Graphql API-tests generator
Based on your schema.
🚧 Early development stage
graphql-testgen gen
flags | arguments | alias | description |
--config | path | -c | Path to config file an example is displayed at Configuration
usage: -c __tests__/api/testgen.js default: ./testgen.js |
--schema | | -s | path to schema file or url path to schema
usage: -s __tests__/api/schema.graphql default: http://localhost:3000/graphql |
--output | | -o | path to output
usage: -o __tests__/generated/ default: __tests__/generated/ |
--mocks | -m | | path to mocks
usage: -m __test__/mocks default: __tests__/api/mocks |
--append | -a | - | append to existing files
usage: -a default: false |
Configuration file testgen.js
module.exports = {
schemaPath: 'http://localhost:3000/graphql',
outputDir: '__tests__/generated/',
mockDir: '__tests__/api/mocks/',
depth: 4,