Apollo graphql subscriptions over Kafka, using kafkajs. Inspired on graphql-kafka-subscriptions.
Communication is done through 1 kafka topic specified in the KafkaPubSub
function. Then
channels are used to identify the right subscription.
npm install graphql-kafkajs-subscriptions
yarn add graphql-kafkajs-subscriptions
Kafka Pub Sub
import { Kafka } from 'kafkajs';
import { KafkaPubSub } from 'graphql-kafkajs-subscriptions'
export const pubsub = KafkaPubSub.create({
topic: 'my-topic',
kafka: new Kafka({})
groupIdPrefix: "my-group-id-prefix",
producerConfig: {},
consumerConfig: {}
Subscription Resolver
collaboration: {
resolve: (payload: KafkaMessage) => {
return payload.value;
subscribe: (_, args) => {
return pubsub.asyncIterator<YourType>("my channel");
You can also use the subscription payload for the channel.
collaboration: {
resolve: (payload: KafkaMessage) => {
return payload.value;
subscribe: (_, args) => {
return pubsub.asyncIterator<YourType>(`channel-${args.myId}`);
Somewhere in your code, you call this:
pubsub.publish("my channel", {
Use the rest of the kafkajs options:
const event = {};
const headers = {
header1: "value"
const producerOptions = { };
pubsub.publish("my channel", event, headers, producerOptions);
This ends up publishing the event to kafka (to the topic you used to create the kafkaPubSub
and received by all consumers. The consumer which is listening to my channel
will send it
to the client.