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An isomorphic JavaScript library for creating web apps.

  • 0.4.1
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  • npm
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An isomorphic JavaScript library for creating web apps.

Named for Hans


I don't really know if I should be making a JavaScript library like this. The various ideas it's composed of have been floating around in my mind for a year or so and writing this has helped explore those ideas. The documentation below is written as if the library I want to make exists, it does not.

I quite like this documentation-driven-design. It really helps to think through the concepts and ideas of something before spending lots of time building it.

If this is something that interests you, reach out to me on Mastodon.


I've spent the past few years working on JavaScript backends and nothing has really stuck with me. There have been lots of nice ideas along the way but no one solution ever felt like home. It always felt like starting from scratch for each project. Some of the apps I've made:


Gruber is a library of composable utilities for creating isomorphic JavaScript applications, that means web-standards JavaScript on the front- and backend. It's bet is that web-standards aren't going to change, so it is be based around them to create apps that don't break in the future. There's also a hope that WinterCG works some stuff out.

Gruber acknowledges that web-standards don't do everything we want (yet) and that they aren't implemented properly everwhere. For this reason, the core of Gruber is agnostic but there are helpers for using common runtimes & libraries with the core.

Gruber itself is a library and can be used however you like. There are patterns which you can apply if you like. Patterns are ways of structuring your code if you don't already have opinions on the matter. They also help to explain why Gruber is made in the way it is.

With a common agnostic core, there can be modules built on top that can be used agnostically too. If the modules themselves are agnostic of course.

There is a lot not in Gruber too. By design things like CORs should be implemented at a higher level. A Gruber app should be run behind a reverse proxy and that can do those things for you.


  • URLPattern based routing that is testable
  • fetch based routes using Request and Response
  • Simple database migrations
  • Configuration to control how apps work
  • A common core for reusable modules to built be upon

Design goals

  • Composability — logic should be composed together rather than messily intertwined
  • Standards based — where available existing standards should be applied or migrated towards
  • Agnostic — a frontend framework or backend runtime shouldn't be forced upon you
  • Patterns — how you could use modules rather than enforce an implementation
  • Minimal — start small, carefully add features and consider removing them
  • No magic — it's confusing when you don't know whats going on



Gruber is available on NPM as gruber.

# cd to/your/project
npm install gruber



Gruber is available at

import { defineRoute } from "";

HTTP server

First a HTTP route to do something:


import { defineRoute, HttpError } from "gruber";

// A route is a first-class thing, it can easily be passed around and used
export default defineRoute({
	method: "GET",
	pathname: "/hello/:name",
	handler({ request, url, params }) {
		if ( === "McClane") {
			throw HttpError.unauthorized();
		return new Response(`Hello, ${}!`);

A route is a definition to handle a specific HTTP request by returning a response. It defines which method and path it is responding to and an asynchronous function to handle the request.

The request is a fetch Request and the response too.

It also takes the url (as a URL) of the request and params. The parameters are matched from the pathname, part of the result of URLPattern.exec. In this example name is matched in the request URL and is used to process the request.

Let's add the route to a Node.js server:


import { createServer } from "node:http";
import { NodeRouter } from "gruber";

import helloRoute from "./hello-route.js";

export const routes = [helloRoute];

export async function runServer(options) {
	const router = new NodeRouter({ routes });
	const server = createServer(router.forHttpServer());

	await new Promise((resolve) => server.listen(options.port, resolve));
	console.log("Listening on http://localhost:%d", options.port);

Then you could have a cli:


import yargs from "yargs";
import { hideBin } from "yargs/helpers";

import { runServer } from "./server.js";

const cli = yargs(hideBin(process.argv))
	.demandCommand(1, "a command is required");

	"run the http server",
	(yargs) => yargs.option("port", { type: "number", default: 3000 }),
	(args) => runServer(args),

try {
	await cli.parseAsync();
} catch (error) {
	console.error("Fatal error:", e);

If you were using Deno, you can alter your server.js:

You'd have to change the const cli = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) of cli.js too

import { DenoRouter } from "@gruber/deno/mod.js";

import helloRoute from "./hello-route.js";

export const routes = [helloRoute];

export async function runServer(options) {
	const router = new DenoRouter({ routes });

	Deno.serve({ port: options.port }, router.forDenoServe());

	console.log("Listening on http://localhost:%d", options.port);

That's how the same HTTP logic can be run on Deno and Node. Gruber doesn't expect you'll change runtime during a project, but now you can have more-common-looking code on different projects.


In production, it is very useful to be able to configure how an app behaves without having to modify the code and redeploy the entire app. That is what configuration is for, it lets you change how the app runs by altering the configuration. The configuration can come from different places too, like a JSON file, environment variables or maybe arguments to your CLI.

12 fractured apps really inspired the design of configuration, to summerise it should be:

  • Load in from the environment and/or configuration files
  • Have sensible defaults so it does not fail if environment variables or configuration files are missing
  • Apply a precidence of configuration between different sources
  • Always structurally valid so the rest of you code can assume that

Things you might want to configure:

  • How much logging to do
  • The databases to connect to
  • Which features to turn on or off
  • Tokens for thirdy-party APIs
  • Who to send emails from

Gruber provides the utilities to specify this information and load it in from the environment youe code is running in. It uses a pattern of environment variables > configuration file > fallback to decide which values to use. The end result is a configuration object you can share between all of your code that you know is well-formed.

Configuration is heavily inspired by superstruct which has a lovely API.

Building on the HTTP server above, we'll setup configuration. Still using Node.


import fs from "node:fs";
import { getNodeConfiguration } from "gruber";

const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./package.json", "utf8"));
const config = getNodeConfiguration();

export function getConfigStruct() {
	return config.object({
		env: config.string({ variable: "NODE_ENV", fallback: "development" }),

		port: config.number({
			variable: "APP_PORT",
			flag: "--port",
			fallback: 8000,

		selfUrl: config.url({
			variable: "SELF_URL",
			fallback: "http://localhost:3000",

		meta: config.object({
			name: config.string({ flag: "--app-name", fallback: }),
			version: config.string({ fallback: pkg.version }),

		database: config.object({
			useSsl: config.boolean({ flag: "--database-ssl", fallback: true }),
			url: config.url({
				variable: "DATABASE_URL",
				flag: "--database-url",
				fallback: "postgres://user:secret@localhost:5432/database",

// Load the configuration and parse it
export function loadConfiguration(path) {
	return config.load(path, getConfigStruct());

// TypeScript thought:
// export type Configuration = Infer<ReturnType<typeof getConfigStruct>>

// Expose the configutation for use in the application
export const appConfig = await loadConfiguration(
	new URL("./config.json", import.meta.url),

// Export a method to generate usage documentation
export function getConfigurationUsage() {
	return config.getUsage(getConfigStruct());

// Export a method to generate a JSON Schema for the configuration
export function getConfigurationSchema() {
	return config.getJSONSchema(getConfigStruct());

Usage info

The usage output will be:


| key          | type   | argument       | variable     | default value |
| ============ | ====== | ============== | ============ | ============= |
| env          | string | ~              | NODE_ENV     | "development" |
| selfUrl      | url    | ~              | SELF_URL     | "http://localhost:3000" |
|    | string | --app-name     | ~            | gruber-app |
| meta.version | string | ~              | ~            | 1.2.3 |
| database.url | url    | --database-url | DATABASE_URL | postgres:// |

	"env": "development",
	"selfUrl": "http://localhost:3000",
	"meta": {
		"name": "gruber-app",
		"version": "1.2.3"
	"database": {
		"url": "postgres://"


You can provide a configuration file like config.json to load through the config specification:

	"env": "production",
	"selfUrl": "http://localhost:3000",
	"meta": {
		"name": "gruber-app",
		"version": "1.2.3",
	"database": {
		"url": "postgres://user:secret@localhost:5432/database",

When loaded in, it would:

  • override env to be "production"
  • override safeUrl and parse it as a URL object
  • override meta.version but use the default
  • override database.url to be the production value

If run with a NODE_ENV=staging environment variable, it would set env to "staging"


You should to consider the security for your default values, e.g. if you app runs differently under NODE_ENV=production and you forget to set it, what is the implication?

If you use something like dotenv, ensure it has already loaded before creating the Configuration

You could add extra checks to loadConfiguration to ensure things are correct in production, this can be done like so:

export function loadConfiguration() {
	const appConfig = config.loadJsonSync(path, getConfigStruct());

	// Only run these checks when running in production
	if (appConfig.env === "production") {
		if (appConfig.database.url.includes("top_secret")) {
			throw new Error("database.url has not been configured");
		// more checks ...

	return appConfig;

This checks the default value for database.url is not used when in production mode.

Configuration commands

We can add a CLI command to demonstrate using this configuration. Add this command to cli.js, below the "serve" command":

import { appConfig, getConfigurationUsage } from "./config.js";

// cli.command(
//   "serve",
//   ...
// );

	"outputs computed configuration",
	(yargs) => yargs,
	(args) => {

	"outputs computed configuration",
	(yargs) => yargs,
	(args) => {


Building on Configuration, we'll add database migrations to our Gruber app.

First, lets create a migration, migrations/001-add-people.js:

import { defineMigration } from "gruber";

export default defineMigration({
	async up(sql) {
		await sql`
			CREATE TABLE "people" (
				"name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
				"avatar" VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL
	async down(sql) {
		await sql`
			DROP TABLE "people"

and we need to set up our database with database.js

import process from "node:process";
import postgres from "postgres";
import { loader, getNodePostgresMigrator } from "gruber";
import { appConfig } from "./config.js";

export const useDatabase = loader(async () => {
	// You could do some retries/backoffs here
	return postgres(appConfig.database.url);

export async function getMigrator() {
	return getNodePostgresMigrator({
		directory: new URL("./migrations/", import.meta.url),
		sql: await useDatabase(),

loader is a utility to run a function once and cache the result for subsequent calls. It returns a method that either calls the factory function or returns the cached result.

Migrate command

Then we can add to our CLI again, cli.js:

import { getMigrator } from "./database.js";

// cli.command(
//   "config",
//   ...
// );

	"migrate up",
	"migrates the database to match code",
	(yargs) => yargs,
	async (args) => {
		const migrator = await getMigrator();
		await migrator.up();

	"migrate down",
	"nukes the database",
	(yargs) => yargs,
	async (args) => {
		const migrator = await getMigrator();
		await migrator.down();

With that in place, you can run the migrations. Gruber internally will set up the migration infrastructure too.

The Migrator is agnostic and provides a bespoke integration with postgres.js. When used agnostically, it facilitates the preperation and running of migrations. With postgres, it uses that facilitation to add a migrations table to track which have been run and execute new ones.


Let's write a test for our route.


import assert from "node:assert";
import { describe, it } from "node:test";

import { NodeRouter } from "gruber";
import helloRoute from "./hello-route.js";

describe("hello route", () => {
	const router = new NodeRouter({ routes: [helloRoute] });

	it("uses GET", () => {
		assert.equal(helloRoute.method, "GET");
	it("says hello", async () => {
		const response = await router.getResponse(new Request("/hello/Geoff"));
		assert.equal(response.status, 200);
		assert.equal(await response.text(), "Hello, Geoff!");
	it("blocks McClane", async () => {
		const response = await router.getResponse(new Request("/hello/McClane"));
		assert.equal(response.status, 401);

You use the same Request & Response objects to test your code! No need for mock servers.

Next testing routes when there is a dependency (e.g. a database)


import { defineRoute } from "gruber";
import { useDatabase } from "./database.js";

export const searchRoute = defineRoute({
	method: "POST",
	pathname: "/search",
	async handler({ request }) {
		const body = await request.json();
		const sql = await useDatabase();

		const result = await sql`
			SELECT id, created, name, avatar
			FROM people
			WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE LOWER(${"%" + + "%"})
		return Response.json(result);

and to test the route, search-route.test.js

import assert from "node:assert";
import { describe, it, beforeEach } from "node:test";
import { NodeServer, magicLoad } from "gruber";

import searchRoute from "./search-route.js";
import { useDatabase } from "./database.js";

// WIP — exploring "magic loader" snippet below
// Thoughts — this is very much in the magic realm, I don't like it

describe("search route", () => {
	const router = new NodeRouter({ routes: [searchRoute] });
	beforeEach(() => {
		useDatabase[magicLoad] = () => [
				id: 1,
				created: new Date("2024-01-01"),
				name: "Geoff Testington",
				avatar: null,

	it("uses POST", () => {
		assert.equal(searchRoute.method, "POST");
	it("returns people", async () => {
		const request = new Request("/search", {
			method: "POST",
			headers: {
				"content-type": "application/json",
			body: JSON.stringify({ name: "Geoff" }),

		const response = await router.getResponse(request);
		assert.equal(response.status, 200);
		assert.deepEqual(await response.json(), [
				id: 1,
				created: new Date("2024-01-01"),
				name: "Geoff Testington",
				avatar: null,

More complicated functions should be broken down into different parts. Parts which themselves can be tested individually.

Let's try again, search-route.js:

import { defineRoute } from "gruber";
import { useDatabase } from "./database.js";

export function queryPeople(sql, body) {
	return sql`
		SELECT id, created, name, avatar
		FROM people
		WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE LOWER(${"%" + + "%"})

export const searchRoute = defineRoute({
	method: "POST",
	pathname: "/search",
	async handler({ request }) {
		const body = await request.json();
		const sql = await useDatabase();
		return Response.json(await queryPeople(sql, body));

Then you could test queryPeople on its own, so add to search-route.test.js:

import searchRoute, { queryPeople } from "./search-route.js";

// describe('search route', ...)

// TODO: this is still a bit gross

describe("queryPeople", () => {
	it("formats for LIKE", async () => {
		let args = null;
		const result = await queryPeople((...a) => (args = a), {
			name: "Geoff",
		assert.equals(args[1], ["%Geoff%"]);

TODO: I'm not happy with this, will need to come back to it.

Meta APIs

There are APIs within Gruber for using it at a meta level. That means internal interfaces for using Gruber in different ways than described above.

Configuration API

The Configuration class is the base for how configuration works and can be used by itself to make you configuration work in different ways.

To see how it works, look at the Node and Deno implementations.

You can use the static getOptions method both subclasses provide and override the parts you want. These are the options:

  • readTextFile(url) — How to load a text file from the file system
  • getEnvironmentVariable(key) — Return a matching environment "variable" for a key
  • getCommandArgument(key) — Get the corresponding "flag" from a CLI argument
  • stringify(value) — How to write the whole configuration back to a string
  • parse(string) — Convert a plain string into a raw config object

For example, to override in Node:

import { Configuration, getNodeConfigOptions } from "gruber";
import Yaml from "yaml";

const config = new Configuration({
	getEnvionmentVariable: () => undefined,
	stringify: (v) => Yaml.stringify(v),
	parse: (v) => Yaml.parse(v),
	readTextFile: (url) => fetch(url).then((r) => r.text()),

This example:

  • Disables loading environment variables
  • Uses YAML instead of JSON encoding
  • Fetches text files over HTTP (just because)

Migrator API

The migrator is similarly abstracted to Configuration. Where the postgres migrator is an subclass of Migrator. This class has the base methods to run migrations up or down and knows which migrations to run.

import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import { defineMigration } from "gruber";

async function getRecords() {
	try {
		return JSON.parse(await fs.readFile("./migrations.json"));
	} catch {
		// This _should_ only catch not-found errors
		return {};

async function writeRecords(records) {
	await fs.writeFile("./migrations.json", JSON.stringify(records));

async function getDefinitions() {
	return [
			up: (fs) => fs.writeFile("hello.txt", "Hello, World!"),
			down: (fs) => fs.unlink("hello.txt"),
			up: (fs) => fs.writeFile("version.json", '{ "version": "0.1" }'),
			down: (fs) => fs.unlink("version.json"),

async function execute(definition, direction) {
	console.log("migrate %s", direction,;

	const records = await getRecords();

	if (direction === "up") {
		await definition.up(fs);
		records[name] = true;
	if (direction === "down") {
		await definition.down(fs);
		delete records[name];

	await writeRecords(records);
export function getMigrator() {
	return new Migrator({ getDefinitions, getRecords, execute });

This is an example migrator that does things with the filesystem. It has a store of records at migrations.json to keep track of which have been run. When it runs the migrations it'll update the json file to reflect that.

With the code above in place, you can use the migrator to run and undo migrations with the up and down methods on it.

Core library


defineRoute is the way of creating route primatives to be passed to your router to handle web traffic.

import { defineRoute } from "gruber";

export const helloRoute = defineRoute({
	method: "GET",
	pathname: "/hello/:name",
	handler({ request, url, params }) {
		if ( === "McClane") {
			throw HTTPError.unauthorized();
		return new Response(`Hello, ${}!`);


HTTPError is an Error subclass with specific information about HTTP errors. Gruber catches these errors and converts them into HTTP Responses.

import { HTTPError } from "gruber";

throw HTTPError.badRequest();
throw HTTPError.unauthorized();
throw HTTPError.notFound();
throw HTTPError.internalServerError();
throw HTTPError.notImplemented();

The static methods are implemented on an "as-needed" basis, more can be added in the future as the need arrises. They directly map to HTTP error as codes documented on MDN.

import { HTTPError } from "gruber";

const teapot = new HTTPError(418, "I'm a teapot");

You can also instantiate your own instance with whatever status code and text you like. With an instance, you can ask it to create a Response for you.


Currently, you can't set the body of the generated Response objects. This would be nice to have in the future, but the API should be thoughtfully designed first.

Request body

You can set the body to be returned when the HTTPError is thrown from the constructor or the factory methods:

import { HTTPError } from "gruber";

const teapot = new HTTPError(418, "I'm a teapot", "model=teabot-5000");

throw HTTPError.badRequest("no coffee provided");

The value of the body is the same as the body in the Response constructor.



If you really want, you can set headers on a HTTPError too:

import { HTTPError } from "gruber";

const teapot = new HTTPError(
	"Bad Request",
	JSON.stringify({ some: "thing" }),
	{ "Content-Type": "application/json" },

// or via mutating the headers object
teapot.headers.set("X-HOTEL-BAR", "Hotel Bar?");

If you want fine-grain control, you might be better off creating a subclass, e.g. BadJSONRequest:

class BadJSONRequest extends HTTPError {
	constructor(body) {
		super(400, "Bad Request", body, { "Content-type": "application/json" }); = "BadJSONRequest";
		Error.captureStackTrace(this, BadJSONRequest);

throw new BadJSONRequest({ message: "Something went wrong..." });


FetchRouter is a web-native router for routes defined with defineRoute.

import { FetchRouter, defineRoute } from "gruber";

const routes = [defineRoute("..."), defineRoute("..."), defineRoute("...")];

const router = new FetchRouter({
	errorHandler(error, request) {
		console.log("Route error", error);

All options to the FetchRouter constructor are optional and you can create a router without any options if you want.

routes are the route definitions you want the router to processes, the router will handle a request based on the first route that matches. So order is important.

errorHandler is called if a non-HTTPError or a 5xx HTTPError is thrown. It is called with the offending error and the request it is associated with.

NOTE: The errorHandler could do more in the future, like create it's own Response or mutate the existing response. This has not been design and is left open to future development if it becomes important.


getResponse is the main method on a router. Use it to get a Response from the provided request, based on the router's route definitions.

const response = await router.getResponse(new Request("http://localhost"));

There are some unstable internal methods too:

  • findMatchingRoutes(request) is a generator function to get the first route definition that matches the supplied request. It's a generator so as few routes are matched as possible and execution can be stopped if you like.
  • processMatches(request, matches) attempts to get a Response from a request and an Iterator of route definitions.
  • handleError(error, request) converts a error into a Response and triggers the errorHandler



getPostgresMigratorOptions generates the default options for a PostgresMigrator. You can use it and override parts of it to customise how the postgres migrator works.



loader let's you memoize the result of a function to create a singleton from it. It works synchronously or with promises.

import { loader } from "gruber";

const useRedis = loader(async () => {
	return "connect to the database somehow...";

// Then elsewhere
const redis = await useRedis();

formatMarkdownTable generates a pretty markdown table based on an array of rows and the desired column names.

import { formatMarkdownTable } from "gruber";

const table = formatMarkdownTable(
		{ name: "Geoff Testington", age: 42 },
		{ name: "Jess Smith", age: 32 },
		{ name: "Tyler Rockwell" },
	["name", "age"],

This will generate the table:

| name             | age |
| ================ | === |
| Geoff Testington | 42  |
| Jess Smith       | 32  |
| Tyler Rockwell   | ~   |

This is an internal primative for validating objects, strings, numbers and URLs for use in Configuration. It is based on a very specific use of superstruct which it made sense to internalise to make the code base more portable. A Structure is a type that validates a value is correct by throwing an error if validation fails, i.e. the wrong type is passed. Every struct has an intrinsic fallback so that if no value (undefined) is passed, that is used instead.

import { Structure } from "gruber/structures.js";

// A string primative, or use "Geoff Testington" if no value is passed.
const name = Structure.string("Geoff Testington");

// A URL instance or a string that contains a valid URL, always converting to a URL
const website = Structure.url("");

// A number primative, falling back to 42
const age = Structure.number(42);

// An object with all of the fields above and nothing else
// defaulting to create { name: "Geoff..", age: 42, website: "https..." } with the same fallback values
const person = Structure.object({ name, age, website });

// Process the Structure and get a value out. The returned value is strongly typed!
// This will throw if the value passed does not match the schema.
const value = person.process(/* ... */);

Those static Structure methods return a Structure instance. You can also create your own types with the constructor. This example shows how to do that, and also starts to unveil how the internals work a bit with StructError.

import { Structure, StructError } from "gruber/structures.js";

// Create a new boolean structure (this should probably be included as Structure.boolean tbh)
const boolean = new Structure(
	{ type: "boolean", default: false },
	(input, context) => {
		if (input === undefined) return false;
		if (typeof input !== "boolean") {
			throw new StructError("Expected a boolean", context?.path);
		return input;

To create a custom Structure, you give it a JSON schema and a "process" function. The function is called to validate a value against the structure. It should return the processed value or throw a StructError.

The context object might not be set and this means the struct is at the root level. If it is nested in an object then the context contains the path that the struct is located at, all the way from the root object. That path is expressed as an array of strings. That path is used to generate friendlier error messages to explain which nested field failed.

With a Structure, you can generate a JSON Schema:

import { Structure } from "gruber/structures.js";

const person = Structure.object({
	name: Structure.string("Geoff Testington"),
	age: Structure.number(42),
	website: Structure.url(""),

console.log(JSON.stringify(person.getSchema(), null, 2));

This is a bit WIP, but you could use this to generate a JSON schema to lint configurations in your IDE.


This Error subclass contains extra information about why parsing a Structure failed.

  • The message field is a description of what went wrong, in the context of the structure.
  • An extra path field exists to describe the path from the root object to get to this failed structure
  • children is also available to let a structure have multiple child errors, i.e. for an object to have failures for each of the fields that have failed.

On the error, there are also methods to help use it:

  • toFriendlyString goes through all nested failures and outputs a single message to describe everything that went wrong.
  • getOneLiner converts the error to a succint one-line error message, concatentating the path and message
  • [Symbol.iterator] is also available if you want to loop through all children nodes, only those that do not have children themselves.

There is also the static method StructError.chain(error, context) which is useful for catching errors and applying a context to them (if they are not already a StructError).

Node.js library

There are some specific helpers to help use Gruber in Node.js apps.


KoaRouter lets you use Gruber routes in an existing Koa application, for example:

import Koa from "koa";
import helmet from "koa-helmet";
import cors from "@koa/cors";
import static from "koa-static";
import mount from "koa-mount";

import { KoaRouter } from "gruber/koa-router.js";

const router = new KoaRouter({ routes: "..." });
const app = new Koa()
	.use(cors({ origin: "" }))
	.use(mount("/public", koaStatic("public")))



ExpressRouter lets you use Gruber routes in an Express application, for example:

import express from "express";
import cors from "cors";
import helmet from "helmet";
import morgan from "morgan";

import { ExpressRouter } from "gruber/express-router.js";

const router = new ExpressRouter({ routes: "..." });
const app = express()



For older version of Node.js that don't support the latest web-standards, there is a polyfil import you can use to add support for them to your runtime.

import "gruber/polyfill.js";

This currently polyfils these APIs:

HTTP helpers

There are a bunch of methods to help deal with Node's http library, like converting to Request and Response objects


getFetchRequest converts a node http.IncomingMessage into a Fetch API Request.

import http from "node:http";
import { getFetchRequest } from "gruber/node-router.js";

const server = http.createServer(async (req, res) => {
	const request = getFetchRequest(req);
	res.send(await req.text());

getFetchHeaders converts a http.IncomingHttpHeaders into a Fetch API Headers object.

import { getFetchHeaders } from "gruber/node-router.js";

const headers = getFetchHeaders({
	accept: "text/html",
	"set-cookie": ["bourbon=yummy", "digestive=nice"],
	"content-type": "application/json",

getIncomingMessageBody gets the body of a http.IncomingMessage as a Steams API ReadableStream.

import http from "node:http";
import { getIncomingMessageBody } from "gruber/node-router.js";

const server = http.createServer((req) => {
	const stream = getIncomingMessageBody(req);
	// ...

Release process

  1. Generate a new version at the root with npm version <version>
  2. Run the bundle ./bundle.js
  3. Publish the node module
    1. cd bundle/node
    2. npm publish
  4. Copy the deno source to the S3 bucket — bundle/

nice snippets

simpler loader

interface Loader<T> {
	(): T;

export function loader<T>(handler: Loader<T>): Loader<T> {
	let result: T | null = null;
	return () => {
		if (!result) result = handler();
		return result;

magic loader

interface Loader<T> {
	(): T;

// I know I said no magic...
export const magicLoad = Symbol("magicLoad");

export function loader<T>(handler: Loader<T>): Loader<T> {
	let result: T | null = null;
	return () => {
		if (loader[magicLoad]) return loader[magicLoad];
		if (!result) result = handler();
		return result;

generic backoff method

async function retryWithBackoff({
	maxRetries = 20,
	interval = 1_000,
}) {
	for (let i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) {
		try {
			const result = await handler();
			return result;
		} catch {
			await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, i * interval));
	console.error("Could not connect to database");

	maxTries: 20,
	interval: 1_000,
	async handler() {
		const sql = postgres(appConfig.database.url);
		await sql`SELECT 1`;
		return sql;

Rob's notes

  • core tests are deno because it's hard to do both and Deno is more web-standards based
  • json schema for configuration specs?
  • note or info about loading dot-env files
  • explain functional approach more and use of it instead of middleware
  • defineRouteGroup type primative for grouping routes together
  • Something like a res/ directory of files loaded into memory for use
  • Migration logging to stdout
  • Can configuration be done without superstruct?
  • Improve the Migrator API, e.g. run "n" migrations or an external set


Package last updated on 12 Apr 2024

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