graphile-build provides a framework to build high-performance extensible
GraphQL APIs by combining plugins and using advanced query look-ahead features.
Each plugin would typically have it's own small purpose (such as implementing
the Node interface, or adding query: Query
to mutation payloads, or watching
an external source for schema changes) and by combining these plugins together
you get a large, powerful, and manageable GraphQL schema. Plugins enable you
to make broad changes to your GraphQL schema with minimal code and without
sacrificing performance.
An example of an application built on graphile-build
is PostGraphile
v4+ which allows you to run just one
command to instantly get a fully working and secure GraphQL API up and running
based on your PostgreSQL database schema. The graphile-build-pg
contains the plugins that are specific to PostgreSQL support (graphile-build
itself does not know about databases).
For in-depth documentation about graphile-build
, please see the graphile
documentation website. The below just serves as a
limited quick-reference for people already familiar with the library.
Please note: rather than using the very raw plugin interface as shown below,
you may want to use the helpers in graphile-utils
The following runnable example creates a plugin that hooks the
'GraphQLObjectType:fields' event in the system and adds a 'random' field to
every object everywhere (including the root Query).
const { buildSchema, defaultPlugins } = require("graphile-build");
function MyRandomFieldPlugin(
{ myDefaultMin = 1, myDefaultMax = 100 }
) {
builder.hook("GraphQLObjectType:fields", (fields, build) => {
const {
graphql: { GraphQLInt },
} = build;
return extend(fields, {
random: {
type: GraphQLInt,
args: {
sides: {
type: GraphQLInt,
resolve(_, { sides = myDefaultMax }) {
return (
Math.floor(Math.random() * (sides + 1 - myDefaultMin)) +
const { graphql } = require("graphql");
(async function() {
const schema = await buildSchema([...defaultPlugins, MyRandomFieldPlugin], {
myDefaultMin: 1,
myDefaultMax: 6,
const result = await graphql(
query {
})().catch(e => {
Plugins can be asynchronous functions (simply define them as async function MyPlugin(builder, options) {...}
or return a Promise object).
When a plugin first runs, it should do any of its asynchronous work, and then
return. Schema generation itself (i.e. firing of hooks) is synchronous
Most plugins will be of the form:
function MyRandomPlugin(builder) {
builder.hook("HOOK_NAME_HERE", (
{ extend /* ... */ },
{ scope: { isMyRandomObject /* ... */ } /* ... */ }
) => {
if (!isMyRandomObject) {
return inputValue;
return extend(inputValue, {