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graphql-ruby-client - npm Package Versions






1.6.0 (27 May 2017)

Breaking changes

  • InternalRepresentation::Node#return_type will now return the wrapping type. Use return_type.unwrap to access the old value #704

  • instrument(:query, ...) instrumenters are applied as a stack instead of a queue #735. If you depend on queue-based behavior, move your before_query and after_query hooks to separate instrumenters.

  • In a Relay::Mutation, Raising or returning a GraphQL::Execution will nullify the mutation field, not the field's children. #731

  • args.to_h returns a slightly different hash #714

    • keys are always Strings
    • if an argument is aliased with as:, the alias is used as the key
  • InternalRepresentation::Node#return_type includes the original "wrapper" types (non-null or list types), call .unwrap to get the inner type #20

    # before
    # after


  • Argument prepare functions which take one argument are deprecated #730

    # before
    argument :id, !types.ID, prepare: ->(val) { ... }
    # after
    argument :id, !types.ID, prepare: ->(val, ctx) { ... }

New features

  • Schema#multiplex(queries) runs multiple queries concurrently #691
  • GraphQL::RakeTask supports dumping the schema to IDL or JSON #687
  • Improved support for Schema.from_definition #699 :
    • Custom scalars are supported with coerce_input and coerce_result functions
    • resolve_type function will be used for abstract types
    • Default resolve behavior is to check obj for a method and call it with 0, 1, or 2 arguments.
  • ctx.skip may be returned from field resolve functions to exclude the field from the response entirely #688
  • instrument(:field, ..., after_built_ins: true) to apply field instrumentation after Relay wrappers #740
  • Argument prepare functions are invoked with (val, ctx) (previously, it was only (val)) #730
  • args.to_h returns stringified, aliased arguments #714
  • ctx.namespace(:my_namespace) provides namespaced key-value storage #689
  • GraphQL::Query can be initialized without a query_string; it can be added after initialization #710
  • Improved filter support #713
    • Schema.execute(only:, except:) accept a callable or an array of callables (multiple filters)
    • Filters can be added to a query via Query#merge_filters(only:, except:). You can add a filter to every query by merging it in during query instrumentation.

Bug fixes

  • Correctly apply cursors and max_page_size in Relay::RelationConnection and Relay::ArrayConnection #728
  • Nullify a mutation field when it raises or returns an error #731
published 1.5.0 •



1.5.0 (10 Mar 2017), yanked

Breaking changes

  • Only UTF-8-encoded strings will be returned by String fields. Strings with other encodings (or objects whose #to_s method returns a string with a different encoding) will return nil instead of that string. #517

    To opt into the previous behavior, you can modify GraphQL::STRING_TYPE:

    # app/graphql/my_schema.rb
    # Restore previous string behavior:
    GraphQL::STRING_TYPE.coerce_result = ->(value) { value.to_s }
    MySchema = GraphQL::Schema.define { ... }
  • Substantial changes to the internal query representation (#512, #536). Query analyzers may notice some changes:

    • Nodes skipped by directives are not visited
    • Nodes are always on object types, so Node#owner_type always returns an object type. (Interfaces and Unions are replaced with concrete object types which are valid in the current scope.)

    See changes to Analysis::QueryComplexity for an example migration. Here are some other specific changes:

    • Nodes are tracked on object types only, not interface or union types
    • Deprecated, buggy Node#children and Node#path were removed
    • Buggy #included was removed
    • Nodes excluded by directives are entirely absent from the rewritten tree
    • Internal InternalRepresentation::Selection was removed (no longer needed)
    • Node#spreads was replaced by Node#ast_spreads which returns a Set

New features

  • Schema#validate returns a list of errors for a query string #513
  • implements ... adds interfaces to object types without inherit-by-default #548, #574
  • GraphQL::Relay::RangeAdd for implementing RANGE_ADD mutations #587
  • use ... definition method for plugins #565
  • Rails generators #521, #580
  • GraphQL::Function for reusable resolve behavior with arguments & return type #545
  • Support for Ruby 2.4 #475
  • Relay node & nodes field can be extended with a custom block #552
  • Performance improvements:
    • Resolve fragments only once when validating #504
    • Reuse Arguments objects #500
    • Skip needless FieldResults #482
    • Remove overhead from ensure_defined #483
    • Benchmark & Profile tasks for gem maintenance #520, #579
    • Fetch has_next_page while fetching items in RelationConnection #556
    • Merge selections on concrete object types ahead of time #512
  • Support runnable schemas with Schema.from_definition #567, #584

Bug fixes

  • Support different arguments on non-overlapping typed fragments #512
  • Don't include children of @skipped nodes when parallel branches are not skipped #536
  • Fix offset in ArrayConnection when it's larger than the array #571
  • Add missing frozen_string_literal comments #589
published 1.4.1 •



1.4.1 (16 Jan 2017)

Bug fixes

  • Absent variables aren't present in args #479
  • Fix grouped ActiveRecord relation with last only #476
  • Schema#default_mask & query only:/except: are combined, not overridden #485
  • Root types can be hidden with dynamic filters #480
published 1.4.0 •



1.4.0 (8 Jan 2017)

Breaking changes


  • One-argument schema filters are deprecated. Schema filters are now called with two arguments, (member, ctx). #463 To update, add a second argument to your schema filter.

  • The arity of middleware #call methods has changed. Instead of next_middleware being the last argument, it is passed as a block. To update, call yield to continue the middleware chain or use &next_middleware to capture next_middleware into a local variable.

    # Previous:
    def call(*args, next_middleware)
    # Current
    def call(*args)
    # Or
    def call(*args, &next_middleware)

New features

  • You can add a nodes field directly to a connection. #451 That way you can say { friends { nodes } } instead of { freinds { edges { node } } }. Either pass nodes_field: true when defining a custom connection type, for example:

    FriendsConnectionType = FriendType.define_connection(nodes_field: true)

    Or, set GraphQL::Relay::ConnectionType.default_nodes_field = true before defining your schema, for example:

    GraphQL::Relay::ConnectionType.default_nodes_field = true
    MySchema = GraphQL::Schema.define { ... }
  • Middleware performance was dramatically improved by reducing object allocations. #462 next_middleware is now passed as a block. In general, yield is faster than calling a captured block.

  • Improve error messages for wrongly-typed variable values #423

  • Cache the value of resolve_type per object per query #462

  • Pass ctx to schema filters #463

  • Accept whitelist schema filters as only: #463

  • Add Schema#to_definition which accepts only:/except: to filter the schema when printing #463

  • Add Schema#default_mask as a default except: filter #463

  • Add reflection methods to types #473

    • #introspection? marks built-in introspection types
    • #default_scalar? marks built-in scalars
    • #default_relay? marks built-in Relay types
    • #default_directive? marks built-in directives

Bug fixes

  • Fix ArrayConnection: gracefully handle out-of-bounds cursors #452
  • Fix ArrayConnection & RelationConnection: properly handle last without before #362
published 1.3.0 •



1.3.0 (8 Dec 2016)


  • As per the spec, __ prefix is reserved for built-in names only. This is currently deprecated and will be invalid in a future version. #427, #450

New features

  • Schema#lazy_resolve allows you to define handlers for a second pass of resolution #386
  • Field#lazy_resolve can be instrumented to track lazy resolution #429
  • Schema#type_error allows you to handle InvalidNullErrors and UnresolvedTypeErrors in your own way #416
  • Schema#cursor_encoder can be specified for transforming cursors from built-in Connection implementations #345
  • Schema members #dup correctly: they shallowly copy their state into new instances #444
  • Query#provided_variables is now public #430

Bug fixes

  • Schemas created from JSON or strings with custom scalars can validate queries (although they still can't check if inputs are valid for those custom scalars) #445
  • Always use quirks_mode: true when serializing values (to support non-stdlib JSONs) #449
  • Calling #redefine on a Schema member copies state outside of previous #define blocks (uses #dup) #444
published 1.2.0 •



1.2.0 (7 Nov 2016)

Breaking changes

  • A breaking change from 1.1.0 was reverted: two-character "\\u" is longer treated as the Unicode escape character #372

  • Due to the execution bug described below, the internal representation of a query has changed. Although Node responds to the same methods, tree is built differently and query analyzers visit it differently. #373, #379

    The difference is in cases like this:

    outer {
      ... on A { inner1 { inner2 } }
      ... on B { inner1 { inner3 } }

    Previously, visits would be:

    • outer, which has one child:
      • inner1, which has two definitions (one on A, another on B), then visit its two children:
        • inner2 which has one definition (on the return type of inner1)
        • inner3 which has one definition (on the return type of inner1)

    This can be wrong for some cases. For example, if A and B are mutually exclusive (both object types, or union types with no shared members), then inner2 and inner3 will never be executed together.

    Now, the visit goes like this:

    • outer which has two entries in typed_children, one on A and another on B. Visit each typed_chidren branch:
      • inner1, then its one typed_children branch:
        • inner2
      • inner1, then its one typed_children branch:
        • inner3

    As you can see, we visit inner1 twice, once for each type condition. inner2 and inner3 are no longer visited as siblings. Instead they're visited as ... cousins? (They share a grandparent, not a parent.)

    Although Node#children is still present, it may not contain all children actually resolved at runtime, since multiple typed_children branches could apply to the same runtime type (eg, two branches on interface types can apply to the same object type). To track all children, you have to do some bookkeeping during visitation, see QueryComplexity for an example.

    You can see PR #373 for how built-in analyzers were changed to reflect this.


  • InternalRepresentation::Node#children and InternalRepresentation::Node#definitions are deprecated due to the bug described below and the breaking change described above. Instead, use InternalRepresentation::Node#typed_children and InternalRepresentation::Node#definition. #373

New features

  • null support for the whole library: as a query literal, variable value, and argument default value. To check for the presence of a nullable, use Arguments#key? #369

  • GraphQL::Schema::UniqueWithinType.default_id_separator may be assigned to a custom value #381

  • Context#add_error(err) may be used to add a GraphQL::ExecutionError to the response's "errors" key (and the resolve function can still return a value) #367

  • The third argument of resolve is now a FieldResolutionContext, which behaves just like a Query::Context, except that it is not modified during query execution. This means you can capture a reference to that context and access some field-level details after the fact: #path, #ast_node, #irep_node. (Other methods are delegated to the underlying Query::Context) #379

  • TimeoutMiddleware's second argument is a proxied query object: it's #context method returns the FieldResolutionContext (see above) for the timed-out field. Other methods are delegated to the underlying Query #379

Bug fixes

  • Fix deep selection merging on divergently-typed fragments. #370, #373, #379 Previously, nested selections on different fragments were not distinguished. Consider a case like this:

    ... on A { inner1 { inner2 } }
    ... on B { inner1 { inner3 } }

    Previously, an object of type A would resolve inner1, then the result would receive both inner2 and inner3. The same was true for an object of type B.

    Now, those are properly distinguished. An object of type A resolves inner1, then its result receives inner2. An object of type B receives inner1, then inner3.

published 1.1.3 •

published 1.1.2 •

published 1.1.1 •

published 1.1.0 •



1.1.0 (1 Nov 2016)

Breaking changes

  • Two-character "\\u" is no longer treated as the Unicode escape character, only the Unicode escape character "\u" is treated that way. (This behavior was a bug, the migration path is to use the Unicode escape character.) #366
  • GraphQL::Language::ParserTests was removed, use GraphQL::Compatibility instead. #366
  • Non-null arguments can't be defined with default values, because those values would never be used #361

New features

  • Schema.from_definition(definition_string) builds a GraphQL::Schema out of a schema definition. #346
  • Schema members (types, fields, arguments, enum values) can be hidden on a per-query basis with the except: option #300
  • GraphQL::Compatibility contains .build_suite functions for testing user-provided parsers and execution strategies with GraphQL internals. #366
  • Schema members respond to #redefine { ... } for making shallow copies with extended definitions. #357
  • Schema#instrument provides an avenue for observing query and field resolution with no overhead.
  • Some SerialExecution objects were converted to functions, resulting in a modest performance improvement for query resolution.

Bug fixes

  • NonNullType and ListType have no name (nil), as per the spec #355
  • Non-null arguments can't be defined with default values, because those values would never be used #361
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