, "utf8", function (error, data){
if (error) return cb (error, null);
cb (null, data.split (/\r\n|\n/));
var box = gb.create ();
box.load ("users.txt", type, function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
console.log (box.get ());
You can also use a predefined type:
var box = gb.create ();
box.load ("file", gb.types.PROPERTIES, function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
Returns the name of the grab bag.
Removes a resource or resources if the path points to a directory. The "paths" parameter can be a string or an array of paths. Take into account that the resource (JavaScript object) won't be freed if you have a reference pointing to it. In fact, this function calls to delete
to remove the resource. Be aware of this if you don't want memory leaks.
"d": 4
var box = gb.create ();
box.load (["a", "e.json"], function (error){
if (error) return console.log (error);
box.remove ("a");
console.log (require ("util").inspect (box.get (), true, null));
The paths are relative to the current working directory but they must not begin with .
or ..
gb.create ().remove (["a", "b/c"]);
gb.create ().remove (["./a", "../b"]);
GrabBag#set(path, obj[, type])
Saves an object into the set of resources. Instead of loading a file to populate the set of resources you can populate it with in-memory objects. Make sure to not to save a reference to the object in you application because if you want to free the object you'll produce a memory leak.
The path is relative to the current working directory but it must not begin with .
or ..
gb.create ().set ("a.ini", { p: 1 });
gb.create ().set ("./a.ini", { p: 1 });
gb.create ().set ("../a.ini", { p: 1 });
GrabBag#store([paths], callback)
Stores resources into their files. The "paths" parameters can be a string with the path to a file or directory or an array of paths. If an array is passed all the resources are stored in parallel. If the path points to a directory, all the resources that has been loaded into memory previously that belongs to this path will be stored recursively, that is, if an in-memory directory is found, all the properties are stored to their files. The callback with an error parameter is executed on completion, if any. If "paths" is not passed, stores all the loaded resources.
The paths are relative to the current working directory but they must not begin with .
or ..
gb.create ().store ("a.ini", function (error){});
gb.create ().set ("./a.ini", function (error){});
gb.create ().set ("../a.ini", function (error){});