Here is simple Migrate.exe wrapper. Provide path to executable(relative to project directory) and command-line parameters which will be passed directly to executable(you can list all parameters by typing Migrate.exe -h)
fluentmigrator: {
options: {
exePath: 'tools/migrator/Migrate.exe'
file: {
assembly : 'src/SomeProject.Migrations/bin/Debug/SomeProject.Migrations.dll',
output: true,
outputFileName: 'migrated.sql',
conn: "Server=.;initial catalog=SiteDb;Integrated Security=true;"
This default options will be merged with task-defined
exePath: 'Migrate.exe',
provider: 'sqlserver2012',
task: 'migrate'
Accepted command line arguments
'assebly', 'provider', 'conn', 'task', 'verbose', 'output', 'outfile', 'namespace', 'steps', 'preview', 'version', 'profile', 'timeout', 'workingdirectory', 'tag', 'context', 'tps'
Change log
0.1.3 (December 14, 2014)
- multitasking
- more concise task syntax
0.1.2 (June 9, 2014)
- Support all command-line parameters
- fixed bug with output file name and directory
0.1.1 (May 29, 2014)