hapi GraphQL server plugin
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- HTTP path to serve graphql requests. Default is /graphql
- HTTP path to serve the GraphiQL UI. Set to '' or false to disable. Default is /graphiql
- graphql schema either as a string or as a GraphQLSchema instanceresolvers
- query and mutation functions mapped to their respective keys. Resolvers should return a promise when performing asynchronous operations.authStrategy
- (optional) Authentication strategy to apply to /graphql
route. Default is false
- (optional) Authentication strategy to apply to /graphiql
route. Default is false
const schema = `
type Person {
firstname: String!
lastname: String!
type Query {
person(firstname: String!): Person!
const getPerson = function (args, request) {
return { firstname: 'billy', lastname: 'jean' };
const resolvers = {
person: getPerson
const server = Hapi.server();
await server.register({ plugin: Graphi, options: { schema, resolvers } });
With GraphQLSchema Instance
const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
query: new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'RootQueryType',
fields: {
person: {
type: GraphQLString,
args: {
firstname: { type: new Scalars.JoiString({ min: [2, 'utf8'], max: 10 }) }
resolve: (root, { firstname }, request) => {
return firstname;
const server = Hapi.server();
await server.register({ plugin: Graphi, options: { schema } });
With hapi routes
You can also define resolvers as hapi routes. As a result, each resolver is able to benefit from route caching, custom auth strategies, and all of the other powerful hapi routing features. Each route should use the custom method 'graphql'
and the path should be the key name for the resolver prefixed with /
. You can also mix and match existing resolvers with routes.
const schema = `
type Person {
firstname: String!
lastname: String!
type Query {
person(firstname: String!): Person!
const server = Hapi.server();
method: 'graphql',
path: '/person',
handler: (request, h) => {
return { firstname: 'billy', lastname: 'jean' };
await server.register({ plugin: Graphi, options: { schema } });